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Are you ready to become more skilled and effective at turning your dreams, visions and plans into reality... and in a way that is filled with delight?


Then it’s essential to go beyond “magical thinking” to a proven system that unites spiritual wisdom with the practical skills used by powerful people to manifest with greater ease.

In the six-module Masterful Manifestation course, you will learn to create more effectively and easily from one of the world’s most respected coaches who has helped tens of thousands of people turn the art of manifestation into a science.

For all the years of schooling we are required to take, it’s remarkable that we are never taught the key skills and strategies that allow us to create successfully and in alignment with our deeper purpose much less, how to stand heartfully in a vision and enroll others in its creation.

And yet, these skills are the absolute foundation of our success, whether we are launching a new company, a healing practice, a book or a project. Every time we create or grow something new, we activate the skills of manifestation. However, most of us have never been trained in what actually works, particularly the more advanced understanding of how to harness our higher capacities linking our body, mind, voice, heart, and soul into one powerful whole.

This means we tend to work hard... but not effectively. We try earnestly... and often fail. We intend for the best... and miss out on opportunities.

Marcia Wieder’s approach to manifestation doesn’t promise to make creating the life of your dreams effortless or instantaneously (which are often fantasies). But her practices do make it far more joyful, exciting and effective (as well as fun) because you learn to harness your natural enthusiasm and passion as your fuel to transform bold visions into concrete, successful results.


She illuminates how to infuse your dream with love, speak your truth with passion, get into full integrity with your soul, and enroll people based on natural attraction. And then take clear, concrete action steps that work.

She marries deep spiritual wisdom with the no-nonsense results orientation of a master entrepreneur to help you develop a set of skills that will last a lifetime.

When you gain greater mastery with these skills, it accelerates your journey personally and professionally, attracting the people and situations who can help you take the next leap with more ease and grace.

It all begins with getting real. Who are you really? And what do you REALLY want with all your body, mind, heart and soul?

Getting real with yourself is the secret to beginning the journey of masterful manifestation and getting into integrity with your your whole being. It allows you to uncover your authentic truth, which then brings the rest of your life into alignment. This, in turn, drives far better results in whatever you are creating.

Marcia has become one of the world’s leading teachers for practical visionaries, which has landed her on big stages, from Oprah to corporate trainings with 50,000 attendees. It’s also led her to be the coach to people like Jack Canfield and Shift Network Founder Stephen Dinan.

She has a playful, yet laser-like, focus to cut right to the core of whatever is in the way of claiming your power to create the life you are here to lead.

In Masterful Manifestation, she will provide you with foundational insights into how you can build a life that is truly fulfilling and the highest expression of your soul.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Open your heart and infuse your dreams with divine love
  • Develop “soul integrity,” so that there are no barriers to living in your full power
  • Expand your capacity to say “no,” and eliminate anything that’s not in alignment with your heart, soul and destiny
  • Reclaim the capacities hidden in your shadow
  • Harness the full power of your voice
  • Learn the keys to mobilize “dream-mates” with ease
  • Get comfortable with uncertainty, and even enjoy the unknown
  • Develop your confidence and courage to step up as a creator
  • Overcome issues around fear and doubt
  • Stay in action and get real traction, with practices that support thriving daily

For too long, we’ve looked to starry-eyed dreamers with their heads in the clouds and practical “realists” who settle for far less than they could create. It’s time to marry our creativity and our logical minds, and learn to be bold visionaries who turn our beautiful visions into concrete realities.

Becoming a masterful manifestor is not about achieving a single goal. It’s really about developing life mastery that allows you to fulfill your personal and professional dreams and make the world a much better place.

Here’s what you can learn over these six modules, mentored by Marcia:

Module 1: Open & Ignite Your Heart
Infuse Your Dreams with Divine Love (Recorded on February 19, 2014)


The most important first step in becoming a masterful manifestor is to open and ignite your heart, which links your deeper purpose with your creative power. It’s more magnetic for others to participate when they can feel your genuine passion and it also helps call forth more guidance and support. In this module you’ll:

  • Focus on discovering who you really are and what’s meaningful to you right now letting go of your past ideas and understandings to expand into a new possibility
  • Practice linking your heart with your soul, and expressing that integration when you share your vision with others
  • Shift your beliefs so that you can see the world anew and perceive what’s really possible
  • See how essence has orchestrated every aspect of your life, so that you can awaken to your true destiny
  • Open your heart to compassion, unconditional love, healing presence and the calm within any chaos, in order to develop a trusted presence

Module 2: Access Mastery
Open to Higher Wisdom Through Soul Integrity (Recorded on February 26, 2014)


A masterful manifestor is fully integrated with all of their life force, wisdom and power, which requires getting into integrity with our souls. Our souls are not just a vague concept, but include a set of intentions, plans, and capacities that are designed to help us fulfill our higher purpose. When we access mastery by getting into integrity with our souls, we access a higher wisdom to guide our works’ development. In this module, you will:

  • Open the channel to your own higher wisdom
  • Develop a profound tool for discernment in order to purge away anything that’s not love and in alignment with your heart, soul and destiny
  • Clean your emotional and physical house to allow for space to create a bigger more compelling vision for yourself and the world
  • Learn to develop a quality of caring that provides more capacity for creating, and changes everything
  • Understand how to value your gifts more, and charge your worth, as you expand your relationship with prosperity consciousness

Module 3: Reclaim Your Shadow
Transform Inner Obstacles (Recorded on March 12, 2014)


As we grow, we learn to push aspects of ourselves into the shadows, which are actually the very things we need to manifest powerfully. The next step in your journey of masterful manifestation requires accessing the “light” in your shadow, turning inner obstacles and resistance into a powerful team for creation. In this module, you’ll:

  • Discern the real power and potential in parts of yourself that you once thought were barriers
  • Learn the single most powerful tool that will help you eliminate blame both of yourself and in relationships
  • See yourself through a new lens that will allow you to stop judging, as well as reclaim juice, power and focus as you access what was always yours but was lost or forgotten
  • Face your fears and recognize what stops you as you shift your relationship with your inner critic, or anything else that might sabotage your dreams
  • Understand how judging ourselves and others perpetuates a fatal flaw that keeps us from our birthright as creators

Module 4: Harness Your Voice
Speak Your Vision with Clarity, Conviction & Power (Recorded on March 19, 2014)


Your creative project or dream cannot manifest without you being able to speak it powerfully in a way that people are excited, enrolled and eager to participate as allies, customers or more. This is a skill that requires inner work to access the full spectrum of your voice and link it with the soul integrity and heart you’ve already established. In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to open your throat energetically to speak with greater truth, clarity and conviction
  • Develop the skill of deeper listening to create a more resonant and trustworthy voice one in which people hear the authentic you
  • Understand the 3 keys to expressing yourself as a visionary who people will trust and join
  • Access tools and skills to help you speak to anyone, anytime about your dreams, projects and ideas in a way that will inspire them to help or hire you

Module 5: Mobilize Your Community
Enroll Dream-mates with Ease (Recorded on March 26, 2014)


Manifesting your dream, vision or project is almost never a solitary affair! We need friends, allies, advisors, team members, customers, investors all of whom need clear invitations they can say “yes” to participating in. In this module, you will:

  • Learn to overcome your fears and master the skill of enrollment the #1 skill for becoming a master of manifestation
  • Receive a four-step left-brain process for fast and profound results, as well as a four-step right- brain process that has been proven to get people and organizations to join you
  • Understand how to use the power of belonging and vulnerability to gain support
  • Identify easy “yeses” that allow people to step into the “yes” and build toward greater levels of commitment
  • Discover a simple practice for turning a “no” into a “YES” so you can build the best possible support system and accomplish more with greater ease

Module 6: Replenish Your Well
Daily Practices That Recharge Your Power to Create (Recorded on April 9, 2014)


Every day you are working on creating your project, you can either drain energy and enthusiasm or replenish it. In the final step of Masterful Manifestation, you’ll learn to be exquisitely attuned to what your body, mind, heart and soul need to keep your passion flowing, your excitement fresh, and your body recharged and delighted. This is absolutely required for the long-haul creative process. In this final module you’ll:

  • Learn how to design and create simple practices for profound and lasting change
  • Harness the power of rituals to reconnect you with your Source, and link your heart and soul into your action steps
  • Develop your ability to do less and have more the ultimate skill of the master manifestor! (Marcia was featured on Oprah with her book, Doing Less and Having More)
  • Design your own unique curriculum for living an inspiring life filled with joy, love and abundance
  • Hear how to work less, make more money and have vital energy for what matters to you most

The Masterful Manifestation Bonus Collection

In addition to Marcia’s transformative 6-module training, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and manifestation practice to an even deeper level.

Happiness and Manifestation
Audio Dialogue with Marcia and Marci Shimoff


In this special bonus dialogue, Marcia will be joined by Bestselling author Marci Shimoff to discuss happiness and manifestation. These renowned teachers will share their insights into how to be happy and create the life you want, as well as touch on any other topics that arise spontaneously in support of you thriving!

Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, celebrated transformational teacher and expert on happiness, success and unconditional love. Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason. She’s also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series. With total book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. She’s also a featured teacher in the film and book sensation, The Secret. Marci is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives.

Wealthy Visionary Conference Videos and MP3s
5 Top Talks Over 7 hours ($397 Value)


Every year Marcia hosts The Wealthy Visionary Conference for conscious people motivated by personal growth and fulfillment to learn from brilliant thought leaders. This bonus features video and audios of five of the top speakers from 2013’s program, and will enable you to align your vision with your heart, mind and soul to live a rich, meaningful life...NOW. Through ancient wisdom, soul work and cutting-edge methods, you will experience insight, real transformation and profound results.

You will receive video and MP3 recordings of:

  • Brendon Burchard: Founder Experts Academy, NYT #1 Bestselling Author (135 mins.)
  • Peter Diamandis: Creator/Founder X-Prize, NYT Bestselling Author (71 mins.)
  • Mary Morrissey: Teacher, Speaker, President of LifeSOULutions (67 mins.)
  • Michael Gelb: Expert on Creativity and Genius, Author of Think Like DaVinci (89 mins.)
  • Tim Kelley: True Purpose Institute, Executive Coach to World Leaders (82 mins.)

Following Your Purpose and Manifesting Your Dreams Audio Dialogue with Tim Kelley and Marcia Wieder


In this special session, Marcia will be joined by global change agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose, Tim Kelley, to discuss the art of following higher guidance to fulfill your purpose and manifest your biggest dreams. These longtime friends will share key practices and mindset shifts that are essential to stepping forward in a powerful way.

Tim Kelley works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and is the bestselling co-author of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.


What Other Luminaries Are Saying About Marcia Wieder


Marcia is the best Dream Coach on the planet. With her help, I’ve taken my life to a whole new level.
Jack Canfield, Founder and CEO, Chicken Soup for the Soul


Marcia’s right! You have to be able to identify what you really want and what you really love before you get it.
Oprah Winfrey


If you’re ready for results, you’ve come to the right place. I totally respect Marcia’s work.
David Bach, #1 bestselling author of The Automatic Millionaire


These tools provide insightful guidance for living life to its fullest.
John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Six Recorded 60-Minute Class Sessions with Marcia Wieder

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from renowned motivational speaker and coach Marcia Wieder from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your manifestation potential.


Six PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning, and integrate each session.


The Masterful Manifestation Bonus Collection

  • Happiness and Manifestation:
    Audio Dialogue with Marcia and Marci Shimoff
  • Wealthy Visionary Conference Videos:
    5 Top Talks Over 7 hours
  • Following Your Purpose and Manifesting Your Dreams:
    Audio Dialogue with Marcia and Tim Kelley

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Become a Masterful Manifestor

We feel honored that Marcia Wieder has chosen to partner with The Shift Network in this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from an expert on the powerful tools for masterful manifestation.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from Marcia and her guests’ incredible teachings and exercises, from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about learning how to take your life to the next level of creative power, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step into masterful manifestation, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Marcia Wieder...

Among the most profound experiences in my life. My purpose is clear and I am passionate about living with intention. Thank you Marcia!
- Cami Feek, Independent Supervisor

I must say the experience was life changing. I will never again settle for less than my dreams. I love what Marcia taught me is something that I can apply to all aspects of my life and all my relationships will be enriched because of it.
- Kimberly Truitt, Office Manager

I have to say I was reluctant even though I signed myself up! What I got out of this seminar is priceless. To reconnect with my heart’s desire and the possibilities of sharing that with the world around me is nothing short of a turning point. This is the beginning of another chapter of my journey.
- Teresa Donnelly, HR Manager

Marcia gave me the opportunity to take a breath, discover what’s important dream wise in my life and begin to fulfill and empower myself with tools for a happier and healthier me!
- Barbara Erickson, Business Development

I used to think dreams and dreaming were exclusive of work and that your passion was what you pursued in your relationships. For the past 10 years, I have been on a career track that is at odds with my passion. This seminar opened my eyes to exploring a career doing something that I love!
- Sandy Messner, Project Manager

I came expecting to work on my business "dreams" but ended up reclaiming lost dreams for my personal life that will only enhance my business dreams. Thank you Marcia!
- Kimberley Collett, Beauty Consultant

For too long I have felt that I have been existing and not living. Marcia’s teachings have empowered me to live with passion and truly believe that dreams are only a belief away.
- Chris Frueh, Teacher

For more than a decade, I’ve been looking for the key to unlock the giant that I know resides in me. What I found at the end of this was the master key inside of me.
- Virna Low, Inspirational Photographer

With a connection to passion, power and professionalism, Marcia has invited and inspired me to say ’yes!’ to life in a big, bold way. Life will never be the same.
- Nancy Carlstrom, Life Coach

The method is so simple that it is profound. The support and passion behind the work of Marcia’s system opened the territory of my dream and my life’s purpose.
- David Brooks

Marcia opened up a whole new beginning for me on my inner self and that I can do and be anyone I want to be. I can do anything I want without letting obstacles get in the way. I truly loved her spiritual approach.
- Sandra Burnes, Receptionist

Amazing....I truly feel I have clarity on my purpose, my dream and my abundant belief in myself. Thank you for asking the questions that are hard to face but created the clarity on my dream and showed my inner self.
- Lynn O’Brien, Sales Director

Marcia, you have given me excellent clarification on my goal. I think you for the strength you have given me in my time of real need. I will reach my goal very soon.
- Tineke Rotenberg, Designer

I was inspired and motivated by all the tools Marcia graciously shared with us to move forward toward our dreams.
- Judith Beebe

About Marcia Wieder...


Marcia Wieder is the founder and CEO of Dream University, a network of over 1000 certified “Dream Coaches” dedicated to providing resources and support for anyone looking to turn their dreams into reality. A gifted motivational speaker, Make-A-Wish Foundation board member and former president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, Marcia has also launched the Million Dreams Campaign, with a commitment to help one million dreams come true. She is an accomplished, bestselling author of 14 books dedicated to achieving your dreams. Marcia is a seasoned expert having appeared on Oprah (twice!), The Today Show, featured in her own PBS show, in Woman’s World and several other local and national broadcast, print and online outlets. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, and works closely with other internationally esteemed thought leaders such as Jack Canfield, John Gray, Lisa Nichols and Marci Shimoff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center at, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
