With Founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork &
Trauma Release System®
Giten Tonkov

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Explore ways to release negative emotions in your body’s seven energy centers using deep, connected breathing, gentle movement, conscious touch, and sound so you can live your best life.


Do you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel of life mindlessly going through the motions, uninspired, and disconnected? In tumultuous times like these, it’s easy to feel out of sorts or in a funk.

If you’ve been listless, reacting from a place of fear or lacking vitality and empowerment, your life-force energy may not be flowing freely through you. Blockages can negatively impact your physical wellness, emotional stability, and your spiritual potential.

Giten Tonkov, pioneering breath and body-oriented therapist, believes that by opening and clearing the seven energy centers in your body with breathwork, you can re-energize, heal, and move through the world being more loving, optimistic, and aware.

These energy centers, known as chakras, are located in the central channel of the spine where the energy flows from its base up to the crown of the head.

When our chakras are in balance, there is a feeling of security and ease within. We feel in touch with our bodies and feelings, confident in our wisdom and how we express ourselves.

Giten will take you through his powerful healing process, the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® (BBTRS®) using deep, connected breathing, movement, conscious touch, sound, and meditation. His practices support your body’s natural process for releasing chronic tension, self-restricting patterns, and emotional trauma clearing the way for feelings of joy, self-love, and deep relaxation.

During this 7-module program, you’ll be guided to start at the base of your spine, where you’ll find safety and let go of fear. You’ll progress up through the body awakening your power, opening your heart, freeing your voice, and tapping into your innate intuition. You’ll culminate at the crown of your head and be guided through the most mysterious and energizing secret in the universe, a transcendence that will illuminate your divine purpose.


During this healing 7-module journey, you’ll discover:

  • How recognizing your patterns and reactions are the sacred keys to transformation
  • Your inner and outer resources that calm you while making you feel safe
  • How natural breathing practices can open you up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life
  • How to integrate strategies for keeping your heart safe and protected by deepening into trust, compassion, and connection to others
  • The tools for promoting self-care, love, and responsibility
  • That deep breathing is the starting place of creativity
  • The ways to access one’s inner wisdom and deep-seated intuition
  • Your higher calling or purpose in life
  • What trauma you bring from your ancestral lineage
  • How to track your expanded body awareness using the concepts of felt sense and resource
  • The bridge from the conscious to the subconscious mind, allowing your parasympathetic nervous system to kick in
  • A BioDynamic Breathwork practice that incorporates all 7 energy centers

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Giten will lead you on an incredible journey of energy awareness and active healing, restoring vitality to your body, mind, and spirit. Through beautiful breathwork practices, utilizing movement, sound, and touch, you’ll be re-energized to live in perfect harmony with yourself.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Giten. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to clear the negative emotions in your body’s seven energy centers to restore your health and vitality.

Module 1: Finding Safety Through Felt Sense


Many of us carry generational trauma that we inherited from our ancestral lineage. We harbor impacts of the past based on who our ancestors were and and what they lived through discrimination, violence, poverty, and more  perpetuating an ongoing negative cycle that gets unknowingly carried forward.

In this first module, Giten will work with you on clearing your first chakra, your connection to the ground and your ancestral roots. You’ll use your felt sense being present in your body, allowing yourself to experience physical sensations without attaching meaning to them so you can overcome being stuck in an emotional charge that negatively impacts your wellbeing.

Giten will guide you through identifying the physical sensations in the body, so you can go deep to find the places of safety within. By diminishing the level of negative charge, we can find resources that protect us, while providing warmth and comfort throughout the body.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of opening the root chakra
  • What trauma you bring from your ancestral lineage
  • How to work with your felt sense
  • Your internal resources and felt sensations for a deeper understanding of your inner landscape
  • How recognizing your patterns and reactions are the sacred keys to transformation
  • Your external resources and how to use them for a sustainable feeling of safety and peace
  • A practice using felt sense to release the negative baggage from your ancestral past

Module 2: Releasing Pent-Up Fear


When we experience fear or other negative feelings, our abdominal area bears the brunt of those negative emotions. Fear makes us hold our bellies tight because we’re unconsciously trying to shield those vital organs that aren’t protected by a hard shell. When our stomachs are contracted, it diminishes the volume of breath we can take in.

When we're contracted because of those painful feelings, it impacts all the organs that are housed in the abdominal cavity. It diminishes the movement of the diaphragm and cuts off our ability to breathe deeply.

Giten will work with you to go into your belly so you can access where you store fear.

You’ll do a visualization where you tap into your inner and outer resources to release the negative energy, allowing your physical body to engage fully expanding and contracting with each breath.

Through the use of felt sense, you’ll move this tension breathing into it, and moving it with expression, with your voice, and with movement using pendulation and titrations and feel its release from your body.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of unblocking your sacral chakra
  • Your inner and outer resources that calm you while making you feel safe
  • How to utilize your body’s natural rhythm of moving between the contraction of tension and the expansion of relaxation in a process called pendulation
  • Why chest breathing can cause upset in your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, resulting in dizziness and increased heart rate
  • When your blood is not being properly oxygenated, your body can provide a stress signal that contributes to anxiety and panic attacks
  • A practice to release core tension in your body and balance the nervous system by bringing awareness to your physical sensations

Module 3: Awakening to Your Power


In this module, you'll harvest the energy that materialized when fear was released in the previous session... and turn it into power.

Your solar plexus is all about manifesting your purpose or will. This energy center provides the fortitude and momentum to move forward and realize your desires and intentions in the world. It’s responsible for the development of your personal power. It feeds the direction of your life and the actions you take to reach your goals.

Mismanaging and suppressing your energy, as well as traumatic stress, affects the solar plexus. It leaves a person robbed of empowerment. Giten will help you reclaim your personal power, by creating a clear path and gaining control of your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of clearing your solar plexus chakra
  • What power means to you
  • How, when you define yourself as ego, you’re limiting your potential
  • The slower your breath, the longer your life expectancy
  • How natural breathing practices can open you up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life
  • How trauma, limiting beliefs, and subconsciously holding energy patterns keep you from living your most joyous life
  • A practice that will galvanize you to realize your potential by building on your own personal power

Module 4: Opening Your Heart to Love


We’re all born with the impulse to reach out for things that make us happy and bring pleasure.

If we’re met with deprivation or punishment for reaching out, we contract and withdraw. To shield our heart, we create a shell of protection around it.

It might seem like a good thing to create armor around the heart to keep it from experiencing emotional trauma, but if we want to be loved, love causes both pleasure and pain. When we cut off the pain, we also cut off the pleasure. We can’t have one without the other.

Giten will explore softening this armor plate around the heart. You’ll work on surrendering this protection and allowing your heart to be open so you can feel deep love and connection again.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of opening your heart chakra
  • The ways in which you’ve kept your heart protected in the past
  • How to integrate strategies for keeping your heart safe and protected by deepening into trust, compassion, and connection to others
  • The tools for promoting self care, love, and responsibility
  • The ways to open to greater joy and the ability to live in the present
  • A practice to soften the armoring space around the heart and restore the impulse to reach out for connection

Module 5: Freeing Yourself to Express & Create


We all want to be heard by those that matter to us because it helps deepen our connection to them family, friends, co-workers but too often we feel unheard and disrespected. Communicating our honest feelings can make us feel insecure and vulnerable and sometimes we stifle our own voice without realizing it.

Your throat chakra, which is responsible for how you communicate and express yourself, gives you the ability to speak your personal truth. Healing this fifth chakra can help you better express yourself and free you to be more creative and authentic.

Giten will show you how sound can resonate in your body and how it can help you let go of shyness, repression, and insecurities, so you can speak and express yourself openly and honestly.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of unblocking your throat chakra
  • The past ways you’ve compromised your freedom of expression
  • How to break up stagnation and monotony so that everything feels fresh and alive
  • That deep breathing is the starting place of creativity
  • By inducing deep states of flow, your brain will function more optimally and your creativity will be enhanced
  • A practice that will include working with various sounds that affect different parts of your body

Module 6: Intuiting Your Highest Potential


When your intuition is in tune and you’re in a mindful space, you have the ability to honestly self-reflect and not only see the world more clearly, but also understand it.

When our third eye is in good working order, it allows us to tap into our innate intuitive power and bridge our earthly existence to spiritual realms. By deepening our intuition, we can move through life with more energy, clarity, and focus.

Our intuition is the gateway to higher consciousness and allows us to become deeply aware while aligning ourselves with the greatest good.

Giten will show you how to increase your intuitive sense. He’ll lead you in a powerful exercise that will activate your pineal gland, bringing about a significant connection to the natural world and actualizing your higher potential.

In this module, you discover:

  • The benefits of clearing your third eye chakra
  • What you’ve been doing to block your potential
  • The bridge from the conscious to the subconscious mind, allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to kick in
  • How to access your inner wisdom and deep-seated intuition
  • Your higher calling or purpose in life
  • A practice to release a powerful, natural chemical from your pineal gland

Module 7: Experience Transcendence & Oneness


In this last module, you’ll gain further clarity and knowledge of your divine purpose. Through the power of breathing, combined with your felt sense, you’ll tap into the energy that flows between you and the One.

By opening your crown chakra, you’ll have a sense of pure awareness, selflessness, and interconnectivity, building a closer connection to the higher forces that illuminate new pathways to deeper truths.

This course will culminate with Giten leading you in a breathwork practice that creates an energy loop, connecting all your energy centers. You’ll feel safe, without fear, holding your inner strength, while opening yourself to expression, love, and awareness. You’ll start at the lowest energy center, bringing in the power of the earth, allowing it to flow up your body and out the crown.

Awareness of your physicality will fade and be replaced by a sense of Oneness, the deepening connection to the realm of the Divine.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of opening your crown chakra
  • What Oneness means to you
  • How to fully notice your breath and how it connects all of you to the Divine
  • How to track your expanded body awareness using the concepts of felt sense and resource
  • How natural breathing practice creates a deep connection to the Divine, opening you to receive more blessings, guidance, and personal empowerment
  • A BioDynamic Breathwork practice that incorporates all 7 energy centers

The BioDynamic Breathwork Bonus Collection

In addition to Giten’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses, which complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness & Breathwork Practice
Video Dialogue With Giten Tonkov and Jessica Dibb

Discover how the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System uses a 6-element multimodal approach to release the effects of past traumatic events in the body. Giten, along with Jessica Dibb, founder and principal teacher of Inspiration Consciousness School, will explain how felt sense and resource help support embodiment and create a sense of safety. They’ll also discuss how spinal unwinding, in combination with connected breathing, pendulation, and titration, helps release core trauma-related tensions.


The Felt Sense
Ebook and Guided Audio Meditation From Giten Tonkov

This chapter from Giten’s book includes an analysis of felt sense and a specially recorded guided meditation on the topic. He’ll lead you to tap into negative sensations in your body to uncover what lies behind the tension and anxiety. You’ll delve into these unpleasant vibrations to uncover what your consciousness has suppressed over time. Giten will help you overcome a stuck emotional charge that may be negatively impacting your wellbeing.


Special Bonus Q&A Session
Q&A Session With Giten Tonkov

In this bonus session, Giten gives a review of the material covered in the course sessions thus far and responds to participants' questions.




What Graduates of Giten’s Courses Are Saying...


Bonnie Davis: “Giten’s Great Heart Gave Me a Better
Appreciation for the Tenderness of My Own Heart

“His calming voice and presence made the process safe and contained for me...”

I was wondering how deep we could go with trauma release, given it’s on Zoom and that this instructor, Giten, was new to me. His calming voice and presence made the process safe and contained for me, and rather than being like other grueling trauma practices that focus on talk and are not enjoyable, there is an immense beauty in this work. The movement along with the breath, with the hypnotic music and Giten’s expert guidance this is all powerful, relieving of pressure, and surprisingly pleasant.

“Giten’s work is a gift and I am profoundly grateful.”

Excellent! I have been searching for this kind of help for a long time. At last, in Giten, I have found someone who explains my experience of holding and releasing trauma. I feel understood and therefore I feel completely safe and relieved. Giten’s work is a gift and I am profoundly grateful.
Fiona, Lancashire, United Kingdom

“Giten’s incredible love, sensitivity, wisdom, and clarity guided me to touch a place I couldn’t reach [on my own].”

BBTR [BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release] guided me to an experience of going deeper than anything has taken me in over 20 years of frustrated seeking for relief from deep trauma. Giten’s incredible love, sensitivity, wisdom, and clarity guided me to touch a place I couldn’t reach [on my own]. I feel tremendous gratitude for this work.
Guy S., Byron Bay, Australia

“[Giten] creates a sacred space in which people can let their guard down and start to see who they really are.”

The Biodynamic Breathwork training with Giten has revitalized my own healing work. He creates a sacred space in which people can let their guard down and start to see who they really are.
Viriam K., United Kingdom

“... moving beyond the mind, to release and make room for more breath, life, joy, peace, and happiness in your life.”

I have supreme gratitude and admiration for Giten Tonkov and what he has developed over the last 20 years. Breathwork is one of the three most powerful tools humans have available to release the past and awaken our consciousness. It’s the deepest transformational work I have ever done! Great for individuals or practitioners to release deeply held tension, which saves you doing years of psychotherapy in just a few sessions, moving beyond the mind, to release and make room for more breath, life, joy, peace, and happiness in your life.
Eeshira Hart, sound-healing practitioner, facilitator, speaker, and singer, Bali

“I have shaken and released emotional/physical blockages enabling me to fulfill my spirit’s journey...”

BBTRS is nature’s gift to humanity. I am forever grateful to Giten for designing and sharing this method in such a heartfelt, sincere way. The work is profound and supports universal change. This is how I always imagined I could help others. And, I am awestruck by what it has shown me about myself. Through this work I have shaken and released emotional/physical blockages enabling me to fulfill my spirit’s journey, one that ripples out to affect those around me.
Michelle M., PharmD, U.S.

“This training has more depth than anything I’ve ever encountered.”

Never have I grown as much as I have this week. We have worked to tap into the core of so many problems and the source of so much joy. This training has more depth than anything I’ve ever encountered. I could have lived the rest of my life on the path I was on, but since I have found BBTRS, I have the chance to go so much deeper.
Dr. Jason R., PharmD, yoga teacher, U.S.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Giten Tonkov

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Giten Tonkov, the founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to release negative emotions in your body’s seven energy centers so you can live your best life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The BioDynamic Breathwork Bonus Collection
  • Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness & Breathwork Practice
    Video Dialogue With Giten Tonkov and Jessica Dibb
  • The Felt Sense
    Ebook and Guided Audio Meditation From Giten Tonkov
  • Special Bonus Q&A Session
    Session With Giten Tonkov

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the BioDynamic Breathwork for Inner Safety, an Open Heart & Deeper Presence Online Training


We feel honored that Giten Tonkov has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about releasing negative emotions so you can live your best life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE BioDynamic Breathwork for Inner Safety, an Open Heart & Deeper Presence or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


About Giten Tonkov

Developer of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System, Giten Tonkov shares a mastery of body-oriented therapies that evolved from over 20 years of learning, exploration, and work with countless clients and groups around the world. His passion for life, humility, and love for people has inspired his own personal journey and the creation of his “6-Element” approach to healing.

The author of Feel to Heal: Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice, Giten regularly leads practitioner trainings and experiential workshops with his unique blend of creativity, depth, and playfulness, while growing the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Institute and its global community of friends and colleagues.

Giten is a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1994 (Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy, New York), and certified Breathwork & Body Oriented Therapist since 2001 (Diamond Breath School, Miasto Meditation Institute, Italy), as well as a former Osho Multiversity Therapist (OSHO Meditation Resort, Pune, India).


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
