Medicine Advanced Practitioner
Dr. Melanie Smith
Master simple energy medicine self-care techniques to support and restore your parasympathetic nervous system — and activate your vagus nerve, unlocking radiant mind-body health.
As we navigate the changes unfolding in our turbulent world, we’re often too busy to slow down and notice the effects that chronic stress and trauma can have on our bodies.
These trauma and stress patterns have likely left an imprint on your nervous system.
Thankfully, you won’t have to look far to find an expert on the inner workings of your nervous system. Because you already have the power to rewrite harmful patterns, reclaim your health, and step into your power.
The key to restoring your mind, body, and spirit is with easy-to-implement energy medicine exercises that tap into your vagus nerve.
An essential player in your central nervous system, your vagus nerve talks to every organ and gland in your body — communicating from your brain to your gut, and everywhere in between...
Experience a fascinating 7-module video training from Melanie Smith, doctor of Oriental Medicine and Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, as you're guided to maximize the vagus nerve’s profound impact on your organ systems — and your physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
With Melanie as your expert teacher, you’ll become empowered to tap into your own healing power.
Melanie's course will equip you with a set of daily energy medicine self-care tools you can use right away to regulate your own stress reactions and emotional health.
When you combine these new tools with simple lifestyle changes, your confidence in your own healing power will grow as you practice what you learn from Melanie — and continue to thrive in the years to come.
Her course will guide you to explore the anatomy and physiology of your brain — the autonomic nervous system (both sympathetic and parasympathetic)... the gut-to-brain loop and the microbiome… neurotransmitters... and much more.
You'll feel empowered to shift deeply embedded chronic health problems, address gut-health issues, reduce emotional stress, balance your hormones, improve your sleep, and much more.
To meet the individual needs of her thousands of clients and students, Dr. Melanie integrates a unique fusion of Oriental Medicine, energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, functional medicine, energy psychology, and nutrition. She’s beloved by her students for demystifying some of the body’s most complex systems.
Embark on Melanie's course and learn to use the power of your vagus nerve as a barometer to check in with how your whole system is working — and respond right away with simple, deep healing practices to rest, relax, and restore your whole being.
In this empowering 7-module online video course, you’ll:
- Understand how your stress patterns are created and imprinted in your energy field
- Access the power of your vagus nerve to help you rebalance, and experience safety from trauma
- Identify and regulate your stress hormones
- Learn the essentials of the chakra system as they relate to your vagus nerve
- Open the chambers of your throat chakra to enhance thyroid function, regulate your metabolism, find your voice, and speak your truth
- Improve your gut instinct by supporting the vagal tone of your second chakra
- Release physical and emotional toxins to enhance blood and Qi flow
- Learn how sound healing can further soothe and harmonize your vagal tone
- Regulate your diaphragm and air passageways if they’ve been affected by shortness of breath due to stress or virus exposure
- Reduce tinnitus (ringing in the ears), TMJ, teeth grinding, and even fainting by regulating vagal tone
- Access the energetic gateway to your gut — to balance your microbiome
- Connect your vagus nerve with each chakra to fortify, calm, balance, and heal
- Harness the inner workings of your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems — your fight-or-flight instincts and your rest-restore-relax instincts — to instantly address stress and emotional challenges
- And more...
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Dr. Melanie guides you through the fundamental energy medicine self-care techniques you’ll need to activate your vagus nerve and support and restore your parasympathetic nervous system, unlocking radiant mind-body health.
The Beauty of On-Demand
This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Dr. Melanie. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to develop a complete holistic understanding of energy medicine practices and tools that harness the power of your vagus nerve to help you restore your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.
Module 1: How the Vagus Nerve Impacts Your Health & Vitality
In this opening session, Dr. Melanie introduces the magic and wonder of the vagus nerve.
You’ll discover the powerful role it plays in transmitting sensory signals from your gut, liver, heart, and lungs to your brain — and how that affects your health. You’ll learn some easy, yet potent energy exercises to tap into your vagus nerve to relax and restore your body.
In this first module, you’ll:
- Identify the basic functions of the central nervous system
- Learn the who, what, where, when, and why of the vagus nerve
- Recognize the unique and special abilities of the vagus nerve
- Understand the connection between the vagus nerve and the hormone oxytocin
- Experience an ancient Japanese energy technique to regulate physical, psychological, and spiritual functions with your breath — through the energetic pathways in your fingers
Module 2: Reset Your Stress Patterns by Working With Your Vagus Nerve
In this module, you’ll explore the vagus nerve’s role and function in your central nervous system — and how it unlocks stress stored at a cellular level.
You’ll begin to recognize why you get sick, as you explore the connection between stress and disease.
You’ll also discover how trauma and stress patterns leave an imprint on your nervous system, how anxiety is actually a survival mechanism, and how to unlock these patterns to reclaim your health and take back your power.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
- Target and release your fight-flight-freeze stress response loop
- Understand how your stress patterns are created and imprinted in your energy field
- Identify and regulate your stress hormones
- Practice energy techniques to balance your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
Module 3: Balance Your Chakras With Your Parasympathetic Nervous System
In this session, you’ll explore the profound energies held in each of your chakras as you reconnect the vagus nerve pathway.
This module also guides you to restore the primitive Figure-8 energies that are housed in your DNA.
You’ll invoke golden healing light and call your unique soul sounds to infuse energy throughout the layers of each of your chakras. You’ll also understand how to better trust your gut instinct for better decision-making.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the essentials of the chakra system as they relate to your vagus nerve
- Open the chambers of your throat chakra to enhance thyroid function, regulate your metabolism, find your voice, and speak your truth
- Connect your vagus nerve with each chakra to fortify, calm, balance, and heal
- Understand the power of Figure-8’s as you infuse each chakra with the Lotus Blossom
- Improve your gut instinct by supporting the vagal tone of your second chakra
- Experience a guided chakra energy meditation with sound healing and golden light
Module 4: Move Lymph & Release Toxins to Support Your Vagus Nerve
In this module, you’ll move deeper into unraveling the mystery of the lymphatic system…
… and you’ll start to experience clearing and healing at a much deeper level as your body begins to detox.
As you call upon the support of your vagus nerve, you can begin to tap into the energy of your spleen as an ancient Chinese gateway to greater health. In the process, you’ll clear toxins, reduce inflammation, strengthen your immune function, and promote healing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Release physical and emotional toxins to enhance blood and Qi flow
- Flush out critical pathways to increase the potential of your vagus nerve
- Open the glymphatic system in the brain to improve vagal function
- Communicate with your organs to free up blocked energy
- Implement nourishing energy exercises to fortify the detox process
Module 5: Activate Positive Emotional States by Working With the Radiant Energies of the Vagus Nerve
In this module, Dr. Melanie guides you to imagine and feel the radiant pathway of love, compassion, joy, gratitude, and healing as you anchor into your vagus nerve.
You’ll follow your vagus nerve’s path through a guided meditation connecting you into your organs and glands.
Along the way, you may see, sense, or feel stuck energy or blocks. You’ll explore how to call upon colors, symbols, shapes, and sounds from a soul level — to release what you don’t need and enhance your healing experience.
In this module, you’ll:
- Access and strengthen your vagal pathway to ignite joy, peace, and harmony
- Bring love, gratitude, and appreciation to your body and mind
- Learn how sound healing can further soothe and harmonize your vagal tone
- Experience a guided practice to connect the wandering pathway of your vagus nerve to your organs and glands
- Infuse radiant energy of love and light into your organs and glands through a guided energy meditation
Module 6: Work With the Vagus Nerve to Support Your Gut Health
Using your vagus nerve as a roadmap, you will discover how to explore the pathway and connections of the gut-to-brain axis — and how neurotransmitters travel along this superhighway.
You'll identify how stress affects your gut. You’ll also learn how to connect into this intelligent storehouse for your microbiome, immune, hormone, and endocrine cells with easy energy medicine exercises.
In this module, you’ll:
- Open metabolic transportation pathways through your throat chakra
- Improve digestion by fortifying your vagal tone along the gut-immune axis
- Reduce inflammation in your digestive system to improve assimilation and nutrient absorption
- Calm your stress-response loop to protect gut health and promote healing
Module 7: Apply Vagus-Nerve Exercises to Daily Life
You’ve learned about stress and the vagus nerve — and in this final module, you’ll pull it all together.
You’ll go deeper as you explore the impact and trauma that the pandemic has had on your emotions, immune system, nervous system... and especially your vagus nerve.
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Explore how wearing a mask has impeded how you gather information for safety from social cues
- Regulate your diaphragm and air passageways if they’ve been affected by shortness of breath due to stress or virus exposure
- Reduce tinnitus (ringing in the ears), TMJ, teeth grinding, and even fainting by regulating your vagal tone
- Learn a practice to regulate your heart rate variability by balancing your vagus nerve
The Vagus Nerve’s Healing Power Bonus Collection
In addition to Melanie’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Exploring the Energetics of the Vagus Nerve
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Donna Eden
Dive into both Donna Eden’s and Dr. Melanie’s perspectives on the importance of evolving the vagus nerve response from an ancient response to a modern one to meet our current lives’ demands. A world-renowned author and teacher of energy medicine, Donna has been teaching people for nearly four decades how to work with their energy systems to reclaim their health and natural vitality. She offers never-before-shared insights into why it’s more critical than ever to understand the inner workings of the vagus nerve and its impact on your health.
Boost Your Brain Power With Energy Medicine
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Dondi Dahlin
Discover powerful tools to help with brain fog, cognitive decline, concentration, and focus. In this video, Dr. Melanie talks with Dondi Dahlin, author of The Five Elements and co-author with her mother Donna Eden of The Little Book of Energy Medicine. You’ll discover four things every brain cell must have to function properly, the critical role your gut plays in maintaining a healthy brain, and gut-to-brain hookup exercises, including one Melanie hasn’t shared anywhere else.
Balancing the Vagus Nerve Using the Chinese 5 Elements
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Vicki Matthews
The vagus nerve is a key component of our parasympathetic nervous system and responsible for maintaining multiple aspects of balance in our bodies. Join Dr. Melanie as she talks with naturopathic physician and founding director of Donna Eden’s International Certification Program, Vicki Matthews — who pioneered using the Five Elements model from Traditional Chinese Medicine to help people understand and improve their health and relationships. Melanie and Vicki share how the Five Elements offer numerous ways to balance the body’s energies to help improve vagal tone.
Energy Medicine & the Vagus Nerve for Animals
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Madison King
Let’s not forget that your dog, cat, or horse also has a vagus nerve! Join Dr. Melanie as she chats with educator and author Madison King, who’s been working professionally with humans’ and animals’ energies for more than three decades. They’ll walk you through the powerful impact the vagus nerve has on animals, its main functions, its connection to hearts, lungs, and digestion, and its relationship to stress — which is involved in all dis-ease for both humans and animals. You’ll also learn how to connect and work energetically to help improve your animal’s vagal tone, and what that can mean for your animal.
What Graduates of Melanie’s Courses Are Saying…
— Ellen Meredith: “Melanie's Work Is Rooted in Teaching You Ways to Care for and Heal Yourself”
— Vicki Matthews: “Melanie Is a Phenomenal Person and a Phenomenal Teacher”
— Marion Ross: “If I Have a Physical Problem, I call Dr. Melanie”
— Madison King: “Dr. Melanie Has a Unique Fusion of Three Key Qualities”
— Craig Hagen: “My Appointments With Dr. Melanie Have Always Had the Same Result — Improved Health and Energy”
— Regina Mulligan: “Dr. Melanie Provides You With Actions You Can Take to Improve Your Health”
“I loved the course, and Dr. Melanie Smith’s way of teaching is very clear, structured, and comprehensible.”
“She demonstrates, illustrates, and inspires us to greater health and understanding of our bodies and rhythms.”
“I recommend this course to anyone who’s looking to put their body and mind at ease, or anyone who wants to further their knowledge of energy work.”
“I love it when you can immediately apply the learnings into your daily life and start gaining benefit right away.”
“My feeling is that this knowledge is essential to a life of balance and harmony.”
“This course is a super anti-stress tool that gives results instantly!”
“I’m returning to my true self, my best identity, which left me after a trauma years ago.”
“I have purchased a lot of online courses and I can honestly say Melanie’s vagus nerve program is by far the best of all of them!”
“I am finally calmer and have a way to shift quickly using methods I learned in this course.”
“The way Dr. Melanie gave the sessions gave me a very warm and powerful feeling of connection and participation with a lot of direct impact of the exercises.”
“I’ve landed on a wonderful 10- to 15-minute daily practice that keeps me feeling very grounded, balanced, and happy.”
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Modules
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Melanie Smith — Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and doctor of Oriental Medicine — from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific energy medicine self-care techniques to support and restore your parasympathetic nervous system, activate your vagus nerve, and unlock radiant mind-body health.
Seven Transcripts of Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Vagus Nerve’s Healing Power Bonus Collection
- Exploring the Energetics of the Vagus Nerve
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Donna Eden - Boost Your Brain Power With Energy Medicine
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Dondi Dahlin - Balancing the Vagus Nerve Using the Chinese 5 Elements
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Vicki Matthews - Energy Medicine & the Vagus Nerve for Animals
Video Dialogue With Dr. Melanie Smith and Madison King
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Tap Into Your Vagus Nerve’s Healing Power to Rewire Your Nervous System for Optimal Health Online Training
We feel honored that Dr. Melanie Smith has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and doctor of Oriental Medicine whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about activating your vagus nerve’s healing power to unlock radiant physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Tap Into Your Vagus Nerve’s Healing Power to Rewire Your Nervous System for Optimal Health — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Dr. Melanie Smith...
“Her clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work.”
“I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Melanie's teaching.”
“Her work has created a shift in my anxiety, depression, and fatigue…”
[Melanie] is a great teacher: thorough, knowledgeable, and engaging. She took difficult concepts and broke them down into manageable, usable information that changed my life. I learned so much in these classes, I sought her out for personal care. When I started seeing Dr. Melanie in 2014, she put me back together as I was struggling with divorce, chronic health conditions, physical and emotional exhaustion, and all of my systems were in overwhelm. Her work kept me going so I could juggle parenting, starting a new business, and all the things life was throwing at me. She restored my balance and strengthened my physical and emotional wellbeing. Now she is part of my regular health maintenance and I feel great! Her work has created a shift in my anxiety, depression, and fatigue, and has reinforced my focus on self-care and balance. She has profoundly impacted my life.— April Boykin, LMHC
“Her teaching style is so logical and organized…”
About Dr. Melanie Smith
Melanie Smith, AP, DOM, EEM-AP, is recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time. She is a doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, and senior faculty for Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Certification Program in the U.S. and United Kingdom.
Over 25 years ago, Melanie sustained a serious injury. When Western medicine could not improve her condition, she turned to alternative medicine and fully recovered. As a result, she changed careers and has since dedicated her life to empowering people to transform their lives by connecting with their own inner healer through the power of energy medicine. She's known for her ability to help people heal complex health issues with her holistic approach, embodying a unique fusion of energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, nutrition, energy psychology, and therapeutic bodywork.
Passionate about inspiring others to learn, grow, and heal, Dr. Melanie has created multiple Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ resources to make it possible for individuals around the world to learn energy medicine. She is co-author of Energy Medicine: Your Personal Health and Wellness System for Today, and author of the Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ Online Courses and Charts series.
Dr. Melanie has provided energy consultations to patients in more than 40 countries, taught workshops on four continents, and treated thousands of patients in her practice, Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc., located in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content — online via your Homepage — unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.