With Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Naturopath &
Registered Doctor of Osteopathy with Ahpra
Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Live with greater ease, and experience a felt sense of freedom within your body by implementing a somatic formula for healing designed to reverse sensory motor amnesia and activate your ability to release the trauma, stress, fear, and anxiety that’s held within your musculoskeletal system. 

Explore the 3 neuromuscular reflexes of stress and their role in chronic muscular and musculoskeletal pain.


Did you know that every thought and emotion you have has a corresponding musculoskeletal response?

Osteopathic medicine reveals that the body and mind function as one unit. Your thoughts and emotions actually reach into your musculoskeletal system and activate your body’s three neuromuscular stress reflexes for better or worse.

When you feel calm, peaceful, safe, and at ease... you create these same experiences within your physiology. Your parasympathetic nervous system is activated and signals your entire system to relax, rejuvenate, and optimize your self-healing capacity.

In the same way, trauma, fear, and anxiety can activate your sympathetic nervous system to either protect or flee, trapping these stress responses within your physiology... including your muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissues.

Over time, these trapped thoughts and emotions have a debilitating effect on your entire being, including Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) the most common cause of chronic pain in your musculoskeletal system, known as idiopathic pain.

Osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle has been studying the effects of neuromuscular stress reflex and their impact on our health for decades. He’s developed a process for not only mitigating them, but enhancing the natural ability of our bodies to self-regulate, balance, and heal.

During this health-rejuvenating course, you’ll address a wide range of issues, including Sensory Motor Amnesia, which is responsible for other common illnesses that are often mistaken as the aging process... and learn through clinical practices Brian’s somatic formula for healing and how to experience a virtually limitless state of embodied health and freedom.

As you begin to manage the three neuromuscular reflexes of stress, you’ll address the habituated pattern of held trauma in your body...

... and activate your body’s innate ability to release this trauma, as well as the stress, fear, and anxiety that’s held within your musculoskeletal system.

As a pioneer in the field of somatic education, a certified Hanna Somatic Educator®, an osteopath, and a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, Brian teaches embodied movement as a vehicle to greater freedom.

You’ll practice powerful somatic awareness techniques and an osteopathic approach to ignite and enhance your natural ability to self-regulate, balance your nervous system movements and self-heal. You’ll also explore practical ways to care for this important muscle group, discover how to reverse SMA... and ultimately, take charge of your capacity to prevent and heal chronic stress, pain, and trauma.


In this health-empowering course, you’ll:

  • Learn how your body is habitually experiencing the 3 neuromuscular reflexes of stress and how this can lead to chronic muscular or musculoskeletal pain
  • Free your body from the habituated holding pattern of physical trauma
  • Create the circumstances that allow healing to take place
  • Explore Brian’s formula for healing: Dis-ease + Embodiment + Health = Healing
  • Discover a felt experience of the movement of health throughout your system
  • Work with the metabolic embryological forces that grew and developed with you in the womb and that have continued to heal you throughout your life
  • Discover how the upper back and neck can be freed through the pelvis
  • Free the muscle of the soul the iliopsoas muscle group, and its held patterns of trauma... and its greater potential for mind-body-soul freedom
  • Experience embodied clinical movement practices to free your upper back and neck, your startle and go-go-go reflex, your breathing muscles, and more
  • Learn why Sensory Motor Amnesia is the main causative factor of pain
  • Shift from a freeze response that makes you anxious, fearful, and insecure into a state of rest, repair, and rejuvenation
  • Experience the felt state of embodied wholeness as you come home to your body and begin to live from an expanded state of awareness
  • Be guided through embodied somatic journeys to free the habituated contraction of your back muscles and overarching of the lower back, and return to a neutral place
  • Learn how to feel stillness through the structures at the front of the spine, and feel the movement of health to enable more fluid movement and a felt sense of being at home in your body
  • Discover the role of an integrated nervous system in co-regulation with others

You’ll work with the one area of the body in particular that holds tremendous power over your stress reflexes and their debilitating effects: the iliopsoas muscle group, which is also called the muscle of the soul.

Rising from different areas of the lumbar spine and pelvic bowl, this is the place where we store trauma and our history, Brian says. When it’s working, unburdened by stress and trauma, it enables us to be free in all ways mind, body, heart, and soul.

You’ll harness the healing intelligence of the metabolic embryological forces that grew and developed with you while in the womb and continued to heal you throughout your life.

Brian teaches that transforming your thoughts and emotions into conscious awareness is the first step toward living in a more embodied and aligned way better equipped to release the held patterns of fear and trauma that are buried within your body...

... and to access your true capacity for healing, conscious living, and self-actualization.

In doing so, you’ll strengthen your emotional core... and the capacity of your back and surrounding muscles to healthily hold you up throughout the challenges and uncertainties of life.

Ultimately, you’ll discover a felt sense experience of the movement of health throughout your system... and through an embodied osteopathic understanding and somatic movement practices, you’ll learn how to heal yourself by bringing this expanded conscious awareness into every cell of your being.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this transformational intensive, Brian will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to experience a felt sense of freedom within your body. By implementing a somatic formula for healing, you’ll activate your ability to release the trauma, stress, fear, and anxiety that’s held within your musculoskeletal system.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Brian. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to live with greater ease and experience a felt sense of freedom within your own body by releasing the trauma, stress, fear, and anxiety that’s held within your musculoskeletal system.

Module 1: Free Yourself From the Holding Patterns of Bodily Trauma to Create Space for Holistic Physical & Emotional Healing


In this session, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the effects that physical trauma has on your body and the guarding that takes place around that.

You’ll learn how physical trauma takes root in the body, how to address the habituated pattern of held trauma... and how to come out of it by exploring the principles and strategies of embodying somatic awareness.

You’ll explore a new context for health and how to create the circumstances that allow healing to take place.

Brian will also guide you on a journey to release this habituation through an embodied clinical somatic movement practice, awareness, and meditations.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • A practice to create a felt sense of calm and homeostasis by finding a neutral state within yourself
  • How to free your body from the habituated holding pattern of physical trauma
  • How to create the circumstances that allow healing to take place
  • Brian’s formula for healing: Dis-ease + Embodiment + Health = Healing
  • Why somatic learning is an essential part of the healing process
  • The same healing forces that mend broken bones and broken hearts

Module 2: Embody the Muscle of the Soul to Release Trauma, Empower Self-Regulation and Increase Pleasure & Wellbeing


You’ll explore the one area of the body that holds tremendous power over your stress reflexes and their debilitating effects: the iliopsoas muscle group, which is also called the muscle of the soul.

This is the place where much of your trauma and history is stored. When it’s working, unburdened by stress and trauma, it enables you to be free in all ways mind, body, heart, and soul.

You’ll also continue to explore the trauma reflex and learn how emotional trauma can be held in the body and the core. By addressing your center and how it relates to your back, you’ll learn how to free the upper back and neck as it connects to the head.

Brian will also guide you through a somatic awareness journey to discover the deep muscle that flexes the trunk (part of the bending muscle group)... and share how to embody it as a sense organ just as the tongue is a muscle and a sense organ of taste.

In doing so, you’ll begin to shift the narrative of the iliopsoas from a muscle to a sense organ and an organ of pleasure.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How the upper back and neck can be freed through the pelvis
  • The muscle of the soul the iliopsoas muscle group, and its role in held patterns of trauma and your freedom
  • Ways to embody your ability to self-heal and empower self-regulation, health, and wellbeing
  • How the movement of health feels throughout your system
  • The metabolic embryological forces that grew and developed with you in the womb and that have continued to heal you throughout your life
  • How to calm and balance your autonomic nervous system by focusing inwardly

Module 3: Calm Your Startle Reflex to Sense Held Patterns of Pain, Fear & Anxiety, Reclaim Muscle & Joint Mobility, and Experience Rejuvenation


Continual low-level anxiety is a significant issue regarding health and how you hold pain in your body. The stress response of anxiety not only affects hormones but also your muscles and joints.

You’ll address this pattern of fear and anxiety, and be led through an embodied clinical practice to come out of it.

Brian will also share an embodied awareness practice for returning to a neutral place within yourself to regain normal function when wrought with anxiety.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn an embodied clinical movement practice to free the startle reflex
  • Explore how Sensory Motor Amnesia is the main causative factor of pain
  • Discover the general adaptation syndrome and how it’s the main cause of back pain, as well as the path that brings you out of it
  • Shift from a freeze response that makes you anxious, fearful, and insecure into a state of rest, repair, and rejuvenation
  • Experience an embodied awareness practice for returning to a neutral place within yourself to regain normal function when wrought with anxiety
  • Dive deeper into the core strategies and principles of somatic movement and discover how focusing inwardly can calm and balance your nervous system

Module 4: Free Your Startle Reflex to Release Your Breathing Muscles and Activate Your Fluid Body & Its Embryonic Forces of Self-Healing


You’ll continue to explore the stress of the startle reflex this module and how it affects your breathing, beginning with a somatic journey to release the muscles involved in breathing.

You’ll learn how physical breath moves you... and through that process come to know the “fluid body.”

From an osteopathic biodynamic viewpoint, the fluid body contains the embryonic forces that developed you while in the womb and that heal you as an adult.

You’ll also explore the relationship between the physical body, the physical breath, and the ebb and flow of the fluid body, which is responsible for self-healing.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • A clinical movement practice to free your breathing muscles
  • How to work with your fluid body and its healing embryonic forces
  • How to regulate your nervous system through embodying the breathing process
  • The role of an integrated nervous system in co-regulation with others
  • How to “unblend” from triggered trauma spots and lead from “Self” energy
  • The relationship between the physical body, breath, and the movement of the fluid body which is responsible for self-healing

Module 5: Release the Patterns of Your Go, Go, Go Reflex to Liberate Yourself From Habituated Pain in Your Back Muscles


Be guided through a powerful embodied clinical practice to release the stress response that’s related to fight: your go, go, go reflex.

Brian will also guide you through a somatic journey to free the habituated contraction of your back muscles and overarching of the lower back and share how you can come out of this debilitating extension pattern to regain flexibility, mobility, and greater ease and freedom.

When this group of muscles (called the unbending muscles) is unconsciously held over time, the lower back becomes habitually arched... and in time, causes lower back pain.

You’ll also learn how to embody the front of your spine as a reference point a place you can move from and experience life from... and return to as the midline of your rightful embodied home.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a clinical somatic movement practice to release your go, go, go reflex and free the posterior muscle chain
  • Be guided through a somatic journey to free the habituated contraction of your back muscles and overarching of the lower back
  • Learn how to feel the structures at the front of the spine to enable more fluid movement and a felt sense of home in your body
  • Return to a way of being prior to adulthood when your primary way of learning was through your senses and movement exploration

Module 6: Move From Your Somatic Center to Enhance Felt Physical Freedom in Your Body


In the previous clinical practices, you released the muscles of bending (front trunk muscles), unbending (muscles of the back), and the side muscles. Now you’re primed to explore turning or rotation.

In this module, you’ll explore how to apply the strategies of somatic movement to turning while in a seated position.

Brian teaches that as you learn to move the whole of you (and especially the pelvis) while turning, you’ll experience a whole new level of freedom.

You’ll also continue the theme of differentiating the fluid energy body from the physical body.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Move the whole of you and experience a new level of freedom through a seated somatic movement practice for full-body turning
  • Ground your movement through the central axis while improving moving in rotation
  • Continue to explore how to differentiate the fluid energy body from the physical body
  • Learn how to move from your somatic center to enable more physical freedom
  • Discover how you can create the circumstances that activate your ability to self-heal

Module 7: Access Your Authentic Self-Energy to Build Resilience & Embody Vibrant Health Within Your System


In this session, you’ll combine all you’ve learned: embodied awareness, how to create the circumstances for self-healing, how to work with your fluid body, and more... to activate your body’s true capacity for self-healing and self-regulation.

Brian will share why leading with your authentic self is key to embodied health, and the importance of building resilience through self-practice, self-care, and a sense of deep integration and wholeness.

You’ll also come home to your embodied way of being and truly find your authentic self... and from that place, lead with compassion and love.

During the last session, you’ll:

  • Learn a powerful daily somatic movement practice for accessing your authentic self and your deeper resources
  • Experience the felt state of embodied wholeness as you come home to your body and begin to lead from an expanded state of awareness
  • Receive valuable resources to shift into "self-energy” when you feel disconnected
  • Learn how to develop compassion energy for yourself and others
  • Integrate your mind, body, and spirit as one functional unit


The Somatic & Osteopathic Movement for Embodied Health Bonus Collection

In addition to Brian’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Embodying the Core Clinical Lessons of Hanna Somatics as a Self-Practice
Video Dialogue With Brian Siddhartha Ingle & Eleanor Criswell Hannah

In this conversation between Brian and Eleanor Criswell Hanna, professor emeritus of psychology and former chair of the psychology department at Sonoma State University, you’ll discover the science related to Hanna Somatics. You’ll find out how the benefits of the clinical hands-on lessons can be acquired through a guided somatic experience without the hands-on approach of the therapist. This discussion also focuses on the underlying cause of chronic pain and tension: losing the ability to feel and move easily. As you’ll explore in this dialogue and throughout the course, resolving this amnesia enables freedom of movement and the ability to live an embodied, fulfilling life.


Freeing the Hips & Pelvis
Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle

The hips and pelvis are often where we hold the most tension, and they’re responsible for much of our physical limitations and discomfort. In this guided somatic experience, Brian will teach you to unwind that pattern. You’ll learn how to free your hip joints and your pelvis as it relates to your spine. As you’ll discover, the key to physical freedom is through the pelvis. Go on a journey to find this key, unlock the benefits, and open the door.


A Journey From Structural Bodywork to Functional Somatic Education
Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle

Discover how deep listening and unconditional regard are the foundation to accessing health. This video offers you a demonstration of the hands-on approach to somatic education, and a practical mini-movement lesson you can do at home. Brian also shares his journey from structural bodywork to somatic education, and how listening, both to the client or student, and to the intuitive quest that comes from within the practitioner, builds a session. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the somatic approach to bodywork.


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What Graduates of Brian’s Courses Are Saying...


Stephanie Nightingale: “It’s Powerful Work, It’s Beautiful Work, It Feels Good To Do”

Karusia Wroblewski: “Gayatri & Siddhartha Teach Practices That Bring Us Back to the Wholeness That We Are”

Lucia Rodríguez: “Magic Things Happened! I Am Back Running Now Without Pain.”

Cristina Nakano: “I Found a Pathway to Self-Love, Self-Healing, and Joy”

Caroline Orr: “Siddhartha and Gayatri Create Such a Caring and Encouraging Space for Us to Learn”

Bharat Gupta: “The Teachings Have Helped Me to Settle Down and Become More Stable”

“[The course] was very nourishing at many levels physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.”

This course helped me to really slow down my practice, to be very gentle and kind to myself, and to be centered. It was very nourishing at many levels physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Deepest gratitude to Brian.
Monique , Dublin, Ireland

“I highly recommend this workshop to everyone...”

I highly recommend this workshop to everyone who is ready to allow self-healing within the safety of a loving group and incredibly gifted, compassionate teacher!
Linda, Illinois

“The course has helped me notice... that I have the power to influence my life for the better by surrounding myself with empowered, like-minded people.”

The course has helped me notice, not only the importance of my full expression as a being in movement, but also that I have the power to influence my life for the better by surrounding myself with empowered, like-minded people.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Brian Siddhartha Ingle

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the co-founder of Living Somatics, Brian Siddhartha Ingle, a doctor of osteopathic medicine and a naturopath, from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and will guide you into a felt sense of freedom within your body as you implement a somatic formula for healing to release trauma, stress, fear, and anxiety from your physiology.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Somatic & Osteopathic Movement for Embodied Health Bonus Collection
  • Embodying the Core Clinical Lessons of Hanna Somatics as a Self-Practice
    Video Dialogue With Brian Siddhartha Ingle & Eleanor Criswell Hannah
  • Freeing the Hips & Pelvis
    Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle
  • A Journey From Structural Bodywork to Functional Somatic Education
    Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Somatic & Osteopathic Movement for Embodied Health Online Training


We feel honored that Brian Siddhartha Ingle has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the co-founder of Living Somatics, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about releasing debilitating held patterns of trauma, stress, fear, and anxiety from within your musculoskeletal system, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Somatic & Osteopathic Movement for Embodied Health or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Brian Siddhartha Ingle...

“The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of his work is both palpable and healing.”

If you are looking for an uplifting course to savor more of the power, serenity, and beauty of your inner world, and let that ripple out into your life more, this is the course for you. Brian is a very talented somatic practitioner. He holds space beautifully and gives an empowering, nonjudgmental presence that is in itself transformative. The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of his work is both palpable and healing. Brian’s upbeat and uplifting approach to this work is deeply grounded in his osteopathic training. He is a real gift to this world, and this course will no doubt be a gift to you in your life. Enjoy it.
Emer, holistic therapist and teacher, Ireland

“... you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness...”

Living Somatics offers an exceptional education in somatic movement. Brian is highly professional and creates a safe space for learning and exploring where everyone feels heard and seen. Whether you are doing the education to work in this field or if you are doing it for your own personal development, you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness and your quality of life for years to come. Studying with him is the best decision I have made, and I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Annika Pahlen, physiotherapist, Stockholm, Sweden

“I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief...”

I have suffered from lower back pain for most of my life, and as a result, I have studied fitness, yoga, and Pilates to alleviate the condition. While each of these has played a role in minimizing discomfort, none have had the profound effect of Living Somatics. I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief (although that does feel good). I can instead explore the Living Somatics movement lessons. The work has had a profound impact on my life, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to explore the subtlety of movement within their own body. Unlike many other modalities, this work is accessible to all bodies. I hope you enjoy your journey.
Rachel Falconer, Living Somatics Movement teacher, yoga and Pilates instructor, Sydney, Australia

“[Brian] opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness...”

I am very happy to be a part of the Living Somatics family since 2016. And even more happy that Brian was my first guide in this world of freedom, self-exploration, and deep body knowledge. He opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness, and he supported and shared his knowledge in a way that includes respect, trust, and loving kindness. For me his ability to accept, share, and improve is an example of the wisest way in a somatic field.
Alina Litvinova, Clinical Living Somatic Educator, freediving instructor, fitness coach, and apnea yoga teacher, Moscow, Russia

“Brian’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension.”

I am so thankful that I found Living Somatics training! As a yoga therapist I was looking for somatic training as a complementary “tool” to help my clients to leverage the body-mind connection and to assist them in moving towards wellbeing. By serendipity I discovered, through a free workshop, the teaching of Brian, which led me to what I was looking for: “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Now that I’ve enrolled with the online Living Somatics Movement Teacher Training (LSMTT), I can deeply recommend the program. It’s intense and very practical. We are a group of students from different countries learning within a very positive and open-minded group spirit. In addition, Brian’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension. I am so grateful!
Pénélope Caux, yoga therapist, Living Somatics Movement teacher in training, Paris, France


About Brian Siddhartha Ingle

Brian Siddhartha Ingle, RMSE, ND, DO, is a licensed doctor of osteopathic medicine and also a naturopath. He is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator®, a somatic yoga teacher, a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, and an aqua bodyworker. He is co-founder of Living Somatics, along with Gayatri Schriefer, and is the founder and educational director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education.

Brian is a graduate of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. For more than 30 years, Brian has been inquiring into authentic systems of self-healing, movement, and personal development. He has a background in Ayurvedic medicine and Vedic astrology and has been based in India since 1995.

Brian co-curates and co-hosts the online Somatic Movement Summit, a collaboration between Living Somatics and The Shift Network. Brian travels extensively, sharing his passion for embracing somatic movement as a vehicle to greater freedom. He teaches workshops and professional trainings all over the world and online. Brian conducts trainings in the clinical-hands on work of Living Somatics as well as extensively training people as Somatic Movement Teachers in a one-year online program.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
