Suzanne Sterling
Founder of Voice of Change, Co-founder of Off The Mat, Into the World, Singer/Ritualist

Suzanne Sterling, a dedicated musician, ritualist, activist, and social innovator, has been performing and teaching transformational workshops for over 20 years. She's the founder of Voice of Change, which offers programs dedicated to inspiring others to find their unique voice and use self-expression as a tool for community building and conscious evolution.

Suzanne has been a featured artist/teacher at numerous festivals and conferences, including Wanderlust, Omega, Esalen, Kripalu, Yoga Journal, Hanuman, Burning Man, Symbiosis, Ecstatic Dance, Bhaktifest, Boomfest, LIB, IONS, Bioneers, Earthdance (where she led the worlds largest Spiral Dance for 5,000 people), and many more. She is part of the nationwide faculty for YogaWorks Teacher Trainings.

Since 2007 she has been training leaders of conscious activism through her co-founded (with Seane Corn and Hala Khouri) organization Off the Mat, Into the World. As director of the Seva Challenge Humanitarian Tours, which have raised over $4 million since 2007, she has spent time in the U.S., India, Cambodia, Haiti, Ecuador, and Africa working with communities in need and getting the yoga community involved in fundraising and awareness-raising efforts around the globe.

For nearly 30 years, she has worked with the International Reclaiming Community, creating ritual and training teachers in eco feminist spirituality. She offers year-long immersions into the art of creating ritual for the modern world. An award-winning musician, she has released five solo albums and numerous DVD soundtracks. 

Create Healing Rituals to Release Trauma & Invoke Joy, Empowerment & the Sacred


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