With Author & Consciousness Explorer
Anoop Kumar, MD

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Discover the gateway to Oneness Consciousness and receive a skeleton key to the vastness of your own being by softening the mental boundaries that exist between you and everything else... including your deepest desires.


Have you ever felt like you’re outside looking in on your own life?

Like regardless of how hard you try, you just can’t seem to authentically connect with others, find your footing in the world, or allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to let anyone in?

It’s the proverbial gilded cage... what helps you feel safe also holds you back from the possibility and richness of life.

Imagine for a moment, how your life would change if you knew that all of your boundaries physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual were really just a collection of your life experiences...

... that have been fortified by perceptions and belief systems. The sense of disconnect or isolation you feel is the boundary that you’ve created between yourself and the peace, joy, sense of belonging, and ease that you crave.

The good news is that since these boundaries have been imagined by you, they can also be consciously reimagined. There is a way forward to a deeper sense of connection with the world, the Universe, your authentic self... and your deepest dreams and desires.

In this thought-provoking 7-module course with consciousness teacher and emergency physician Dr. Anoop Kumar, you’ll explore the subtleties of boundaries within the Three Minds framework of consciousness a fusion of quantum perspectives, daily life, and traditions of the classical Indian philosophy of Advaita Vedanta.

With Dr. Kumar, you’ll discover the infinitudes of your being as consciousness itself by gaining a heightened understanding of the relevance and limitations of the boundaries that shape your inner and outer worlds from spirituality to the scientific notions of gravity, energy, and human anatomy...

... and be immersed in the realization that the boundary between “inner and outer” is self-imposed.


As you break through the barriers that are masking your true essence, the peace, joy, and sense of belonging that await will start to permeate every facet of your being and life.

You’ll redefine your sense of self and what’s possible for your life through an expanded awareness of your personal boundaries, how you are actively creating them, and why... and you’ll learn how to shift between the Three Minds at will to experience individuation, Oneness Consciousness, and what lies beyond it.

You’ll begin by traversing the First Mind, where you’ll experience your mind and identity as something that exists within your body. You’ll start to bring into your conscious awareness subconscious questions such as: Where does the external fit with my internal experience?

With the Second Mind, you’ll ground into your boundlessness, exploring your human and spiritual luminosity within the lens of holographic and fractal theories, and a deepened sense of oneness with All That Is.

The Third Mind will ignite your curiosity as it beckons you to imagine what lies beyond Oneness Consciousness... a place of pure potentiality that holds the answers on how to navigate the future with confidence and courage.

Dr. Kumar’s journey into the mysteries of spirituality and the nature of personal and collective consciousness ignited a personal epiphany that led him to develop this unique, life-affirming approach to spirituality.

Join him to begin your shift into the boundlessness of being that integrates all that you are for greater connection, possibility, and ease within yourself and the world.


During this transformative course with Dr. Kumar, you’ll:

  • Discover the 3 Minds framework of consciousness
  • Gain deeper insights into the boundaries, objects, and events of the external world for greater inner clarity
  • Choose the boundaries that work for you and acknowledge and release the boundaries that don’t
  • Become adept at shifting between the 3 Minds at will to experience individuation, Oneness Consciousness, and what lies beyond it
  • Explore boundaries as a collection of life experiences that have been fortified by perceptions and belief systems
  • Get to know the infinitudes of your being as consciousness itself
  • Unveil the truth of boundaries, how they are neither good nor bad and how all boundaries arise from the ocean of unboundedness
  • Learn how a sense of disconnect and isolation is a boundary that you’ve created between yourself and the peace, joy, sense of belonging, and ease that you crave
  • Explore a unifying understanding of integrative medicine and all healing systems across the world
  • Discover a new process that helps managers understand themselves and the scenarios they are managing more completely
  • Identify a new, more complete model of human anatomy
  • Investigate the role of nutrition, movement, rest, and connection in navigating the Transition Zone
  • Experience your inner world as a mirror of your outer world
  • Identify your boundaries as malleable, modifiable, and tangible things that change with your life experience
  • Explore the gold mine of the Transition Zone to clarify your boundaries
  • Discover what a new world entails

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Anoop will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to experience Oneness Consciousnesses and the vastness of your own being for greater possibility, authenticity, and ease within yourself and the world.

This course will step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Anoop. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to integrate your Three Minds for greater possibility, consciousness, and ease.

Module 1: Beyond Science & Spirituality


Today, science and spirituality are converging to yield deeper insights into the nature of consciousness, the world, and our own nature. Science has peered into the macro and the micro, and spirituality peers into our own world of experience.

Where are the boundaries of science and spirituality? Where do they converge?

During the first module, you’ll ponder the possibility that what you’re seeking is an experience that can be captured neither scientifically nor spiritually... at least not within the traditional forms of science and spirituality.

You’ll begin by looking at consciousness through the basic assumptions of science. What is the process of science? What assumptions does it make? You’ll then take the same approach to examining the practical knowledge that you acquire moment to moment in your daily life, and to examining how you acquire spiritual knowledge.

In examining these, you’ll come to see the traditional limitations of each, which you can start to resolve throughout the rest of the course.

During this opening session, you’ll examine:

  • The boundaries of science and spirituality
  • Scientific and spiritual approaches to consciousness how they work, and what their strengths and weaknesses are
  • Approaches to understanding gravity, energy, and human anatomy and their benefits and limitations
  • The basis of seeking experiences that cannot be captured scientifically or spiritually

Module 2: A Battle of Boundaries


We are faced with boundaries all day, every day. Look in front of you now. You’ll see that your vision is naturally limited by the boundary of a wall or another object. Think back to yesterday, and you’ll see that your memory is limited by some mental boundary.

When you begin to recognize that the world we see is a representation of boundaries, the core challenge that you are addressing in your life is crystallized.

Boundaries are everywhere. There are all kinds of boundaries physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and more. It is in intimately seeing and acknowledging these boundaries that you can begin to answer the question that all philosophers and spiritualists, and even some scientists, have been trying to answer:

What defines the things that make up this world, including our own bodies?

The benefit of crystallizing the problem is that you’ll begin to see that all the knowledge of the world that’s been categorized into different fields such as science, philosophy, spirituality, and more, are in fact differentiated aspects of a core knowledge.

With this, the stage is set for you to choose the boundaries that will empower your purpose and wellbeing... and to realize how to move beyond as necessary.

In this module, you’ll discover how:

  • Boundaries are everywhere, always influencing how we experience ourselves and the world
  • Boundaries are neither good nor bad they are the nature of the world
  • All fields, knowledge, and experiences share the essential characteristic of being defined by boundaries
  • You can choose the boundaries that work for you and acknowledge and release the boundaries that don’t work for you

Module 3: The First Mind


Now that you have a clear understanding of the boundaries that you’re constantly interfacing with, what can you do about them?

In this module, you’ll explore the First Mind, which connects the experience of boundaries that are out there in the world around you with the experience of the boundaries that are in here as your own sense of identity.

Ultimately, you’ll discover that your boundaries and the boundaries of this world are intimately related. This realization throws open the doors to a new world of exploration.

During the third class, you’ll discover how:

  • The way you experience your inner world is also the way you experience the outer world
  • The inner and outer worlds are not two there is only one experience, cleaved by an unexamined boundary
  • Your boundaries are malleable, modifiable, and tangible
  • As you attend to the boundary of your own identity, you gain insight into the boundaries, objects, and events of the external world
  • Emotion, thought, perception, and experience are all centered on the linchpin of identity

Module 4: The Second Mind


Now that you have surveyed the landscape, crystallized the problem, and are seeing how the nature of the world is intimately related to our own experience of identity, you’ll approach the question:

Where do boundaries come from?

This inquiry leads to the recognition of the Second Mind, which is of the nature of nonlocal, undifferentiated consciousness. Through playing with your own sense of boundary, you’ll begin to see how all boundaries arise from the ocean of unboundedness.

Releasing your boundaries with the dexterity gained from previous modules, you’ll reestablish yourself as your Second Mind nature and begin to see the world and all knowledge fields anew.

During the fourth module, you’ll discover how:

  • Boundaries are superimpositions of the nonmaterial
  • You can experience your boundaries as your own identity
  • Seeing the rising and subsiding of boundaries is the goal of all scientific and spiritual processes
  • All boundaries arise from a common origin
  • Your true nature is boundless

Module 5: The Transition Zone


Shifting from the First to the Second Mind is a process of reorientation, which can be rife with ups and downs if the transition is not well understood.

Having learned the nature of boundaries, you can now become more intimate with the process of working with your boundaries as you move through a Transition Zone of ups and downs.

What are our own personal boundaries made of? What holds them in place? How can you positively leverage the content of your boundaries, rather than being constricted by them?

You’ll explore the depths of your personal stories and experiences that have created the lines of your boundaries, learn to release experiences that no longer serve you... and work with those experiences that define you in the way that you would like to show up in the world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the gold mine of the Transition Zone to clarify your boundaries
  • Discover the role that boundaries play in integrating all aspects of life
  • Understand that the ups and downs of the spiritual process can be exacerbated by a misunderstanding of this Transition Zone
  • Investigate the role of nutrition, movement, rest, and connection in navigating the Transition Zone
  • Use boundaries to keep your foundation strong even when storms occur

Module 6: The Third Mind


What we call the Third Mind is neither known nor unknown. It is neither the local, personal identity nor the nonlocal, undifferentiated identity.

It is that which appears as the vast and the infinite, that which appears as reality and superimposition, that which goes beyond language and struggle. To inquire into the Third Mind is to fall into silence.

During the sixth module, you’ll:

  • Investigate how the local is related to the nonlocal and where they arise from
  • Move beyond words to experience rest and explore silence
  • Discover how the advancement of society is the movement from the First to the Second Mind the Third Mind simply is
  • Acknowledge the struggle to gain the 3 Minds and settle into the knowing that they are always with you

Module 7: Applications of the Second Mind


If we, as a civilization, come to recognize and engage with the bigger picture of who we are and our potential therein, how could this positively transform our lives?

During the concluding class, Dr. Kumar will guide you through the Second Mind society. How can Second Mind experience and understanding inform healthcare, energy, science, and politics?

Within this answer lie new models of human anatomy, new ways of understanding the world, and new ways of organizing natural tendencies and talents to benefit a truly advanced civilization.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • A new, more complete model of human anatomy
  • A unifying understanding of integrative medicine and all healing systems across the world
  • A new approach by which science can understand the world more completely
  • A new process of management that helps managers understand themselves and the scenarios they’re managing more completely
  • What a new world entails

The Boundlessness of Being Bonus Collection

In addition to Anoop’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Mind the Gap
Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar

In medical schools today, the mind is not well understood because it is not fundamentally biomedical in nature. How can we “mind the gap” between mind and body to better understand the human being as a whole? In this intriguing video with Dr. Kumar, you’ll explore the gap between ideals of health, wellbeing, and healing and the actual realities of suffering... to discover new ways of mending the gap for higher health and wellbeing.


What Is the Mind?
Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar

Never mind. I lost my mind. Mind over matter. We hear such phrases all the time. But what is the mind, exactly? In this video, you’ll explore the nature of the mind and how we can reconcile it with matter in service of a deeper understanding of medicine. As you begin to explore Second Mind Medicine, an offshoot of Anoop’s Three Minds approach to consciousness, you’ll also come to understand the nature of consciousness itself and your place within it.


Meditation From the 3 Bodies Course
Audio Recording From Anoop Kumar

One way to see the human being as a whole is to model the being as three bodies: physical, mental, and energetic. In this meditation with Anoop, you’ll explore the energetic anatomy of the human being to expand your sense of inner wholeness and what constitutes the perceived physicality of a whole human being. As you’ll discover, what we refer to as the physical body is actually a collection of perspectives.


How to Experience Your 3 Bodies
Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar

What is energy? Who is an expert on energy? Is it the scientist? The philosopher? In this lecture from Dr. Kumar’s 3 Bodies course, you’ll dive into these profound, broad questions. The answers that arise for you when you watch this video teaching may surprise you... and help you bridge the worlds of understanding and experience.


What People Are Saying About Anoop Kumar...

“Anoop has delved into consciousness from top to bottom.”

Anoop has delved into consciousness from top to bottom. He has explored these issues with remarkable insight and subtlety.
Deepak Chopra, author of Practicing Mindfulness and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

“He has a unique ability to combine Eastern and Western traditions, and offers a fresh perspective that holds solutions to these unusual times...”

I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Dr. Kumar through interviewing him, reading his work, watching his videos, and guest lecturing with him at George Washington University. He has a unique ability to combine Eastern and Western traditions, and offers a fresh perspective that holds solutions to these unusual times we are currently navigating.
Eva Ritvo, MD

“Dr. Kumar should be in charge of improving the healthcare system in the United States.”

Dr. Kumar should be in charge of improving the healthcare system in the United States. He understands the gaps in our current doctor-patient relationships.
Howard M.

“He can speak fluidly between science, spirituality, and religion...”

I discovered Dr. Anoop Kumar’s work on YouTube. I bought his book, Is This a Dream? and have already read it twice. I really appreciate Dr. Kumar’s lucid clarity. He can speak fluidly between science, spirituality, and religion, and not get bogged down by languages, lenses, and perspectives. He can see clearly that our human minds are all conditioned and filled with unconscious biases, even with the lens of nonduality. I find his freedom from any dogma to be very refreshing.
Shofen Lee

“Dr. Anoop Kumar’s work has given me fresh insights and tools for living a life of inner wellbeing...”

Dr. Anoop Kumar’s work has given me fresh insights and tools for living a life of inner wellbeing and outer creativity and positive self-expression.
Steve Chandler


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Anoop Kumar

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from author and consciousness explorer Anoop Kumar, MD from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to experience Oneness Consciousnesses and the vastness of your own being for greater possibility, authenticity, and ease.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Boundlessness of Being Bonus Collection
  • Mind the Gap
    Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar
  • What Is the Mind?
    Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar
  • Meditation From the 3 Bodies Course
    Audio Recording From Anoop Kumar
  • How to Experience Your 3 Bodies
    Video Teaching From Anoop Kumar

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Explore the Boundlessness of Being Using the 3 Minds Approach to Greater Consciousness, Ease & Wellbeing Online Training


We feel honored that Anoop Kumar has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an author and consciousness explorer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about integrating your Three Minds for greater possibility and consciousness, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Explore the Boundlessness of Being Using the 3 Minds Approach to Greater Consciousness, Ease & Wellbeing or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Anoop Kumar, MD...

“It felt like I found a part of myself.”

Thank you for introducing me to this. It all made so much sense to me. It felt like I found a part of myself. I’m speechless, and so grateful for this.
S. Hudson

“The manner in which you present the material is perfect and so thought-provoking.”

I am so very thankful that I signed up. The manner in which you present the material is perfect and so thought-provoking. I have gained so many new insights and perspectives. Thank you for the work you have done!

“This course has changed the way I see my life.”

Preet Bassi


About Anoop Kumar, MD

Anoop Kumar, MD, MMgt, enjoys exploring and communicating about the intersection of consciousness and everything else. He is an emergency physician, public speaker, columnist for Emergency Medicine News, and author of Michelangelo’s Medicine and Is This a Dream?

By spending time in both India and the United States as a child, Anoop grew to appreciate the differences between these cultures. He inadvertently began developing a framework for these differences when his parents exposed him to the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which became his playground as he explored consciousness and its relationship with identity and the world. Against this backdrop, school seemed to be lacking something critical in-depth knowledge of the nature of being human. This was the seed of Anoop’s desire to acquire and communicate this knowledge publicly.

To communicate insights into the nature of consciousness as comprehensively as possible, Anoop developed the Three Minds framework a transdisciplinary approach that integrates consciousness, identity, and the subjective and objective worlds. He applies the Three Minds framework to identify the specific changes needed in such fields as healthcare, education, and spirituality to further advance our society.

By training, Anoop is board-certified in emergency medicine and holds a master’s degree in management with a focus in health leadership.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
