With Teacher, Author & Internationally-respected Change Agent
Tim Kelley
A 22-session On-demand Video Training

Would you like to understand how to bring the inner voices of the psyche into harmony to unleash greater creativity, fulfillment, and success for yourself and your clients?

Then you’ll want to learn the powerful system of Voice Dialogue which you can use to help anyone become more internally aligned and transcend fears, limiting beliefs or other obstacles that may be stalling their progress.

When you do, you help liberate enormous creative power that can result in real breakthroughs and lasting success.


As a coach, therapist, teacher, or facilitator, you are undoubtedly committed to learning, growing and expanding your toolkit for transformation for both yourself and your clients.

Evolving yourself and your skills is key to facilitating deep change in your clients’ lives, witnessing their blossoming into higher potentials and in turn, having a thriving, financially successful practice.

That’s why we’re excited to share the Voice Dialogue methodology with you.

While every client you work with has positive intentions and aspirations that you can empower, what you’ve undoubtedly found is that there are inner voices within them that are NOT aligned with the goals of your transformational work.

These parts often sabotage, undermine or redirect your client’s attention, not because they are malicious, but because they have been programmed by previous life experiences to maintain the status quo.

This presents an ongoing challenge for almost any well-intentioned coach, therapist, consultant or teacher: The conscious, mature parts of a client may be on board with positive change, but other voices inside them are not.

When inner voices restrain or impede the conscious self, your clients make only a fraction of the progress that they could make. Instead, there is frequent backsliding, resistance or other “friction” in the process that derails positive, life-enhancing and liberating shifts.

And the same is true in your own psyche: There are often parts of you that are not aligned or on board with your work, teaching or larger purpose.

That’s why it is so vital that people in the business of transformation learn the core methodology of Voice Dialogue, which empowers you to work with different voices within the psyche of clients in a constructive and creative way.

Voice Dialogue work allows you to go beyond addressing specific resistances to another level where you establish a wholly new way for your clients to relate to different parts of themselves.

It also allows you to access vast reservoirs of wisdom connected to the soul or Higher Self.

As your clients learn the principles and practices of Voice Dialogue with your guidance the cacophony of competing inner voices that is typically at play begins to shift toward ongoing inner dialogues, collaborations and synergistic work.

This allows your clients to bring more of their life force, insights and skills into fulfilling their highest vision for their life.

For example, your client might have an inner critic that is relentless in its critiques of their every move, an inner child that is yearning for attention, a seemingly lazy part that doesn’t want to move their big dreams forward, and so many more.


Each of these sabotaging inner voices CAN be worked with and transformed into allies. They each contain gifts that can be given in the service of healing, growth and fulfilling one’s higher purpose.

The simple fact is that our inner landscapes are rarely as aligned and harmonious as the competent adult image we portray to the world even IF we’ve done a lot of internal work and experienced a lot of growth.

Rather than ignore, reject or try to silence these conflicting inner voices, you and your clients can learn to skillfully mentor these inner parts and bring them together into a coherent and empowering team.

The foundational skills for working with these inner parts are at the core of Voice Dialogue, a body of work created and developed by world-renowned psychotherapists and authors, Hal Stone, PhD and Sidra Stone, PhD “Voice Dialogue, Relationship & the Psychology of Selves” (also known as the “Psychology of the Aware Ego”) is a trans-cultural and remarkably inclusive psycho-spiritual approach to consciousness, which continues to evolve and inspire practitioners around the world.

At the heart of this methodology is the recognition that EVERY part of your client’s psyche has a higher purpose that is compatible with their highest vision for their life, and EVERY part has a unique role to play in the realization of that vision.

The challenge is that these parts are using outdated strategies to try to fulfill their purposes, and they’ve never learned how to effectively achieve their highest goal, nor to work together in synergy.

The benefit of getting a client’s internal parts aligned and working together is that you activate a powerful internal wisdom council with complementary insights for how they can best navigate their life’s calling.

When the previously discordant voices within your client (or yourself) become unified, not only do they show up with greater wisdom, they also have more energy, enthusiasm and clarity about what to do.

They free up their motivation to enact big shifts and step into being the person you know is possible.

The Power of Voice Dialogue in Your Transformational Toolkit


So imagine knowing how to skillfully work with your clients in shifting their inner landscape from its usual chaotic “madhouse” of desires, thoughts and concerns (that are at odds with each other) to a serene, holy temple where all the parts work in unison and are clear and inspired.

Not only would your clients experience a deeper peace than they’ve ever known, but the energy that conflicting parts have been using would instead be released into the world as greater creativity, enhanced power and expanding love.

Voice Dialogue is one of THE most effective and powerful approaches for bridging parts of the psyche, leading to outer success AND more fulfilling relationships with others.

That’s because your relationship with your inner voices and parts is always mirrored in the outer world. If you judge part of yourself, you’ll judge, resist or fight that same quality in others.

The same is true in your work with clients until you have come into harmonious relationship with your OWN inner voices, you will react to those same parts and voices in your clients, which in turn undermines your efficacy as a transformational guide.

And this is why training in Voice Dialogue work holds essential keys for taking your transformational skills to the next level of mastery.

When you know how to harmonize the voices in your inner landscape, you are more effective at working with others AND in teaching them how to do the same.

Skills for a Lifetime


The good news is that learning the foundational skills of Voice Dialogue work is not as difficult as you might think although there are a lot of nuances and it does require significant practice.

But once you learn the principles and practices that allow you to guide clients to connect with and align internal parts, you have an invaluable skill that you can apply for a lifetime, both with your clients and with yourself.

For example, there are specific ways of working with clients that allow you to get to 100% agreement and internal alignment for positive changes. Doing this allows your transformational work with them to proceed more rapidly and integrate much better for the long haul.

When you learn Voice Dialogue strategies, you learn how to harness the highest potential in each aspect of the psyche, which allows you and your clients to become clear, aligned and powerful agents of change who are not polarizing against others but rather creating real, positive transformations.

So if you aspire to be a top-notch transformational facilitator (or simply master your own psyche) the Voice Dialogue Training has been designed for you.

As you learn the facilitative skills that allow your clients to connect with the deeper potential in each part of themselves, they learn how to integrate its gifts in a way that is aligned, purposeful and effective, and gain the power to move mountains.

As your clients learn to create this inner state of synergy, extraordinary things align in their lives: just the right connections and opportunities, alliances and partnerships, support and resources.

In short, the inner alignment of parts shifts their outer life experience as well a change that is often met with astonishment and gratitude.

So as you learn and integrate these skills into your transformational practice, you become much more effective at creating lasting positive results in your clients’ lives.

In this way, Voice Dialogue skills can greatly enhance both your livelihood and the fulfillment of your own higher purpose.

Skillfully Navigating the Inner Landscape

With that said, it is not magic. Voice Dialogue does require real work over time particularly on all of the limiting beliefs, fears and parts that prevent clients from fully enacting their highest role, as well as YOUR internal parts.

Many internal parts were created to help navigate very challenging situations, often from childhood, and they can be resistant to change or dialogue. Other parts can be dubious of your positive intentions as a transformational facilitator.

That’s why you need to develop real skill in navigating the common pitfalls and challenges of engaging in effective dialogue with internal parts. You need methods that work and are repeatable.

And even when you take the first steps of facilitating Voice Dialogue, you can run into challenges from:

  • Fear, doubt and resistance: Though parts of your clients may be completely aligned with the changes, other parts may fear for their safety, image and the validity of the work. These other parts can block your clients’ every move and take the wind out of their sails.
  • Limiting beliefs: Most people have hundreds, or even thousands, of limiting beliefs the majority of them unconscious. These potent internal obstacles can prevent them from seeing how to create greater internal harmony, manifesting their purpose or moving forward successfully, year after year.

All of these are issues that can be resolved, especially with the step-by-step approach that master teacher and trainer of change agents, Tim Kelley, will provide in this program.

A 21st Century Guide


Tim Kelley is one of the world’s most cutting-edge teachers who blends psychological and spiritual insights into a coherent package.

As an internationally-renowned transformation coach and change agent, he has created an innovative and structured approach to teaching you how to help your clients integrate the many voices inside that can get in the way of living their potential.

Tim’s methods have been used successfully to empower and overcome the internal challenges of CEOs of multinational corporations, political leaders, billionaires and transformational change agents alike.

Tim’s education in mathematics at MIT, his distinguished career in Silicon Valley high-tech, and experience as a Commanding Officer in the Naval Reserve, have led to techniques that are practical, replicable and reliable.

Tim’s system is very comprehensive and his methods are proven. He’s trained hundreds of coaches, therapists and consultants in his methods, leading to real expansion of their skills and success.

In the Voice Dialogue Training, Tim will take you step-by-step through the foundations of how to transform the conflicted feelings, doubts and limiting beliefs that prevent clients (or yourself) from realizing their full potential.

During the training, Tim will show you how to become more integrated, whole and calm as a facilitator so you can work with the psyche of your clients in more aligned and collaborative ways.

The end result is that you become a far more effective transformational facilitator: loving, clear, impactful and ready to create more positive evolutionary change more quickly.

This, in turn, prepares you to increase your rates and expand your reach, working with more sophisticated clients who are empowered to share their best gifts out in the world.


In The Voice Dialogue Training you’ll:

  • Learn how to work with and harmonize the inner psychological parts of yourself and clients
  • Talk to, negotiate with and transform the specific parts of your clients that block them from achieving their goals
  • Guide clients in attaining more specificity about their path and deepest purpose
  • Become deeply familiar with the key “guardians” of the psyche and how to work with them versus against them
  • Cultivate a deeper sense of self-trust as a facilitator, while transcending your limiting beliefs and fears that have held you back in working at the deepest level.
  • Discover how to align the entire being of your client with their deepest purpose so that “magic” unfolds

What You’ll Discover in These 22 Sessions

In this transformational training, Tim will guide you through the facilitation capabilities you’ll need to successfully build confidence in your Voice Dialogue skills opening you to deeper growth, awareness and healing in your roles as a coach, teacher, friend and partner.

Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to create more wellbeing, fulfillment and success in your own life and in the lives of your clients.

Each core module will last one to two weeks, with one class per week (90 minutes each) led by Tim. Unlike other courses we have offered, this advanced program with Tim will not follow a strict sequential program, but will unfold organically meaning Tim will move on to the next module once he feels you have integrated what is needed. Therefore, module timelines are flexible, but all of the content listed below will be covered during the program.

One of Tim’s gifts is to work with the group field and respond to the needs that arise in the moment based on his own higher guidance, which creates an atmosphere of discovery, adventure and enhanced spiritual power.

This advanced training is a rare opportunity to work with an evolutionary teacher and global leader at a much deeper level. You’ll learn how to facilitate and deal with different types of parts that are interwoven in your clients, and to systematically resolve the internal conflicts and misalignment they naturally create.

If you are truly ready to apply Tim’s teachings with those you serve in a clear and professional way that is aligned with your higher purpose, this program is the perfect training for you.


Module 1: Principles of Working With Parts (Recorded September 26 & October 3)


Entering someone else’s psyche is a sacred responsibility. Before you work with a client’s inner parts, you’ll need to retrain certain natural reflexes. Learning the key principles and practices, the do’s and don’ts, will allow you to safely interact with someone’s inner voices.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The key approach to building rapport with any part of the psyche (yours or someone else’s)
  • Improved interpersonal skills
  • The ability to deal effectively with people in a variety of emotional moods and psychological states

Module 2: The Structure of the Psyche (Recorded October 10 & 17)


Discover the secrets of your internal design! Understanding the different layers of the psyche and the complex interrelationships between the parts will allow you to navigate your clients’ psyches (and your own!).

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The different classes and types of parts
  • The way that your psyche was formed (and the implications of its formation for transforming it)
  • In which order to approach the different parts of yourself, and your clients

Module 3: Voice Dialogue Session Structure (Recorded October 31 & November 7)


Learn how to create safety and know which parts to interact with, in which order. Having a basic sense of which things to do and in which order will give you increased confidence as a facilitator, and help your clients to relax and be guided through the process.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to enter someone else’s psyche, quickly, effectively and respectfully
  • Confidence in your ability to guide someone else through the Voice Dialogue process
  • Clarity about which things to do, in which order, for maximum effectiveness

Module 4: Working With Defensive Voices (Recorded November 14 & 28)


The outermost layer of the personality is an important one! Not only does it protect the deeper, more vulnerable parts, it also does much of the outer work in the world. Without knowing how to interact effectively with Protectors, Controllers, Skeptics and Guardians, you won’t have the opportunity to deal with any deeper voices!

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits and talents of the parts of the psyche that block and resist
  • How to befriend the parts that can block your entry into the deeper parts of your psyche (and block your ability to manifest your dreams, goals and purpose)
  • How to navigate through your clients’ defenses to reach the sacred, tender and truly powerful aspects of their psyche

Module 5: Befriending Inner Critics (Recorded December 5 & 12)


Inner Critics and Judges (and in their more aggressive form, Annihilators) are extremely powerful voices that bring both motivation and pain. Learning to facilitate the Inner Critic in someone else will permanently change your relationship with this potent part of yourself! Learn the benefits of these misunderstood parts, and how to heal your relationship with yours.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The blessings and benefits of self-critical voices
  • How to deal effectively with the parts of you that do the most damage to your self-esteem

Module 6: Child & Wounded Voices (Recorded December 19 & January 9)


Key to the formation and structure of the psyche are the wounded parts, stuck in the painful experiences of the past. Connecting with these unconscious voices and freeing them from their prison creates profound transformation! Learn the delicate skill of interacting safely with these raw and vulnerable parts.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The key role the Wounded Child played in the formation of your psyche (and still plays in most important decisions)
  • The powerful relationship between the Wounded Child and all the other parts of the ego
  • The best approaches to use to gain access to this important, transformative part (and how they differ from those used to approach other parts)

Module 7: Primary Selves (Recorded January 16 & 23)


Within the many parts of your psyche, there is a small group of voices that does the vast majority of the “work” of operating your life and getting your needs met. Some of these parts are so constantly present that you don’t even know about them: You think they’re you! The exact nature of and relationships between the voices in this group define your personality. Learning more about them and developing an effective relationship with them can greatly increase the flexibility and resilience of your psyche.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The most common “primary selves” and how to deal with them
  • The particular primary selves that comprise your personality
  • How to identify and work with your clients’ primary selves (and why you need their permission for deeper work)

Module 8: Finding & Facilitating Unconscious Voices (Recorded February 6 & 13)


Beneath the personality layer is a limitless ocean of parts. Dipping into this pool of resources and lost selves requires safety and skill! Learn how to identify the presence of unconscious parts that are seeking to emerge, and how to create a safe container for this deep and powerful inner exploration.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The key ways to identify unconscious voices in yourself and your clients
  • How unconscious voices influence relationships, decision-making and all aspects of life
  • The profound transformation and liberation that comes from integrating these powerful parts

Module 9: Meeting & Matching Powerful Energies (Recorded February 20 & March 6)


As a Voice Dialogue facilitator, you’ll learn how to stay calm and present in the face of any part that shows up in your client. More than simply staying neutral, you will learn how to choose an appropriate energy and engage with any part. This skill has tremendous applications in your life and will empower you to face and interact effectively with people who are having strong reactions or are stuck in powerful parts.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to move into the energy of any part (without losing your objectivity as a facilitator)
  • Key relationship skills you can use when dealing with people who are highly reactive and emotional

Module 10: Archetypes (Recorded March 16 & 20)


These powerful templates of human experience transcend cultures move and operate through you, whether you know it or not! An archetype may be running your life right now. As a facilitator, you will learn how to identify and work with these powerful, collective voices. You’ll also learn which archetypes are moving through you, and how to engage and disengage with them, as needed.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How these powerful forces inform and guide your life without you even knowing it
  • The upside and downside of tapping the energy of an archetype
  • How to access any archetype (not just the ones you naturally inhabit)
  • What it takes to facilitate archetypes in your clients (and how it can transform them)

Module 11: Trusted Sources (Recorded April 4 & 10)


These deeply unconscious voices can provide great clarity and insight, guiding you through the most challenging circumstances life offers you. As the keepers of your higher purpose, they can see your path more clearly than your conscious mind, and show you the most direct path to your greatest impact in this lifetime. (If you are a trained True Purpose® coach, this is a critical skill to add to your toolkit.)

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to access deep wisdom and guidance at any time
  • How to increase your intuition to a level you may not have believed possible
  • How trusted sources can guide you through the most challenging life circumstances (and which issues they can’t or won’t help with)

Throughout the program, you will learn deeper and more effective facilitation skills, most of which can be applied in other roles, as a coach, teacher, friend and partner. As you practice, during calls and between them, your capabilities and confidence will grow. And you will be facilitated in your own voices, over and over again, by other participants, opening you to deeper and deeper growth, awareness and healing.


The Voice Dialogue Training Bonus Collection

In addition to Tim’s transformative virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Working With Parts Implicitly
Audio Training With Tim Kelley


Voice Dialogue is primarily used in formal sessions, you can also use it in your everyday life, to talk to the parts of your friends, boss, employees, or anyone else. Learn how to ask for and speak with people’s parts without needing to conduct a Voice Dialogue session! The applications of this approach are limitless. We’ll also discuss the ethical considerations raised by this extremely powerful influence technique.


Dealing With Dark Parts
Audio Training With Tim Kelley


Once you begin to explore the unconscious, you may fear that dangerous, unpleasant or otherwise dark parts will come up in your Voice Dialogue sessions. This special call will teach you how to be calm and skillful in the presence of ANY part, no matter how scary it may seem initially. As a creator of deep transformation, you will need to become comfortable treading in the realms of the dark parts. Learn how!


Exploring the Collective Unconscious
Audio Dialogue With Ora Gavriely


Parts work isn’t just for individuals! Organizations, countries and cultures also have parts. Join Tim Kelley and Israeli Voice Dialogue teacher Ora Gavriely as they reveal the groundbreaking work they’ve been doing with the collective unconscious of Israel. The cutting-edge techniques Tim and Ora developed have created quite a stir among teachers of parts work around the world. Learn how you can apply the skills you will learn in this program to exploring the voices within groups, teams, families and organizations!

Ora Gavriely has been teaching Voice Dialogue, shamanic work and dream work to therapists, counsellors and psychologists in Israel for many years. She wrote the only Hebrew book on Voice Dialogue, The Demon, the Nun and the Magical Child: A Journey to the Selves Within Us, and has appeared on television to explain parts work to the public. Ora is the founder of the Flowering Diamond Way, a continuously evolving, conscious community of change agents and practitioners. With Tim Kelley, she founded a research group on collective voices ("archeselves"), using new techniques to study the collective unconscious of Israel and of humanity. She works with world-changers to help them become aware, balanced and well-tuned leaders and explorers of the human psyche and its potential for transformation.


Big Mind Process
Audio Training With Tim Kelley


Big Mind, created by integral teacher Genpo Roshi, is a process for facilitating several people (or many people) in Voice Dialogue simultaneously. This process makes for an amazing workshop or teleseminar exercise! Imagine putting everyone in a room or on a call into their Inner Critic or Wounded Child at the same time, and creating deep healing in all of them at once. Also, consultants who train to find the higher purpose of companies and other collectives love using this method to connect to the trusted sources of organizations in group settings. In this use, you are connecting everyone to a single, collective voice at the same time. (Now THAT’S new paradigm business consulting!) Once your individual Voice Dialogue skills have been honed in this program, Tim will teach you to facilitate groups in this way.


What Graduates of The Voice Dialogue Training Are Saying...


The Voice Dialogue Training was powerfully transformational. It’s amazing the depth of understanding gained from exploring my voices. I feel I am much better able to manage those limiting voices within and have a much greater acceptance of myself and also of others.
Rowena Zabrodsky, New Canaan, Connecticut

With this course, Tim provided us with valuable tools to transform the psyche. I’m noticing more alignment, more peace of mind, more permission to do the things I want to do and less self-sabotage. I’m now also helping clients with that and the first results are very positive. Thanks, Tim, for your wisdom, skills, enthusiasm and dedication!
Saskia, Netherlands

This course allowed me to know myself better, to a deeper level, in a lovely fashion, awakening love and compassion for my parts. I learned to appreciate, honour and understand them and to develop empathy in all my relationships. The way Tim handles topics is at the same time deep and fun, which helps in the learning process.
Alina Cuervo, Bogotá, Colombia

Years of learning and breakthroughs have never been THIS fun and easy. It seemed every time I applied what I was learning in this course I had a pleasant surprise. Tim is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate teacher and his teaching style is very effective.
Nina Potter, St. Paul, Minnesota

I learned a powerful technique to use with my clients to help them become more self aware, and throughout the course I delved deep into myself, learning so much about myself the most significant bit being that there are many threads to my core wounding.

The Voice Dialogue Training taught me an approach to our inner world that is governed by the respect, appreciation, curiosity and love it deserves and needs to reveal itself, allowing for greater inner harmony and resourcefulness.
Gina Abrams, Short Hills, New Jersey

The Voice Dialogue Training with Tim Kelley was an in-depth look at a powerful tool that will add immeasurably to my skills and help me do deeper work with my clients. The course was well-organized and provided many opportunities to learn and apply the techniques being taught. I look forward to deepening my knowledge and use of the Voice Dialogue process. Thanks for an amazing training!
Kevin Ciccotti, Reno, Nevada

I have been through a very challenging treatment for pre-cancer, and I think that without the course its content, challenge, variety, the relationships with buddies, fellow participants, coaches and Tim I might not have pulled through as well as I did. I give this course credit for transforming not only my relationship with myself, but also my interpersonal experiences. That sounds like exaggeration, but what else could result from developing skill at hearing, understanding, facilitating others in, and appreciating not only inner parts but also archetypes and more? I am no longer buffeted by thoughts and feelings, and instead I am a partner with my infinite variety, including so many skills and features at my fingertips.
Anna, Corvallis, Oregon

Tim is exceedingly clear in his presentation of the material and truly walks the talk. This course has given me a boost in my personal unfoldment, that was worth many sessions with a healer, by simply doing the homework. It helped me reach another level within myself and with the unfoldment of my path in a shorter amount of time than if I had been doing my personal process on my own. And what a valuable tool to support my clients in doing more extensive inner exploration for their unfoldment this is!
Marianne Carduner, Michigan

The Voice Dialogue Training has proved to be so much more than I expected. It revealed a whole new perspective of looking at the psyche and the best thing about it is its effectiveness and simplicity. It is simple to learn and apply, yet with profound shifts and insights. I have found it to be much more useful than many other coaching or therapeutic modalities and would heartily recommend it to anyone, both individuals and professionals, either for their personal development or as a skill to include in their toolbox.
Katarina Supicic, Zagreb, Croatia

I am much more at ease with myself and can shift my perception from “negative” to “positive” or neutral much easier which then again facilitates communication with my partner and others.
Marie S., Brighton, England

If you want to quieten your inner voices, experience more alignment and self love this is the course for you!
Fiona, New Zealand


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twenty-two 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Tim Kelley

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with one of the world’s most renowned change agents from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Twenty-two PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning.


The Voice Dialogue Training Bonus Collection

  • Working With Parts Implicitly
    Audio Training With Tim Kelley
  • Dealing With Dark Parts
    Audio Training With Tim Kelley
  • Exploring the Collective Unconscious
    Audio Dialogue With Ora Gavriely
  • Big Mind Process
    Audio Training With Tim Kelley

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Voice Dialogue Training Virtual Program

We feel honored Tim Kelley has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned change agent and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are doing this important and transformative work.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Tim’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about helping yourself and others create more joyful and fulfilling lives, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Tim Kelley.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 payment of

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Voice Dialogue Training with Tim Kelley or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Tim Kelley...


Tim is a master, and I have personally watched him transform hundreds of people’s lives including my own.
Marcia Wieder, Founder & CEO of Dream University®, author of Making Your Dreams Come True


Tim Kelley’s work is of the highest caliber. His insight, precision and skill shine out from a field that is typically hazy. I know of no better guide than Tim.
Helen Palmer, bestselling author of The Enneagram


What Einstein did for physics and Gutenberg did for printing, Tim does for purpose. You’ll discover that we’ve been in nursery school with respect to what we know, and how we access purpose. Tim’s work puts us into college. His method will be the standard for years to come. Well done, Tim.
Martin Rutte, Co-editor of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, Founder of Project Heaven on Earth


Working with Tim has transformed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined! I am far better prepared as an agent of change; now I feel much more capable to use my resources and power to have the maximum positive impact and create a lasting legacy. Any leader who wants to create a better world should hire Tim and employ his methods.
Scott Brickman, social investor and Chairman, the Brickman Group Partner, Monumental Sports


Tim Kelley gives us all a roadmap for the discovery of our true purpose in life. If you want a life filled with meaning and purpose, let Tim be your guide. You won’t be disappointed!
Howard Behar, former President of Starbucks Coffee

I highly recommend The Voice Dialogue Training and the staff who taught the course! My experience was becoming enlightened by how all my "inner" parts work. The course was an excellent venue to meet these parts and after finding out who they are and how they operate, inviting them to join the "team" as the example Tim used. I have become liberated and empowered by this training! It has changed my life!
Cindy Ada, Michigan

This program provides a great way of finding peace and resolving your own inner conflict and of genuinely listening to each of your own inner voices. It is the best program I have come across to truly deepen your listening skills, in a non-judgemental, curious way, with no agenda. An invaluable addition to my personal development and coaching toolkit. Thank you.
Rachel, Ireland

The power and freedom that comes from integrating one’s parts is modeled and facilitated by Tim and his amazing team so that we can be better change agents, whatever the assignment. l thank you for the privilege of learning from this course.
Puja Dhyan Parsons

I have known there were different parts of me. This course made me aware of the fact that there are many parts and that they work together and with my best interest. I’ve talked to them before and now understand the influence I am able to have on creating harmony within my psyche.
Toni LaSalle, Medina, Ohio

The Voice Dialogue Training with Tim Kelly was worth every penny! It was of value to me professionally and personally. Tim guided us masterfully on a journey on how to understand, integrate and promote greater harmony among the voices within! Thanks for an enlightening and rewarding experience!
Anne Palmer, Bergen County, New Jersey


About Tim Kelley


Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods and taught Voice Dialogue on three continents.

He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO.

He is the author of True Purpose and the bestselling co-author of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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