Join Us on a 10-Day Retreat and Trip of a Lifetime!


With Andean Medicine Carrier
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona


Stephen Dinan, Grandmother Flordemayo, Anodea Judith, Tito La Rosa, Dr. Marie Mbouni, Grandmother Moetu-Taiha, Ñutu Runas, Wiñaypaq Takin, Lindsey Wise


December 312, 2024
Urubamba, Sacred Valley & Cusco


Take a journey to the frontier of your consciousness, retreat in a natural mountain sanctuary, open your heart to new depths, and propel your life to new heights.


Your 10-Day Program Includes:

  • Guided visits to sacred sites, including Machu Picchu, Cusco, Qorikancha, Moray, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, and Saqsaywaman
  • Two nights of ceremony with Ayahuasca in a traditional context
  • Two ceremonies with Huachuma (San Pedro) in a traditional context
  • Special welcome circle and closing night celebrations
  • Sacred music in the evenings
  • Special Andean cultural experiences
  • All food, lodging, and travel, from arrival in Cusco to departure
  • Small-group integration sessions throughout the journey to develop intimacy, community, and mutual support
  • Expert talks on the frontier of healing with sacred plants
  • Two online preparation meetings in advance of your arrival
  • Three post-retreat video faculty integration meetings with faculty
  • Ongoing access to two of The Shift Network’s most popular online psychedelic plant medicine courses: Puma’s 7-module video course, Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca & Huachuma: Entering Botanical Portals to Higher Consciousness With Reverence, Respect & Right Relationship ... and Dr. Ali Maya’s new 7-module video course, Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Integrate Your Plant Medicine Experiences in a Spiritually Transformative Way... plus 10 selected sessions from the Shamanic Wisdom Summit and Psychedelic Healing Summit

Realize the truth of who you are with a community of fellow explorers in a magical land, and emerge as a more realized, clear, and empowered version of yourself, with an expanded vision for your life and your work on this planet.

Like to learn more about this retreat? Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.

A Personal Invitation From Stephen Dinan
Co-Founder & CEO of The Shift Network


Dear Fellow Seeker,

What if you had an opportunity to heal your deepest blocks and expand into your highest potential while advancing your life mission in powerful ways all while building a community of conscious peers for support and collaboration?

It’s becoming clear that working with psychedelic plant medicines is proving to be one of the fastest accelerators for those on the path of transformation, providing an opportunity to engage in rapid healing, the downloading of new roadmaps, and insight into core healing work.

More people are sharing their stories publicly as the path to legalization advances. As the founding CEO of The Shift Network, I can attest that some of our most powerful and effective programs have come to me in crystal-clear ways during plant medicine ceremonies.

The good news is that, in Peru, this work is already fully legal and builds off legacies and lineages that have been operating for hundreds of years. There’s a sacred culture of working with plant medicines for healing and for vision that weaves together beautiful music, shamanic healing, and vibrational medicine to help transform body, mind, and spirit.

We believe that this Sacred Journey to Peru may well be the best investment you can make in advancing your life work and in your awakening with the goal being for you to experience profound openings, receive deep healings, and be blessed with fresh downloads that illuminate the path to a brighter future for you and your life’s work.

In partnership,
Stephen Dinan

P.S. With a deep lineage rooted in the ancient traditions of the region, Puma brings not only years of experience but a profound spiritual connection to the retreats he leads, making him the ideal guide for this journey of self-discovery and healing. Under his guidance, you’ll experience the true essence of plant medicine healing in a way that’s both authentic and deeply personal.


Like to learn more about this retreat? Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.



This journey is for those with a courageous heart and strong mind, who will no longer accept feeling disconnected, depressed, or full of dis-ease, but who are ready to delve into the core of their being to realize the truth of who they are with a community of fellow explorers in a magical land.

While it’s helpful if you have previous experience working with sacred plants in a ceremonial context, it’s not a requirement. All races, colors, genders, ages, and religious orientations are welcome.

This retreat is especially for you if:

  • You’ve felt called to explore sacred plant medicines in a safe, legal, and supportive context
  • You’ve had powerful experiences with psychedelics that provided a glimpse into their healing potential, and you’d like to go further
  • Certain parts of your history are holding you back, and you desire healing so you can move forward in life
  • You have a large vision for your business and want to clarify and commit to the path forward
  • You feel like you’ve reached a plateau on your growth path and are curious how plant medicines might open you to another level
  • You’re being intuitively guided to Peru

This journey is not for you if you have psychological or medical contraindications, or you’re not prepared to enter with a spirit of respect, reverence, and willingness to do the real work that’s often required for lasting results. We are requiring any applicants over 70 to have a special medical clearance to ensure that this is an appropriate next step for you.


Highlights From the October 2022 Sacred Journey to Peru


More About This Journey of a Lifetime

Have you ever been on a journey that changed your life forever?

Travel is a potent portal to growth... and when you travel to one of the most powerful sacred locations on Earth, accompanied by great healers, to work with ancient traditions and life-changing plant allies, true magic is possible.

The goal of this Sacred Journey to Peru is to create a unique, life-changing initiation into traditional ways of healing with sacred plants, devotional music, Andean culture, and beautiful natural environments all within a supportive community of conscious peers.

Healing experiences will be combined with modern wisdom, integration resources, and heart-centered community... to bring you into connection with your truest Self, open your heart to new depths, and propel your life to new heights.

The Shift Network has brought together the best guides, facilitators, and healers we know for an unprecedented convergence at a pivotal moment.

According to lead faculty Puma Fredy Quispe Singona and his lineage, Earth is currently going through a shift into a new level of consciousness in which the old destructive patterns in our human story are reaching their conclusion and the new is being born.

This shift is happening through us. We’ve all endured traumas and hardships that may be perpetuating patterns that don’t serve us or the greater good. To emerge as leaders for this new era, we need to clear space for what’s to come.

It’s time to repair our history and reconnect our bodies, minds, and souls.

This Sacred Journey to Peru is a unique opportunity to activate a new and awakened you.

As a participant, you’ll work with ancient healing practices and profound sacred plants. Ayahuasca and Huachuma have long been considered master healer plants in Peru.

In recent years, the modern world is finally catching on to what ancient healers have known for millennia, and the psychoactive effects of these plants are proving to be powerfully therapeutic in clinical settings and modern psychological research.

Ayahuasca, often referred to as Grandmother and used in nighttime ceremonies, offers a kind of “tough love.” Huachuma (or San Pedro) is called Grandfather, and offers “gentle love” medicine in the light of day.

Both plants, when approached with respect and honor, can catalyze great wisdom for us. By cultivating a deep relationship with these plants along with the healing power of ceremony you can transcend feelings of disconnection, depression, and dis-ease, and shift into an awakening of your consciousness.

In Peruvian time-honored tradition, these plants are more than mere substances. They’re living, revered entities that hold a profound intelligence about the unique pathway of healing and awakening for each individual.

Seasoned pioneers in plant medicine will guide you through your journey both in Peru and after. To ensure you receive long-lasting (and safe) positive benefits, you’ll have access to traditional healing knowledge with the support of Western medical supervision and pre- and post-integration work that addresses psychological, spiritual, and physical healing protocols.

In this once-in-a-lifetime experience, Puma, an Andean lineage holder trained in ancient ways by his grandfather from the age of six, will take you on a profound journey of evolution and healing for yourself and your mission.


In this trip of a lifetime, you will experience ancestral traditions that have been kept alive for thousands of years.
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona


Highlights From the August 2023 Sacred Journey to Peru



During my journey I was able to release so much pain and grief over an extremely toxic relationship... I have felt a tremendous amount of peace since returning.

Kim, Texas

I experienced and saw the matrix that connects all life and everything in the cosmos... It’s a miraculous experience.

Sally, Georgia

I actually received a new energetic heart and was cleared of old patterns of carrying the unnecessary suffering, grief, and sadness of my paternal lineage.

Corrina, Oregon

I saw all of my personal growth efforts for the last 30 years coming together.

Dennis, California

For me it was truly a journey of a lifetime. I will always treasure this experience.


I felt I was being shown a new blueprint for my life.


I have a lifetime of downloads to process.


I do feel like a different person inside.



Itinerary Overview

Bear in mind that this is the starting vision and that the cosmic plan will likely take over to make it even better!

  • Day 1 Arrive at Cusco airport and be transported to the beautiful Taypikala Valle Sagrado Retreat Center for our welcome circle and dinner
  • Day 2 Introductory talks, preparation with faculty, first group circles, and visit the Chinchero weaving co-op
  • Day 3 A full-day journey to visit the sacred site of Machu Picchu
  • Day 4 Huachuma ceremony, accompanied by Wiñaypaq Takin, and evening sound-healing ceremony with Tito La Rosa
  • Day 5 Morning faculty talks, group circles, Despacho ceremony with Andean elders, and evening Ayahuasca ceremony
  • Day 6 Personal time, faculty talks, group circles, and evening Ayahuasca ceremony
  • Day 7 Huachuma ceremony and a Creative Sharing Circle in the evening
  • Day 8 Expedition to the sacred site of Ollantaytambo and Moray and Grandmother's Wisdom Circle in the afternoon
  • Day 9 Transfer hotels to Palacio del Inka, visit Saqsaywaman and Qorikancha, explore Cusco, and a final night celebration with music and dancing with Ñutu Runas
  • Day 10 Closing circle with a blessing ceremony to complete our journey

Like to learn more about this retreat? Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.


Lead Faculty
Click on image for bio

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona Paqo, Andean medicine carrier

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona began training with his grandfather, the late Don Maximo, after being struck by lightning at the age of six learning and mastering the Andean traditions and rituals of the Rainbow Lineage from the Inca people of Chinchero. He has studied the direct lineages of the Huachuma plant from the coast of Peru and with Ayahuasca, the sacred plant of the Amazonian Shipibo people. Puma conveys a profound respect for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and ancestral plant medicine. He facilitates ceremonies to support our global consciousness awakening and has been featured in books and films about the Andean medicine path.

read full bio…

I Am Puma



Stephen Dinan CEO & Co-Founder of The Shift Network

Grandmother Flordemayo Mayan Elder, Curandera, Universal Healer, Visionary & Founder of The Path

Anodea Judith Founder & Director of Sacred Centers, spiritual teacher & bestselling author


Grandmother Moetu Taiha lnternational Transformational Coach & Healer

Dr. Marie Mbouni Trauma-Informed Ceremonies and Integration Facilitator, Spiritual Guide, Coach

Lindsey Wise Ceremonial Energy Medicine, Music & Plant Medicine Facilitator

Special Musicians & Facilitators

Tito La Rosa Flute healing and ceremonial music

Ñutu Runas Celebratory, fusion folkloric music

Wiñaypaq Takin Ceremonial music


Lindsey Wise Ceremonial Energy Medicine, Music & Plant Medicine Facilitator

Lola Young Retreat Manager & Facilitator


Music Medicine


What People Are Saying About Puma

“[Puma] has really given me another perspective in life, in general... in a spiritual way, in a mental way.”

He has really given me another perspective in life, in general... in a spiritual way, in a mental way. My connection to Pachamama I have never been the same since then.
Anaïs Mali, model and actress


“There’s really so much to learn in Puma’s teachings.”

Puma creates a learning environment in which you can really grow. He creates a safe space in which you can be your very own best. You’re so secure that you can be free. You’re connected, and you’re engaged in choosing your own path to evolve. There’s really so much to learn in Puma’s teachings. It’s like the threads that are already woven between you and the ancestral forces, the spirits, the essences, the elements, the animals, Pachamama.
Marion Conaway


“The gifts of Puma and these teachings are beyond measure.”

I feel so blessed to be able to study with Puma. His knowledge, wisdom, presence, and loving heart continue to invite me into a deeper truth of self. I am able to love more fully, to be that love, and to be in love with all that this life is offering in ways I was not before. Through the teachings and the Mesa, I feel so supported by Pachamama, the ancestors, and all allies. I feel held in a constant field of love, beauty, cosmic intelligence, and grace, and I am deeply grateful to know how to use my Mesa to offer this back in service and support of others. The gifts of Puma and these teachings are beyond measure. 
Lakita, Oregon

Preparation & Integration Sessions

  • Preparation for your journey dates and times to be announced closer to the trip
  • Integration sessions to turn your journey into new opportunities for your life dates to be announced

Integration: Bring Your Alchemical Treasures Home to Share


Ongoing Access to 3 Free Online Study Resources Included in This Journey (Valued at $1,100)

  • Puma’s 7-module online video course: Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma: Entering Botanical Portals to Higher Consciousness With Reverence, Respect & Right Relationship
    • Immerse yourself in this dynamic 7-week journey of powerful personal transformation and healing through the ancient teachings, powerful practices, and ceremony with two sacred ancestral plant medicines  Ayahuasca and Huachuma  to evolve humanity, heal our planet, and meet your soul’s purpose.
  • Ali Maya’s 7-module online video course: Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines, Integrate Your Plant Medicine Experiences in a Spiritually Transformative Way
    • Cultivate your relationship with sacred plant medicines through supportive practices based in mindful ritual. Create lasting and meaningful change by integrating your psychedelic experiences employing tools and practices that facilitate deeper spiritual connections, healing of trauma, and interpretation of messages and guidance.
  • Plus 10 selected video sessions from the Shamanic Wisdom Summit and Psychedelic Healing Summit
    • Shift Network Summits are online conferences or events that gather wise and renowned voices who share their wisdom about the current trends in a particular topic area. The teachings from the Shamanic Wisdom Summit offer potent practices and rituals to guide you through a process of rediscovery so you can renew, reactivate, and re-empower to uplevel your mind, body, and spirit on behalf of yourself, your community, and the planet. The teachings from the Psychedelic Healing Summit will help you learn about sacred plant medicine, Indigenous beliefs and traditions, and the latest psychedelic research so you can safely explore techniques and practices that can offer deep healing and expansion of your consciousness.

About the Plant Medicines

The following descriptions were developed by Puma and his team, who see these plant medicines primarily through a traditional healing lens. Note that it’s not required to work with these plant medicines during the trip. You’ll always have the choice and you can opt to commune directly with the healing spirits, as you’ll learn from Puma’s online program.


San Pedro (often called Huachuma) is a cactus that’s native to the Andes and known to have been used by pre-Inca civilizations for up to 4,000 years. The active component found in this medicine is mescaline, and the nature or personality of this plant is perceived by many as the masculine grandfather spirit. It’s often depicted as having the spirit of the hummingbird.

Used to help perceive our self-created barriers and limitations, this medicine greatly aids in opening and connecting with our hearts. Each ceremony is a meeting with ourselves, Mother Earth, and the Divine, serving as a medicinal mirror to help us see where we hold on to self-limiting beliefs and patterns, gently guiding us to release what no longer serves us. San Pedro ceremonies are performed with psychological preparation and physical cleansing.


Ayahuasca is an ancient visionary curative medicine that comes from the Amazon. It’s traditionally used in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil. Ayahuasca has two main components the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the chacruna leaves (Psychotria viridis). The spirit and character of Ayahuasca is divinely feminine, perceived as a woman or snake. This visionary plant medicine is often called “the purge,” as it helps us cleanse our physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual bodies through a powerful releasing process. This medicine moves through the body, activating and awakening our sleeping energies. When these energies are activated, they’re expressed in different ways and are ultimately removed from the body. The purge process can take innumerable forms, commonly through tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, strong emotions, tears, yawns, laughter, breath, and more.

Ceremonies that involve deep physical and energetic cleaning and cleansing often precede ceremonies with deep vision and light. The journey is often difficult to understand in the moment. However, with the benefit of hindsight and integration, the deep wisdom of the plants reveals itself in time. It’s commonly understood that the medicine will give you what you need and what you want.

Ayahuasca heals the spirit deeply and also teaches us what’s necessary for us to know, guiding us where it needs to guide us and helping us understand our spiritual world. Prior to the Ayahuasca sessions, it’s extremely important to participate in preparation and stimulation sessions that help us discern what we should learn and what we should ignore.


Psychoactive Masters of the Plant Spirit Kingdom


Like to learn more about this retreat? Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.


Sacred Sites Visits

Machu Picchu is a citadel built on top of the mountains right above the Willka Mayu or Willka Nota River, where the altar of Apu Salkantay, the most important mountain spirit god of the Inca people, resides. Built with white granite in the shape of the condor, and known as the crystal condor, the myth and legend is that the crystal condor carries the soul of the people of this Earth to the sun of divine origins. In Machu Picchu, you can connect with your original soul purpose and learn what you need to manifest in this lifetime, to leave as an offering and a legacy for generations to come. Machu Picchu is the temple of liberation, self-realization, and enlightenment, and honors the most important constellation of the Inca people the southern cross constellation also known as the heart of the Milky Way.


Qorikancha, the “Temple of the Sun,” is the center of centers of the Inca civilization. Completely adorned in gold, silver, and precious stones, with life-sized sacred spiritual symbols, it represents the cosmovision. This land is known as a vortex, where many ley lines converge. It was believed that the disc representing the sun was in this temple made of crystals and precious stones (some believe from materials not of this Earth!). Top chiefs, governors, military and religious leaders, and high priests and priestesses came to this sacred temple to ask the oracle questions and make important decisions for the Inca civilization. The people of the community were only allowed outside the temple walls to pray to their ancestors, the sun disc, and the Divine... for enlightenment, self-realization, and illumination.


Saqsaywaman, the “Temple of the Enlightened,” is also known as “satisfied hawk” or “great head of the puma.” This temple was for the head of administration, top military, government, and religious leaders. The enlightened head of the puma is a terrace in the shape of lightning with lithic pieces and stones brought from a quarry 25 km southeast of Cusco, weighing approximately 120 tons. At this temple, you can connect with the power of leadership, the enlightened mind, and enlightened consciousness. Here, the Andean people give homage to Father Sun and Mother Earth and keep ancestral ceremonies, rituals, and offerings of gratitude alive.


Moray, the “Green House of the Inca,” is the temple of rebirth, set above the Sacred Valley. It’s a series of concentric circles that offered advanced hydraulic engineering to the Inca people, creating microclimates for each terrace to grow products of the Amazon in the highlands. The Incas represented the figure of Mother Earth as a woman with concentric circles symbolizing the womb, where seeds were planted and discovered and human beings were chosen as seeds of a new humanity.


Chinchero, the “Land of the Rainbow,” was derived from the word Sincheraq the people of highly evolved souls who discovered and offered their gifts from an early age to the family and community through the Tawantinsuyu (the four regions of the sun). In ancient times, this was a university where young people were trained in the arts of weaving, architecture, engineering, astronomy, and military. Today, Chinchero is an amazing altar for the sunset. It’s believed that these altars facing the west are meant to honor the ancestors, leaders, and high priests and priestesses, who have set with the sun and, with their light, are still guarding us to be in service... for our evolution and self-realization. Chinchero is also known as the land of the rainbow and is the temple of the seven rays, which are the most important lineages and traditions of the world.


Ollantaytambo is the “Tree of Life.” In the middle of three valleys, the pre-Incan people built terraces, temples, pyramids, and astronomical observatories on mountainsides, showcasing their ancient technologies and highly advanced knowledge of architecture, engineering, and astronomy. Ollantaytambo means “observatory from above,” from the Pukina language a language now disappeared from the communities of the Andes. Myths and traditions say that the first civilization, descendants of the Atlanteans, settled here before moving into Cusco. Famous for its powerful temples to the sun, the sacred four elements, and the Pleiades, Ollantaytambo is the portal of entrance into Machu Picchu.


Hotels & Accommodations

Taypikala (Sacred Valley)
Urubamba, the original Quechua name, means “prairies of light.” This beautiful hotel is surrounded by the majestic Andes. The weather conditions of this valley are ideal to acclimate and begin your journey. Situated between the mountains and the Urubamba River, you’ll feel an immediate sense of comfort and relaxation, surrounded by large gardens and outdoor spaces with megalithic stones and monoliths that adorn the natural-cultural landscape.

Palacio del Inka (Cusco)
Considered a historic landmark, Palacio del Inka is a 5-centuries-old mansion located in the heart of downtown Cusco. The luxury hotel’s unique and captivating design embraces historical aspects of Peruvian culture while maintaining world-class luxury and modern conveniences. You’ll find stone archways, authentic Hispanic art, and ornate gilded antiques. Join a delectable meal at Inti Raymi, the hotel’s on-site restaurant serving an array of epicurean cuisine, and enjoy a selection of wines. Harmonize your body and soul with a signature treatment or massage at the luxurious Andes Spirit Spa. Directly across from Koricancha, the “Temple of the Sun,” this luxury hotel is just minutes from the shops and museums in the main square.


Local Immersion & Accommodations



Special Limited-Time Offer:

Single Occupancy = $12,397 now $11,897

Double Occupancy = $8,997 now $8,497

Price is per person; airfare not included

Reserve your spot with a $500 application fee and deposit. Upon registration, you’ll be directed to a health application intake form to complete. Should your health application be declined, all deposits, payments, and fees will be refunded in full. See details below

Flexible payment options are available



Like to learn more about pricing and other travel arrangements? Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.



Retreat Faculty Anodea Judith: “It Felt Like Everyone Was Lit Up and Coming Into Their Truest Self”

Retreat Faculty Eileen McKusick: “The Plant Medicine Has Been Calling My Soul Home to Me in a Way I Didn’t Even Know I Was Looking For”


LaShondra Mercurius: “I Don't Think I've Ever Felt This Much Deep Love in My Life”

Gabriel Giron: “Puma Exudes a Child’s Pure Love and Joy and Is Also a Wise Elder”

Jeff and Annie McMichael: “It Was the Most Profound, Incredible Week That I’ve Had in My Life”

Enroll before June 1, 2024 to save $750.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Upon registration, you’ll be directed to a health application intake form to complete. Should your health application be declined, all deposits, payments, and fees will be 100% refunded.
  • In the last year, there has been some instability in Peru which appears to be over. Rest assured, if The Shift Network needs to cancel the retreat in the event of a recurrence, all payments and fees will be refunded in full.*
  • In the highly unlikely event that the retreat is canceled by The Shift Network, all deposits, payments, and fees will be refunded in full.*
  • Once your health application intake form is accepted, the following refund policy applies:*
    • Until August 15, 2024: all deposits, payments, and fees are fully refundable, less a $500 USD application and processing fee.
    • August 16, 2024 September 15, 2024, all deposits, payments, and fees are 50% refundable.
    • As of September 16, 2024: No refunds.
  • Deposits, payments, and fees must be paid in full prior to attending the retreat.
  • Deposits, payments, and fees are listed in USD. You are responsible for any additional fees you may be charged by your financial institution such as foreign currency exchange fees if paying from a non-U.S. account. Contact Customer Support if you require assistance with your payment.

*Please note that this refund policy pertains to the payments and fees you have paid to The Shift Network for the event as described above, and does not apply to your airfare and any miscellaneous costs, which are not included with your registration.


Peru Is Waiting to Safely Welcome You


Insurance & Other Travel Arrangements & Terms

  • The Shift Network strongly encourages participants to come prepared with health insurance and travel insurance.
  • When purchasing airline tickets, we recommend you opt to include the optional insurance coverage for your tickets offered by most airlines.
  • Additionally, we strongly recommend travel insurance that could potentially cover your registration fees in the event that you are not able to attend due to extenuating circumstances or if circumstances require that The Shift Network cancel the retreat. Trip protection to cover unexpected events like loss of a loved one or unexpected illnesses, emergency medical insurance, emergency evacuation, and gear protection, can give you peace of mind and support your positive travel experience. While Shift does not endorse any particular provider, here are three insurance options for your consideration:
  • Or, consider using a travel insurance broker, such as:
  • Travel arrangements and documentation, including visas, passports, flights and transportation, travel insurance, health insurance, COVID-19 testing and policies as regards travel to and from Peru, and incidental expenses, are the responsibility of applicants/participants.
  • The Shift Network and all associated organizers, facilitators, venue owners, and management are not responsible for any personal injury or illness.

We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions over several past Sacred Journey to Peru retreats, and we’re here with you every step of the way. If you’re not able to find the answer to your questions in our extended FAQ linked below, Please email Program Manager Lola Young with your questions or to set up a time to speak. You may also schedule a one-on-one information session with Lola here.


Still have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page.
