With Dream Analyst, Hypnotherapist & Host of the “Ask Dr. Dream” Podcast
Kelly Sullivan Walden

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Dream to awaken your authentic self and the inner wildness that you entered the world with... for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom.


When was the last time you felt whole in your soul?

If you’re like most, such moments of feeling steeped in your power, light as air, and yet anchored deep into your being... tend to leave much too quickly.

Yet, with the right guidance, they can stay... permanently.

In this 7-module journey for rediscovering, nurturing, and expressing your soul’s wildness, dream analyst and hypnotherapist Kelly Sullivan Walden will help you reconnect with your wholeness through the wild, awakened dreamer within.

Kelly’s 5-step dreamwork process lulls the deepest, most authentic version of who you are to the surface, allowing this awakened dreamer to dream a new, more enlivened you.

The quest for wholeness is really an invocation within your soul for the return of your own wildness the pure, free, and authentic version of you that existed before life happened... and that has been made ever more luminous by the breadth and depth of your life experiences.

Kelly has guided thousands of dreamers through the light and shadows of their dreams to their fullest potential and wholeness, unveiling the true purpose of nightmares, uncomfortable dreams, and dream peculiarities...

... and how to reclaim and alchemize this suppressed energy to become positively energized and fully realized.

During your time with Kelly, you’ll discover that to survive the wilderness of life, you must become the wilderness. In essence, you must become the dream that you seek to fully manifest it and live a life that is worth dreaming upon.

The dream and the dreamer will become one when you explore, craft, and incubate the dream that is you and follow the path that leads you back home to yourself and the life you were meant to live.

You’ll set a Dream Declaration of Independence to free your wild, awakened self from the shadows of fear, the propensity for people-pleasing, and the prison of self-limiting conditioning.

You’ll master a fear-to-fuel alchemical formula for moving beyond the shackles of the past...

... and call in a potent symbol that ignites your soul’s wildness and inspires deeper dreams.

You’ll be guided through powerfully revealing meditations and dreamwork practices that lift the veil on your own resistance to change, inviting your soul’s wildness to emerge from the depths and light the way forward.

In doing so, you’ll ultimately find the path to loving yourself unconditionally and experience the joyful elevation of your soul’s wildness and your body’s vitality. The aches and pains of the old, and the need for meaningless fillers in your daily life will begin falling away as naturally as winter gives way to spring.

As you master the art of decoding your dreams and break through the barriers that have been keeping you small and holding you “in your place,” your wild, awakened self will become stronger, bolder, and more confidently expressed.

Nightmares and terrors will be seen for what they really are: unfinished dreams that are ready to be loved and nurtured into existence.

Are you ready to dream yourself anew? To meet the wild, awakened dreamer within... the one who has been orchestrating your daytime and nighttime dreams all along?

Join Kelly on this inspiring dreamwork journey to awaken the wildness within for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom.


Along the Way of the Awakened Dreamer, you’ll:

  • Discover how your dreams are trying to awaken your authentic self the wildness you entered the world with
  • Explore the unique expression of your soul’s wildness
  • Discover how your nightmares are actually unfinished dreams
  • Master the 5 steps to being an awakened dreamer
  • Realize a dream as your personal anthem
  • Set a strong Dream Declaration of Independence
  • Be immersed in the art of dream-crafting to alter the world around you
  • Realize how even your most unruly dreams or nightmares can support your health, healing, and wholeness
  • Integrate “dream gold” into your waking life
  • Learn the Jet Set Dream Interpretation formula
  • Recognize a powerful symbol that ignites your wild soulfulness and inspires deeper dreams
  • Understand how the fear-to-fuel alchemical formula catalyzes disturbing or troublesome dreams
  • Identify a Dream Project something you will do or create in your waking world by the end of the course to demonstrate your soul’s inner wildness
  • Receive a meditation to settle you into the feeling of home that comes with acting, living, and breathing from the deepest part of yourself
  • Receive a meditation for discovering the next step your wild, awakened dreamer is nudging you toward

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Kelly will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to help you reconnect with your wholeness through the wild, awakened dreamer within.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Kelly. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to awaken your authentic self and the inner wildness that you entered the world with... for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom.

Module 1: What’s Your Why? Setting the Intention for Invigorated Wildness


How are your dreams trying to awaken your authentic self the wildness you entered the world with?

Regardless of the opinions you hold about yourself or what you’ve been through, there is always an aspect of who you are that is sovereign and intact, which can never be hurt, harmed, or endangered.

In this opening module with Kelly, you’ll explore what it means to be whole in your soul... an awakened dreamer, allowing the deeper parts of your being to rise and shine.

What do you notice as you begin to feel into your wholeness? How do you feel? What might you gain if you allowed this authentic energy into your life? What might the world gain?

You’ll also:

  • Explore the 5 steps to being an awakened dreamer
  • Set an intention for what you want to gain from this course and from your wild, awakened self
  • Consider how the authentic version of you shows up in your dreams and allow this being to dream through you
  • Incubate a dream about your awakened dreamer your wild, awakened self
  • Identify a Dream Project something you will do or create in your waking world by the end of the course to demonstrate your soul’s inner wildness
  • Discover the difference between your wholeness and the version of yourself you regularly relate to

Module 2: The Invocation Calling in The Wild


What or who inspires you to be yourself?

In this module, you’ll find an awakened dreamer role model someone alive or deceased, real or imagined to help you alchemize any latent resistance you may hold to awakening and liberating your soul’s wildness.

Is there someone who inspires you and embodies the kind of awakening that you resonate with? What can you learn from them about how you can step more powerfully into your soul?

Under Kelly’s guidance, you’ll explore a “quickening meditation” where you’ll identify the primary qualities you admire in those you look up to... and see these qualities mirrored back to you as your higher self the one you have been admiring all along.

You’ll be encouraged to listen to this meditation again at bedtime to pass the baton to your dreams and your dreaming mind to embed this experience viscerally into your body and your subconscious mind.

In this module, you’ll also discover:

  • How to set a strong Dream Declaration of Independence
  • The unique expression of your soul’s wildness
  • How to use your dreams to shine a light on your resistance to awakening
  • A “quickening meditation” where you’ll identify the primary qualities you admire in those you look up to

Module 3: Dream Crafting & Radical Dream Breakthroughs


How can we love what we find unlovable?

For many of us, our wild, awakened self lives in the shadows. This is the messy, bold, sensual, creative self that was criticized and told to retreat, lest we be ostracized.

In this module, you’ll discover how dreamwork can be used to help you love the parts of yourself you have hidden away...

... and how this integration of energy elevates your vitality and confidence, reduces aches and pains, and diminishes the desire for fillers such as sugar, shopping, excessive screen time, or even the need to know the details of other people’s lives.

You’ll also explore how even your most unruly dreams or nightmares are there to support your health, healing, and wholeness... and help you become the soulful wild being you came here to be.

During this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to love the unlovable through dreamwork
  • Discover how your nightmares are actually unfinished dreams
  • Explore the fear-to-fuel alchemical formula
  • Be immersed in the art of dream-crafting to alter the world around you

Module 4: Interpreting Dream Symbols, Signs & Synchronicities


It has been said that an uninterpreted dream is like an unread letter.

In this module, you’ll begin to allow your wild, awakened self to decode your dreams.

Your soul’s inner wildness is always at the helm of your dreams... just waiting for an opportunity to reintroduce you to your own magic.

Whether it’s dreams where you’re flying or being chased, or the expansive cosmic dreams that elevate your consciousness... your authentic self is always trying to nudge you to allow more of who you truly are to rise to the surface.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The telltale signs of quintessential awakened dreams
  • How to integrate the dreaming perspective in your waking life
  • How to receive and incorporate power from your dreams
  • The Jet Set Dream Interpretation formula
  • Integration techniques for transferring “dream gold” into your waking life
  • A powerful symbol that ignites your wild soulfulness and inspires deeper dreams

Module 5: Taking Responsibility for Your Power


Truly living your most soulful expression requires boundaries that allow the road to narrow and the vista to broaden.

Once you begin feeling the rumbling of your wild, awakened soul, your energy will improve, your creativity will flourish... and you’ll likely feel pulled in a million directions from well-meaning family members, society, or pressures that you place upon yourself.

In this module, you’ll explore how at the center of you sits a most loving, creative, unique, pure, and precious soul. And how it’s possible to live from the place within where the Universe dances, the stars align, and authenticity reigns supreme... while effortlessly managing your power.

Many of us are more comfortable playing the victim than the victor because we are afraid of the power of our luminosity, of our wild and awakened selves.
It’s time to develop a healthy relationship with your personal power.

You’ll experience:

  • A meditation to settle you into the feeling of home that comes with acting, living, and breathing from the deepest part of yourself
  • The return to your power to all levels of your being
  • How to become responsible for your power

Module 6: Dream Bridging Your Charge Is to Enlarge


How do you survive the wilderness? Become the wilderness.

It has been said that if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room.

This modules’s mission is to become comfortable being a little uncomfortable, as you explore the ways in which your dreams are helping you take a risk, up your game, or pursue something outside of your comfort zone... that also moves you closer to your waking dream.

What if standing on the edge of what you know, and don’t know, is where all the power in the Universe resides?

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How your dreams can help you heal the split between polarities
  • How to bridge the gap between shadow and light within and without
  • A meditation for discovering the next step your wild, awakened dreamer is nudging you toward
  • What Reverend Michael B. Beckwith meant when he said, “What if living on your edge with your wild soulfulness wasn’t terrifying at all, but the most natural thing in the world?”

Module 7: Taking It to the Streets As We Are Lifted, All Are Lifted


The way of the awakened dreamer will reconnect you with your soul’s wildness, and the unique way your dreams speak to you.

When we live this soulfully, our health improves, navigational guidance is amplified, and our enjoyment of every moment becomes magical.

Now that your awakened dreamer is amplified within you, you’ll consider what you are called to do.

What if you were at the brink of a true awakening... not just for yourself, but for the collective?

Perhaps this is the moment for which you incarnated when you could access your wild soulfulness to be a change agent in the world.

It’s easier to own your power when you realize it’s not all about you. You were gifted with it so that you have enough to give to others... to make the world a better place, and to leave a legacy of empowerment behind to all those who come after you.

In this final module, you’ll realize:

  • A dream as your personal anthem
  • A vision of your future with your wild, awakened self guiding the way
  • How to incubate transpersonal dreams to heal others and your world through dreams
  • Your Dream Project and present it
  • How to set intentions for where you go from here, remembering that dreams speak the language of the soul and one person’s soul touches the soul of the world

The Awakened Dreamer Bonus Collection

In addition to Kelly’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle
11-Part Masterclass Series From Kelly Sullivan Walden and Rassouli

In mythical stories, the hero is called to embark upon a perilous journey to find the treasure, slay the dragon, or rescue the damsel in distress. This quest will take him/her through a dangerous labyrinth where he/she ultimately comes face-to-face with his/her power in the form of mythical animals, creatures, or challenges. In this 11-part masterclass series with bestselling dream author Kelly Sullivan Walden and Fusionartist Rassouli, you’ll awaken the hero within, unlock the hidden insights of your dreams, and navigate every stage of your archetypal quest with clarity.


Intimate Conversation Series With Shift Faculty
Three One-on-One Video Dialogues With Kelly Sullivan Walden and Cyndi Dale, Robert Moss, and HeatherAsh Amara

Join Kelly in this behind-the-scenes video series with one-on-one candid conversations with some of her friends and Shift Network’s favorite faculty: Cyndi Dale, an internationally renowned author of nearly 30 books on energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality; Robert Moss, a celebrated dream teacher and creator of Active Dreaming; and HeatherAsh Amara, author of the Warrior Goddess series and founder of the Toltec Center of Creative Intent, as they discuss never-before shared dreams, energy healing modalities, and practices that relate to honoring and unchaining the wildness within.


Excerpts From It’s All in Your Dreams
Three PDF Chapters From the Book by Kelly Sullivan Walden

What are your dreams trying to tell you? What can they teach you? In these three chapters from dream analyst and media personality Kelly Sullivan Walden’s book, It’s All in Your Dreams, you’ll learn how to remember and use your dreams to craft the waking life you desire. Learn about Kelly’s five-step DREAM process (Declaration, Remembrance, Embodiment, Activation, and Mastermind) to decipher the meaning of your dreams.


What People Are Saying About Kelly Sullivan Walden...


Jane Carleton: “Kelly Brings Amazing Gifts to the Field of Dream Studies”

“Kelly helps you discover your unlimited potential.”

Kelly helps you discover your unlimited potential. She creates an environment that allows you to release your fear. Without fear you can trust, with trust comes freedom, with freedom, you can!
Vondie Curtis Hall, Emmy Award-winning actor/director, and president of SPIRIT Awards and LA Film Festival

“Her dream interpretations are amazing!”

Loni Love, comedienne and host of The Real TV

“I feel beautiful we all do in her presence!”

I am grateful to Kelly Sullivan Walden for the amazing work she does and for creating such a transformational space in her presentations. She is an amazing woman with extraordinary gifts. I feel beautiful we all do in her presence!
Suzanne Rock, founder of Young Women Encircle

“For those who use practical tools to study how dreams alter their feelings and aspirations, Kelly Sullivan Walden provides wonderful insights.”

For those who use practical tools to study how dreams alter their feelings and aspirations, Kelly Sullivan Walden provides wonderful insights. She knows that dreaming is about waking up to a larger life.
Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, aka “Dr. Quantum” from the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!?


Join the Global Community


The Way of the Awakened Dreamer offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Kelly Sullivan Walden will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Kelly Sullivan Walden

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from dream analyst and hypnotherapist Kelly Sullivan Walden, host of the “Ask Dr. Dream” Podcast from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to dream to awaken your authentic self and the inner wildness you entered the world with, for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Awakened Dreamer Bonus Collection
  • Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle
    11-Part Masterclass Series From Kelly Sullivan Walden and Rassouli
  • Intimate Conversation Series With Shift Faculty
    Three One-on-One Video Dialogues With Kelly Sullivan Walden and Cyndi Dale, Robert Moss, and HeatherAsh Amara
  • Excerpts From It’s All in Your Dreams
    Three PDF Chapters From the Book by Kelly Sullivan Walden

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Way of the Awakened Dreamer Online Training


We feel honored that Kelly Sullivan Walden has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the dream analyst, hypnotherapist, and host of the “Ask Dr. Dream” podcast whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about awakening your authentic self and the inner wildness that you entered the world with through dreaming, for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Way of the Awakened Dreamer or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Kelly Sullivan Walden...

“Kelly Sullivan Walden offers a refreshing new look at the power of our dreams, the guidance our souls are truly hungering for.”

For a profound level of healing, empowerment, and life-changing guidance, Kelly Sullivan Walden offers a refreshing new look at the power of our dreams, the guidance our souls are truly hungering for.
Lynn V. Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of the Medicine Woman book series

“Kelly has a great sense of humor  and with her guidance, even the most terrifying dreams become rich fodder for the soil of the soul.”

As a dream coach, Kelly Walden is supportive, empathic, open, and creative. Her intuition has been completely spot on; even when I think I know the meaning of a dream, she adds another insight that takes me deeper. But not only is Kelly a dream coach, she is also a partner on my spiritual path. She is not afraid of the “big picture” of people’s lives, and encourages growth and creativity. Oh, and did I say FUN? Kelly has a great sense of humor and with her guidance, even the most terrifying dreams become rich fodder for the soil of the soul.
Joan Gelfand, award-winning poet and national president of the Women’s National Book Association

“I am so blessed and so grateful for this beautiful goddess angel person named Kelly!!”

Kelly’s dream workshops have been a quantum evolutionary, profoundly empowering experience for me, and I am so grateful for her bringing such an element of high and profound presence to her work. She is the best kind of alchemist... the kind that awakens the alchemist in all of us. I am so blessed and so grateful for this beautiful goddess angel person named Kelly!! And for all the space she has held for me to give me back to myself!
Jenny Karns, Body Temple Healing, Jenny Karns Productions

“My work with Kelly has had a profound effect on my desire to restructure how I will invite the evolution and unfoldment of my business!”

My work with Kelly has had a profound effect on my desire to restructure how I will invite the evolution and unfoldment of my business! Mille grazie!”
Bruce Royer, president/producer, Royer Studios


About Kelly Sullivan Walden

Kelly Sullivan Walden is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams. Known as one of America’s premiere dream analysts, Kelly has authored more than 10 books, including the recently released Luminous Humanness: 365 Ways to Go, Grow & Glow to Make it Your Best Year Yet. She is the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and The Unexplainable and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions, and the multi-award-winning author of The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle cards, journal, meditations, and app.

As a dream expert, Kelly is a regular guest on many national talk shows, including The Dr. Oz Show, The Real, Coast to Coast AM, and Hallmark’s Home & Family. She’s decoded dreams for celebrities such as Topher Grace, Stassi Schroeder, Logan Paul, Rikki Lake, The Real Housewives of Orange County, and Dancing with the Stars’ Maksim Chmerkovskiy, to name just a few.

Kelly is a certified clinical hypnotherapist whose unique approach to dream therapy led her to become a trusted advisor, enriching the lives of thousands of individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, UN ambassadors, celebrities, inner-city kids, and stay-at-home moms. She is an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and the host of the Ask Dr. Dream podcast.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
