With Renowned Enneagram Teacher
Russ Hudson
A 10-module On-demand Audio Training

Cultivate the deeper dimensions of your true nature using the Enneagram and the Virtues.

Apply new, experiential practices that open your heart and allow you to manifest your deepest gifts.


Do you remember when you identified your Enneagram type... and what a moment of revelation it was?

Understanding your core drives, challenges, and motivations through the lens of this ancient wisdom path can be a real “a-ha” experience...

Students of the Enneagram spend years exploring and working with their dominant types...

Yet, the Enneagram at offers SO much more.

It is a path that ultimately leads you to your higher nature the qualities that most embody your essence. These qualities connect to your heart and to the deepest level of the Enneagram, Virtues.

The Virtues are an embodied expression of your true nature... they are the foundation for a fully actualized life.

Qualities of the Awakened Heart


Though rarely taught publicly, the Virtues of the Enneagram are actually the core of the original, foundational teachings. Russ Hudson, co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today, calls the 9 Virtues “qualities of the awakened heart.”

Ultimately, the Enneagram is a map for living into your Highest Self and your full potential, which requires an understanding and cultivation of these qualities.

During the Enneagram of the Virtues, you’ll spend 13 in-depth weeks with Russ, expanding your Enneagram knowledge through his unique teachings and powerful, experiential practices.

Russ will guide you in transforming your passion (of your Enneagram type) into the highest expression of YOU your core Virtue.

As you actualize this Virtue, or heart quality, you become more capable of real intimacy, great acts of service, liberating creativity, and loving presence.

The Virtues as Spiritual Alchemy

Working with the Virtues engages a kind of spiritual alchemy, in which the fixations and essence of each Enneagram type are transformed into these 9 heart qualities.

“In a real sense, working with the Virtues transforms the lead of our dense states of ego into the gold of compassion, love, and truth,” Russ says.

“They direct us to notice the suffering in our hearts created by a deep disconnection from Source... and to see how again and again, as soon as we come home to ourselves and the living moment, our spirits can fully flower.”

For example, if you identify as a Type One, you yearn to be a force of good in the world, and to live a life of integrity and truth. Yet, anger and resentment towards the injustices and suffering in our world may prevent you from embodying the Virtue of Serenity. Being present to anger and cultivating inner serenity allows the Type One to share their gifts with a fully open heart.

For the Type Four, fixation on envy and “what’s missing,” disconnect one from the Higher Self and Source. Stormy emotions can keep the Four out of balance and in a state discontentment. However, when Type Four can observe the core pattern with compassion and recognize the depth of their true suffering, the Virtue of Equanimity is born.

A Holistic and Multidimensional Path

While you may identify with a specific Enneagram type, the essential energies and to some degree the passions of all 9 types, exist within you. As one of the world’s leading depth teachers, Russ focuses on the Enneagram as a holistic wisdom path.


According to this approach, each Enneagram type indicates a particular state of presence.

The Virtues represent a strength and fullness of heart, as distinguished from the human tendency to get caught in endless reactivity or numbness. They serve as a foundation for the most rich and rewarding moments of our lives.

In actualizing not only your basic type’s Virtue but also the other eight, love becomes the organizing principle of your thoughts, decisions, relationships, and communities.

In your discovery of the Virtues, Russ will share his latest insights on the relationship between type, instinct and centers and practical applications can further your personal growth and deep transformations in ALL areas of your life.

Whether you’re a therapist, coach, healer, health care professional, teacher, artist, spiritual director, politician, or parent, you’ll emerge with a greater connection to your divine essence and your unique gifts as well as greater levels of acceptance, love, and compassion for yourself and others.

In this transformational virtual training on the Virtues, you’ll discover:

The miracle of your awakeness that helps you navigate life with ease and confidence The alchemy of restored presence as the process that begins to turn the heart towards its true source, the “Beloved” The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of lust The real meaning of the passion of Sloth, which isn’t “laziness” but rather, habitual state of withdrawn attention, normal for egoic life The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of Angry Resentment The real meaning of the passion of Pride, often misunderstood and a major challenge for those in helping professions The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of Vanity How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of Equanimity in your daily life The real meaning of the passion of Avarice, which is generally not the withholding of knowledge How to recognize and experience more deeply Courage in your daily life The core suffering of the heart at the root of the passion of Gluttony The specific relationship between the heart’s suffering, and qualities of presence and grace The 9 Virtues as doorways to another kind of human community the alternative to fear as an organizing principle

What You’ll Discover in These 13 In-depth Modules

In this rare exploration of the Enneagram of the Virtues, Russ Hudson will guide you to discover the vein of gold that runs through a present and authentic inner experience, restoring your connection with your Higher Self.

Each of the 10 contemplation and training sessions is pre-recorded and will build harmoniously upon the next. You’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to explore your fixations, essence, and Virtues. Cultivating the 9 heart qualities, you’ll open to a more expansive and liberated life.

Module 1: The Enneagram & the Alchemy of the Heart
An Overview of the Transformation of the Passions (December 19)


One of the great themes of Eastern and Western spirituality, is the challenge of dealing with human suffering. In Buddhism, the First Noble Truth addresses suffering as the reason for the Buddhist path, also major theme of of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In its original presentation, the Enneagram was not primarily a system of type more precisely, it did not say that type was a person’s identity.

Rather, the type aspect of the Enneagram teachings came from the Desert Fathers of Egypt the first Christian contemplatives as a means to look at the forms of suffering that distracted monks from their prayer and meditation.

These teachings were a study of how we lose sight of the Divine. Yet, they also look at how human suffering is transformed by presence and grace into what came to be called the Virtues the qualities of the awakened heart.

In this first module, you’ll discover:

  • The specific relationship between the heart’s suffering, and qualities of presence and grace
  • How working with each Enneagram point is a study of a particular state of “heart presence”
  • The alchemy of restored presence as the process that begins to turn the heart towards its true source its “Beloved”
  • Each of the nine points as a specific journey of the heart
  • The “alchemical gold” of inner work the results of cultivating our true inner life
  • How the Virtues reflect the qualities of a real teacher the signs of someone who has actually been on the authentic journey of awakening
  • The 9 Virtues as doorways to another kind of human community the alternative to fear as an organizing principle

Module 2: Type Eight
Lust Into Innocence & Mercy (January 9)


In this module, we’ll look at Type Eight, not just as a kind of person, but as an overall principle of life and a quality of presence. Those whose psyches are organized most around these Type Eight issues and gifts will have this teaching as a main path in their lives.

Here we look at how it is natural for human beings to feel fully alive, and to experience this in the heart as an exquisite sensitivity.

The ego seeks to have the aliveness without the sensitivity and thus creates suffering as a struggle to feel real and alive. As we presence this struggle, we’re touched by Innocence a profound open-heartedness.

In the second module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of aliveness and authenticity a basic element of grounded presence
  • How to recognize and experience the qualities of Innocence and Mercy in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of “lust”
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with lust
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of lust
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Eight

Module 3: Type Nine
Sloth (Inertia) Into Engagement (January 16)


In this module, Type Nine will teach us about the nature of Being, and what our heart is like when we have come home to the here and now. We’ll see the suffering that arises as we lose our direct experience of Being.

Those whose psyches are organized most around these Type Nine issues and gifts will have this teaching as a main path in their lives. It’s an extraordinary thing when a person truly feels at home in herself grounded, confident and part of the vibrant world.

When we lose presence, we tend to feel adrift, and estranged from our own lives. The ego, not wanting to fully feel how distant we have become from our own direct heart experience, seeks to calm us by creating “our own little world” a way to disengage from the full impact of missed possibilities.

As we presence this struggle, however, we begin to be touched by greater and greater engagement a total commitment and love of exactly where we are and who we are. We will deeply contemplate and explore the experience of the Engaged Heart.

In the third module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of harmonious, grounded presence the sense of wholeness and flow with life
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of full engagement in our daily lives
  • The real meaning of the passion of “Sloth,” which is not “laziness” but rather a habitual state of withdrawn attention
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with Sloth
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Sloth
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Nine

Module 4: Type One
Angry Resentment Into Serenity (January 23)


Type One directly addresses the reactivity in the heart which is the basis of much of our suffering. We want to be a force of good in the world, and to live a life of integrity and truth as much as possible. Yet, without presence, it is nearly impossible to not react to the seemingly endless array of injustices, distortions, untruths, and outright suffering we see. How do we support real solutions AND remain serene within?

In this module, we will see how awareness of our reactions helps us see the goodness within and around us the source of true wisdom and integrity.

Serenity is not a given, but a quality of grace that grows in us as we learn to hold our reactivity and steadiness and kindness. Here, we’ll see how our outrage can be transmuted into compassionate action. We’ll contemplate and explore the experience of Serenity.

In the fourth module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of goodness and integrity whenever we open our hearts to present experience
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of Serenity in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of “Angry Resentment”
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with Resentment and Frustration
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Angry Resentment
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type One

Module 5: Type Two
Pride Into Humility (January 30)


Most spiritual paths emphasize the value of humility, yet often, our attempts to “be humble” result in a great deal of self-consciousness, and an attempt to rise above our needy human condition. We may associate humility with having few needs, and yet this is exactly the suffering of pride.

Type Two shows us beautifully that when we are present in the heart, we naturally feel connected with anyone we are with, we feel a deep-rootedness in our own heart, and we experience the joy of giving and receiving freely part of the vast generosity of reality. When we are not present, we do not feel connected on a heart level, and so think it is our job to connect others or with others, to be the source of generosity, and to need as little as possible from others.

Underlying all of this is the deep ego conviction of our unworthiness and unlovability. Yet, when we are able to presence our lonely, isolated hearts, we find an infinite kindness toward our own and others’ suffering.

We stop rejecting our needs and longings and begin to understand what it might actually mean to care for our soul, for our hearts. In this way, true humility arises. We’ll explore humility as a compassionate relatedness with our humanness to love the messy edges of our lives, and to realize that the most direct path to the divine is in the holding of all of our raw, beautiful humanity. We’ll contemplate and explore the experience of humility, and see its action in our lives and loves.

In the fifth module, you’ll discover:

  • The tender aspects of presence the sense of loving kindness natural to the heart
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the quality of humility in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of Pride, which is often misunderstood, is a major challenge for those in helping professions
  • The tremendous pressure we put on ourselves to “be there” for others while neglecting our own souls, and explore the deeper states of our hearts when we notice that we’re doing this
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with Pride
  • How our spiritual paths can support this pattern
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Pride
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Two

Module 6: Type Three
Vanity (Vainglory) Into Authenticity (February 13)


One of the main causes of our suffering is mistaking ourselves to be the ego self. The problem is not that we have an ego, but that we think we are the ego. When we’re not present, we spend most of our time, energy, and imagination, involved in ways to enhance our ego self.

Since this isn’t actually the our “true self,” even when we succeed, we’re left feeling empty. So we throw ourselves into the next round of work to compensate. Thus, Vanity here means the suffering created by trying to make the ego be something it cannot be.

When we bring tenderness and patience to this part of ourselves, and as we start to recognize something of the nature of our true selves, we begin to develop the virtue of Authenticity; our words and our actions flow from the heart.

Increasingly, all that we do is an expression of love and service to the people in our lives. We enjoy what we are doing and it find great fulfilment in all of our activities, and meet people with a genuine open-heartedness which is unmistakable. We’ll contemplate and explore the experience of authenticity, and see its action in our lives and loves.

In the sixth module, you’ll discover:

  • The felt sense of “being ourselves,” and simply being the truth of this moment
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of Vanity in your daily life
  • The narcissism of daily life and the real meaning of the passion of Vanity, which is the ego’s striving to be the “real me”
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with Vanity and Self Deception
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Vanity
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Three

Module 7: Type Four
Envy Into Equanimity (February 20)


When we lose the sense of presence an apparently inevitable consequence of ego development, our heart experiences the loss of contact as a feeling of loss and abandonment.

What we have lost is the direct experience of ourselves, and of our true identity. This is an enormous loss and produces great suffering. Our ego identities arises to try to compensate, but are constructs mainly of our interpretations of our history and a collection of familiar emotional states and moods. Our true identities however are mysterious deep, profound and beautiful and nearly impossible to “pin down.”

When we bring compassionate presence and some experience of the depth of our true identities to our suffering ego, we begin to release old and outmoded attachments. Our hearts seems to expand and to take on an oceanic quality.

The virtue of Equanimity develops as the ability to be with the full range of human emotions in ourselves and others without getting stuck in them. It’s a spaciousness of heart and one of the marks of a truly developed person.

In the seventh module, you’ll discover:

  • The mystery of identity and how it affects our experience of ourselves and the world
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of Equanimity in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of “Envy,” generally expressed as chronic disappointment and dissatisfaction with our lives
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working Envy and disappointment
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Envy
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Four

Module 8: Type Five
Avarice Into Non-attachment (February 27)


All human beings struggle with the awareness of our own and others’ mortality. When we’re not present, this awareness can be so difficult and overwhelming that we spend our lives distracting ourselves, or retreating from life’s apparent futility.

This can lead to the passion of Avarice, a radical withholding of ourselves and particularly a withholding of our hearts. We recoil from life and from contact. The world seems insane and pointless.

As we bring compassionate presence to this reaction, we begin to feel an implicit intelligence in everything that draws us back into deeper contact with the world. As this healing occurs, we develop the virtue of Non-attachment. We’re still aware of the fragility of life but this same knowing now produces great kindness and helpfulness and we’re in service to alleviating suffering wherever we can. Our minds and hearts now work seamlessly together.

In the eighth module, you’ll discover:

  • The quality of discovery and illumination of experience and how “direct knowing” operates in our lives
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities and benefits of Non-attachment in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of Avarice, which is generally not the withholding of knowledge as is often supposed
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working our Avarice
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Avarice
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Five

Module 9: Type Six
Fear (Angst) Into Courage (March 6)


Many spiritual teachings point to fear as one of the primary drivers of ego activity. The Course in Miracles, for example, describes fear as the main energy that takes us away from love and presence. Here at Type Six, we encounter the question, what is this fear? What is causing it? And what is life like when we go through it and beyond it?

We begin to see that our lives run with an underlying layer of constant anxiety a causeless and often nameless dread. As we bring compassionate presence and awareness to this fear, we begin to experience the virtue of Courage.

Courage here does not require danger, nor is it necessarily a response to danger. Rather, we’re concerned here with the courage of being ourselves all the way, of living our truths and seeing through the fears that turn us back from what we love the most. It’s a fullness of heart that supports us in showing up fully in our lives.

In the ninth module, you’ll discover:

  • The miracle of our awakeness the fact that we can be awake and aware of anything in our experience, inner or outer, and that this awakeness helps us navigate our lives more confidently and effortlessly
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities and benefits of Courage in our daily lives
  • The real meaning of the passion of “Fear” or “Angst,” which is more generally a chronic disappointment and dissatisfaction with our lives
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working our Angst and Anxiety. We will particularly look at how these states cause us to disregard our own inner wisdom, and to turn back from what really calls our heart
  • The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of Angst
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Six

Module 10: Type Seven
Gluttony Into Sobriety (March 13)


Sobriety might sound a bit austere when we first hear of it, but actually it is a quality of deep satisfaction and fulfilment that arises when we are truly at peace with ourselves and in touch with our inner nature. We might recall moments like this, and they tend to remain powerful memories even if they are of simple events.

Yet, much of life we are desperately looking for something to “fill us up.” We seek something to complete us, yet we’re not sure what it is. When we lose the direct experience of our presence, as happens for all human beings, we feel an inner emptiness that leaves us raw and restless.

We seldom experience this emptiness directly because our ego structures are constantly trying to protect us from the fear and sorrow that it brings.

Yet, when we bring compassionate awareness to this desperate part of us, we begin to experience a sustained and causeless positivity, or Sobriety. We’re not grasping after anything, and the richness of our lives brings a lasting feeling of completeness and freedom.

In the tenth module, you’ll discover:

  • The miracle of our awakeness the fact that we can be awake and aware of anything in our experience and navigate our lives with confidence and ease
  • How to recognize and experience more the qualities and benefits of Sobriety in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of “Gluttony,” which is a hunger for experiences and not merely an interest in food and drink
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working our Gluttony.
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of Gluttony
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type Seven

The Enneagram of the Virtues Bonus Collection

In addition to the 13-part virtual course with Russ, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Origins of the Enneagram
Audio Teaching From Russ Hudson


The Enneagram symbol, and the ideas associated with it, do not have a clear and simple lineage. But the various perspectives on the human condition that the Enneagram work is based in have a long pedigree woven richly with the history of western religion, philosophy and science.

This talk will focus on the pivotal work of George Gurdjieff, and later of Oscar Ichazo, as well as the rich traditions that they were drawing upon. W’ll look at the actual meaning of the symbol, the sources of the typology and trace the work back through the Hermetic doctrines to Classical Greece and Egypt. In the end, we’re left with a dazzling sense of the depth of the roots of this system and the ancient quest for self knowledge.

Nine Types Meditation
Audio Meditation From Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb


In this original meditation, Russ and Jessica will guide you through this unique meditation designed to support and illuminate each type. These meditations will highlight the most important growth areas for your personal journey and help you better understand and relate to others. You’ll find this meditation to be a unique and powerful addition to your 13-step journey.

Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director and principal teacher of the Inspiration Community School, an integral consciousness school dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. Over the last 20 years, Dibb has designed and facilitated unique workshops, classes and ongoing breath-centered trainings that are grounded in a highly integrated model of psychospiritual healing and development to support self-actualization. Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward.

Using Integrative Breathwork, psychodynamic principles, the Enneagram and established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment. Her intuitive teaching style, individualized and attuned attention to students, and integrative approach helps to facilitate long-lasting transformations. She also teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching Integrative Breathwork at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for several years, and being a principal presenter at the International Enneagram Conference for more than a decade.

What Creates Transformation: The Pragmatics of Change
Audio Dialogue With Russ Hudson and David Daniels


We have all developed and adopted particular styles of managing life, dealing with conflicts and difficulties. These patterns have been with us since early childhood and are not inherently wrong, they were adaptive strategies we used to survive and are very valuable. Transformation is really a process of finding a better balance in our styles of managing life. Listen in as Russ Hudson and David Daniels discuss their views and strategies on this topic.

David Daniels, MD, is clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford Medical School, a leading developer of the Enneagram system of nine personality styles, and co-author of the bestseller, The Essential Enneagram updated and revised with vital new material in 2009. He also co-developed the outstanding DVD, The Enneagram: Nine Paths to a Productive and Fulfilling Life and The Enneagram in the Workplace. In private practice for over 40 years, David also has taught the Enneagram system at Stanford, in the community and internationally for 22 years. Together with Helen Palmer (author, professor) he co-founded the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT), The Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP) and was one of the founders of the International Enneagram Association (IEA).

What Graduates of Enneagram Courses at The Shift Network Are Saying...

“Awakened me to a whole new level of understanding...”

Russ Hudson’s unique perspectives, wisdom, compassion, and clear articulation of the Enneagram material, and especially his very practical and experiential guidance through the three instinctual types, has awakened me to a whole new level of understanding and unexpected insights into my own patterns and of those close to me.
Lisa, Berkeley, California

“Refreshing, engaging, inclusive, and holistic...”

Russ’ approach to Enneagram and life is incredibly refreshing, engaging, inclusive, and holistic. His delivery is given with humility and integrity, encouraging me to attend courses he may be involved in and seek out his teaching.

“Enhanced my own opportunities for growth and understanding...”

I find Russ’ teaching exceptional in this field and enjoy his informed, humble, and compassionate style of teaching. It not only enhanced my own opportunities for growth and understanding but also in what I am able to share with others to help them.
Janice, Durban, South Africa

“Seeing myself and others with more compassion...”

I have a deeper understanding of the unconscious drives and what gets in the way of my authentic expression. I am enjoying seeing myself and others with more compassion and resilience.
Karin, Swampscott, Massachusetts

“Already proved very valuable in the quest for greater insight...”

An opportunity for awakening should not be missed. That said, I have for various family reasons only been able to draw on some of this course’s richness so far. Nevertheless, what I have heard and experienced has already proved very valuable in the quest for greater insight into the mysteries of my being and the human experience generally. Thank you!
Philip Starnier, United Kingdom

“One’s being is affected, illuminated, and opened by his clarity”
Russ, as always, is an inspirational teacher whose transmission is direct and piercing. He penetrates the material in a such a way that one’s being is affected, illuminated, and opened by his clarity.
Sonia, Zimbabwe

“Create more self awareness...”
The Enneagram course with Mr. Russ Hudson will delight and amaze you, it will create more self awareness as to how you operate in the world you live in. More engagement and awareness will only deepen your understanding of yourself and others and Russ Hudson is the best guide to guide you in your deepening practice.
Patricia Dougherty

“I feel truly blessed...”
Russ Hudson is a gifted teacher who truly transmits his embodied spiritual essence of understanding to his students... I feel truly blessed to experience Russ’ deepening awareness of the Enneagram, his evocative expression of what it means, and how to use it in our daily lives.
Beth Kuper, Lafayette, Colorado

“Opened doors of understanding...”
Russ is a wonderfully inspired teacher and I would strongly recommend any courses he offers. His content has opened doors of understanding and practices for me that have led to greater and greater depth in my spiritual journey.
Judy Hellmann, Louisville, Kentucky

“Deep sense of connection with others...”
The ease and deep sense of connection with others on the Enneagram road by joining Russ and fellow participants in real time was the biggest blessing after the privilege of learning directly from a person with such heart.
Heather, New Zealand

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Ten 60-minute Recorded Teaching Sessions With Russ Hudson (Pre-recorded)

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to discover the higher dimensions of your true nature through the empowering lens of the Enneagram.


Thirteen PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.

The Enneagram of the Virtues Bonus Collection

  • The Origins of the Enneagram
    Audio Teaching From Russ Hudson
  • Nine Types Meditation
    Audio Meditation From Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb
  • What Creates Transformation: The Pragmatics of Change
    Audio Dialogue With Russ Hudson and David Daniels

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Enneagram of the Virtues Virtual Intensive

We feel honored Russ Hudson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned Enneagram teacher known as a “depth” teacher of the Enneagram, going beyond simple personality categorizations to seeing it as a portal into your soul.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Russ’ incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about understanding yourself, your personality and even your soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Enneagram of the Virtues with Russ Hudson or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Enneagram Courses at The Shift Network...

“Puzzles I had been pondering for years... were resolved...”
I was able to grasp what happens to pull me away from my experience of presence, as well as the operation of all of the nine Enneagram energies in me. Puzzles I had been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “missing piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience...
Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.

“A very exciting, new level...”
I am a longtime student and certified teacher of the Enneagram, as well as seasoned meditator. This workshop... leveraged my understanding of the Enneagram as a spiritual path to a very exciting, new level, both for myself and in working more strategically with my coaching clients.
Anne Wotring, Certified Palmer-Daniels Teacher

“This course has significantly changed my life for the better”
Russ just nailed the key to the Enneagram by focusing on the Instincts. There is so much material out there on the Enneagram but I have never heard it or seen it explained in such a compelling way. This course has significantly changed my life for the better.
AnnMarie, Waitsfield, Vermont

“Russ’ compassionate approach brings a vital healing balm...”
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anyone interested in living a sustainable, loving, and conscious life. Each module contains valuable insights which not only illuminate lifelong patterns, but Russ’ compassionate approach brings a vital healing balm to gently dissolve them without re-traumatising or introducing more judgment or shame. A rare quality that I’ve only known a few teachers truly master.
Laura, London, United Kingdom

“Letting go into deeper acceptance...”
The course gives a deeper sense of the complexities of humans and how understanding the different aspects of personalities and instincts can provide a letting go into deeper acceptance of the undeniable truth of how we are all connected.

“Has given me practices to help me live and lead others...”
The time with Russ has been a gentle shift that enhanced my knowledge with an understanding of the organic nature and curiosity of the Enneagram with skills and has given me practices to help me live and lead others in that same way.

“Gentleness, patience, and deep empathy”
Having Russ draw deeply on his experience and knowledge, was invaluable. He has an incredible ability to explain everything in such an easy to understand way. And with gentleness, patience, and deep empathy.
Sam, Peo, South Africa

“Patience, humor, and wisdom...”
Russ is an extremely gifted teacher. With patience, humor, and wisdom, he is able to guide us to places that are normally too defended to see or admit. This course definitely had that effect on me... I’m grateful to you, Russ, and to The Shift Network who have made it their mission to create opportunities such as these for as many as possible.
Scott, Madison, Wisconsin

“The best Enneagram teacher...”
Russ is the best Enneagram teacher for his presence and dedication to the Enneagram world. I highly recommend to learn with him if you’re looking for transformational experience and what Enneagram really is meant to be.
Pongsathorn, Bangkok, Thailand

“Russ Hudson is a master teacher”
Russ Hudson is a master teacher. His insights are powerful and always helpful. The Shift Network made it easy to attend this program (virtually) and receive the related materials. I would definitely take another program with them. Great helpful team.
Carol Schindler, Morristown, New Jersey

About Russ Hudson


Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He is also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He has been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is also co-author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Personality Types, Understanding the Enneagram, Discovering Your Personality Type and The Power of the Enneagram. Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.

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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
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