Bestselling Western Chant Master
Krishna Das
Bring chanting into your daily spiritual practice to calm your mind, relax your body — and awaken to your essence of unconditional love.
The current state of our world is like a mirror, compelling all of us to deal with our inner fears and anxiety.
The universality of this crisis forces us to recognize our interdependence with everyone and everything on Earth.
Crises have always been happening throughout our world — but now ALL of our everyday lives are being directly affected.
How can we rally our inner strength to overcome the powerful negative emotions that arise in response to this situation?
During these long days in physical isolation, we’re finally becoming more aware of life’s suffering and separation.
The renewed sense of empathy we’ve needed for so long has finally arrived — it’s our chance to see ourselves and the world as always in need of more understanding, kindness, and love.
In a 6-module online course, Krishna Das, Western chant master whose music is known for lifting the heart to new levels of love, will take you on an incredible journey to explore the opportunity within the great crisis we face.
Using his own powerful life stories, lessons from his Guru and teachers, timeless spiritual philosophies, mantras, and chanting practices...
… Krishna Das will share how to gather strength so that no matter what happens in the outside world, you’ll be able to access that place of peace and inner connection within.
This allows you to engage with the world in a way that creates less suffering for yourself and others.
And as you’ll discover, everything you think of yourself, your life, and your world can transform — all by changing what you believe within yourself.
Difficult situations become less painful as you are no longer victimized by your own knee-jerk reactions.
The Power of Devotional Chanting
Devotional chanting, practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way to train people to find a deeper presence in their own hearts.
Chanting helps you stay focused... using the mantra as the object of awareness.
It coaches you to exercise your letting-go muscle — and develop the fortitude to release negative thoughts and emotions, the stories you believe about yourself, and anything else that takes you away... as each moment comes and goes.
What you think of yourself, your life, your work, your community, and our world can change — not by altering external circumstances you can’t control, but by transforming your thought patterns.
And when you do that, big and small challenges become less painful because you’re not as emotionally invested in them.
Even during this unexpected, massive global crisis, you CAN find your inner peace — with the help of a spiritual practice.
In this online course with worldwide icon Krishna Das, you’ll discover:
- Powerful guided practices, including chanting, awareness of breath, repetition of the name with breath (japa), the Loving-Kindness (metta) meditation, and many heart-opening chants
- How to release your thoughts — and let go of the stories you believe about yourself and your life
- Respite from your overactive mind and anxiety around the global pandemic — and a much-needed reset
- How cultivating your spiritual practice can help you move through times of crisis
- Practices to help you let go of negative emotions, calm your monkey mind, and release yourself from everything else that takes you away from where you are right now
- How families, teachers, and cultures affect the way you think about yourself — and keep you caught in a worldview that doesn’t include Real Love and Real Happiness
- The power of getting accustomed to just being here, sitting with yourself
- Krishna Das’ experience in India that saved him — and showed him it was OK for him to be alive, and that maybe everything was going to be OK
- His Guru’s teachings on how to find God by serving others
- The 4 Immeasurable Qualities: Equanimity, Loving-Kindness, Compassion, and Sympathetic Joy
- How your spiritual practices can empower you to return again to the space within yourself where true love and joy live
What You’ll Discover in These 6 Modules
In this 6-module transformational online course, Krishna Das will guide you through the skills and competencies you’ll need to release negative thoughts and return to kindness, compassion, and love.
Transformative Chanting Practices
Krishna Das will share practices to deepen your understanding of spiritual archetypes and devotional personalities through the lens of his own powerful life stories.
Each module will open with a chanting practice, and Krishna Das will introduce you to wisdom teachings — with plenty of pre-recorded question-and-answer sessions woven throughout.
Module 1: Meeting the Spiritual Path
In this opening module, Krishna Das (KD) will share how his own moments of recognition started him on his spiritual path...
... and how YOU are likely becoming more and more aware of your own need and longing to find a more fulfilling way of living in this world.
Along the way, you’ll explore the true meaning of spiritual practice and why it’s so different from religious practice.
Krishna Das will also walk you through the causes of suffering and the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.
In this first module, you’ll discover:
- What KD learned from his early life and hidden pain
- How to recognize what your dissatisfaction with your life means — and your desire to find a deeper, more meaningful way of living
- The Path of Yoga: including the concepts of Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raja Yoga
- The books that have impacted KD’s journey, including Autobiography of a Yogi, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, and Zen and Japanese Culture
- A guided practice: Awareness of Breath
- A short opening chant with KD
Module 2: A Life-Changing Meeting With Ram Dass
As the path becomes real, you’ll begin to understand that real love exists in the world... and that, as KD puts it, somehow you’ve tripped and fallen onto the Path to that Love.
In this module , he’ll share how reading the epic poem Ramcharitamanasa rewired his brain for a whole different type of love...
In the story of Ramacharitamanasa, the individual soul has been kidnapped by the ego, held captive by the senses and the many distractions of the external world — until it’s rescued and returned to the presence of God.
KD will share how this striking story can apply to your life, too — opening you up to this new type of love.
In this module, you’ll also explore:
- How KD first crossed paths with Ram Dass — and how it changed his life and spiritual path forever
- Why KD knew he had to go to India in search of Ram Dass’ legendary guru Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji) — even though he’d just been offered a spot as the singer of a soon-to-be very successful rock band
- A powerful practice: repetition of The name with breath (japa)
- A brief-yet-transformative chant
Module 3: Going to India & the Power of Devotion
In this module, you’ll explore the ways you’re likely seeing the world through the lens of what Krishna Das calls “our Western neuroses” — the result of being born into a culture that often seems to only believe in sense pleasures and emotional love.
You’ll also discover one of the most revered hymns of the Indian devotional tradition, the Hanuman Chalisa — and explore how these 40 powerful verses can fill you with divine energy, remove obstacles on your path, and fulfill your true desires.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how chanting really works — and why Sri Ramakrishna taught that every repetition holds the potential of openness, awareness, and freedom
- Explore the wisdom of the Old Devotees: Dada Mukherjee, Tewari, and Krishna Kumar (KK) Sah
- Discover how Ram Dass’ stories of the legendary guru Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji) inspired Krishna Das to leave behind his rock-star dreams — and seek out this remarkable Being
- Hear the story of Shiva Puja with the Tewari family in Nainital
- Chant the Hanuman Chalisa along with KD
Module 4: Refuge & Shelter in the Heart
What is the Path of Loving Devotion — and what does it mean for a Western person in a modern world?
In this module, you’ll deepen your understanding of this path as Krishna Das shares devotional chants and stories that have brought this path to thousands of seekers…
The words of these chants are called the divine names — and as you’ll discover, they come from a place in your own heart that’s deeper than your thoughts and emotions.
From the repetition of the names, you’ll move more deeply into your own true nature — and gain a new understanding of yourself as you finally experience the grace of trusting your own heart.
As you chant along with Krishna Das, you’ll release thoughts and emotions that create suffering and pull you out of yourself.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Powerful quotes from saints and scriptures that can deepen your journey
- How devotional chanting helps you directly experience the liberating power of faith, compassion, and surrender
- How to develop faith and confidence in your practice and your life
- How the practice of chanting can remove the obsession we all have with our small “s” selves — what Krishna Das calls “the movie of me” — as you free yourself from the negative emotions (fear, anxiety, and more) that stem from separation
- A series of uplifting chants, led by Krishna Das
Module 5: Kindness, Compassion & Grace
At this point in your journey through this course, you’ll discover how to plant the seeds that will grow into a life of joy, happiness, and freedom from your Shadow...
In this module, Krishna Das will share stories of his time with Maharaj-ji (Neem Karoli Baba) — and explore the many ways he taught and transformed his students.
KD will also share the story of how he once hurt his knee in India so badly he could barely walk — and how Maharaj-ji shared a Bible passage that taught him to surrender to the higher power and the deeper place within.
You’ll hear the story of how Krishna Das’ Guru continues to teach, train, and guide him — even now, 45+ years after He left the body.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Krishna Das’ experience in India that saved him and showed him it was OK for him to be alive and that maybe everything was going to be OK!
- His Guru’s teachings on how you can find God by serving others
- The Hungry Hearts chant — and what we can learn about the spiritual practice of serving others from the story of its creator, Zen master and social justice activist Roshi Bernie Glassman
- The 4 Immeasurable Qualities and how they manifest in our lives: Equanimity, Loving-Kindness, Compassion, and Sympathetic Joy
- The powerful Loving-Kindness (metta) meditation and chanting practice
Module 6: Pujas, Prayers & Practice
In your closing module with Krishna Das, you’ll synthesize everything you’ve been learning.
KD will share the subtle, yet deep nature of the real changes he’s experienced through committed practice — changes you can experience too, even after this course comes to a close.
As you’ll explore, it’s essential to consistently exercise your letting-go muscle — and discover how happiness allows you to remain fully engaged with whatever’s happening in the moment.
You’ll come to understand that your natural state is joyful, and not dependent on external circumstances.
In this final module, you’ll discover:
- The true meaning of grace and surrender — and how they help you recognize your life as your Path
- Powerful quotes from saints — including Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna, and Buddha — that you can apply to your spiritual life right now, and moving forward
- KD’s memorable and impactful “happiness story” featuring the Dalai Lama
- A discussion about grace versus personal effort
- A closing chanting practice with KD and your new global community
The Devotional Chanting Bonus Collection
In addition to KD’s transformative 6-module online course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Kirtan Wallah
Audio Album From Krishna Das
With the release of his 14th album, Kirtan Wallah (one who sings kirtan), Krishna Das offers a Westward-leaning album, fully embracing his American roots in rock and country — while embodying the spirit of deeply devotional Indian chants. You’ll hear traditional melodies, bansuri flute, acoustic guitars, country swing, and so much more.
Trust in the Heart
Audio Album From Krishna Das
On his 15th album and newest full-length release, Krishna Das has woven together an elegant, uncompromising collection. The groove is restrained, sparse, and deep, creating the perfect space for the Divine Presence to manifest. KD offers the bare essence of kirtan — a calling out to the divine presence within ourselves.
Harmonium Tutorial Song: Govinda Hare/Pilgrim Heart
Video Teaching From Krishna Das
Follow Krishna Das’ mini video tutorial, as you learn to play KD-style chords on your harmonium. Designed for those who have some familiarity with playing music, this training session was recorded in his own living room.
What People Are Saying About Krishna Das...
“... feeling positive vibrations being spread around the universe!”
“... heart-melting chants connect one with God...”
“Whenever I feel down, sad, or overworked, he picks up my spirits...”
“... Krishna Das shows me another way to deal with misery.”
“... bring my heart to new levels of love.”
“... a remarkable voice that rejoices the spirit...”
“... a revolutionary personal spiritual journey leading me to the source.”
[Krishna Das’] music helped me through a revolutionary personal spiritual journey, leading me to the source. It was all-encompassing love.— Anonymous
“His kirtans... are haunting and hypnotic.”
“Brought immense peace at a critical moment in my life.“
“[Krishna Das is] the Chant Master of American Yoga.”
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Six Pre-recorded 90-Minute Video Sessions With Krishna Das
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master Krishna Das — from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video that you can watch on-demand that guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to move more deeply into your true nature and embrace the Love within you.
Six Audio Recordings of Sessions
An audio version of each class session will be available for you in high-quality MP3 format. You can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device at your convenience.
Six PDF Transcripts
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire transcription of each session in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Module
Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Devotional Chanting Bonus Collection
- Kirtan Wallah
Audio Album From Krishna Das - Trust in the Heart
Audio Album From Krishna Das - Harmonium Tutorial Song: Govinda Hare/Pilgrim Heart
Video Teaching From Krishna Das
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Access the Wisdom of Krishna Das Through the Enter Into Your Heart Space Through Devotional Chanting Online Course
We feel honored that Krishna Das has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master whose deep wisdom, insight, and humanity are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about taking a journey from challenge to kindness, compassion, and love, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind course.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Enter Into Your Heart Space Through Devotional Chanting with Krishna Das — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Krishna Das...
“... [Krishna Das’] heartsongs open the channels to God.”
“... chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift...”
“... learning with Krishna Das is always a deep, heart-transforming experience.”
“... a voice that could move a mountain to Dance.”
“... I feel like I’m... home.”
“... Krishna Das put sacred Sanskrit mantras on the music map.”
“A living treasury of traditional kirtan.”
“... his outside voice and his inside voice... they feed me delicious holy food.”
“He’s a real guy with real wisdom to share...”
“Any student who is called to work with Krishna Das is most fortunate...”
About Krishna Das
Layering traditional kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.” With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das — known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD — has taken call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the bestselling Western chant artist of all time. His album Live Ananda (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.
KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass. In August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to devotees as Maharaj-ji. Given the name Krishna Das, KD began to chant as part of following the path of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion.
He took solace in music, finding peace and strength in both his Bhakti yoga practice as well as in such heroes as Ray Charles, Van Morrison, Steely Dan, and Bruce Springsteen (whom he laughingly calls “the Bodhisattva of New Jersey”). KD also co-founded Triloka Records, a California-based label specializing in world music, releasing such artists as Jai Uttal, sarod virtuoso Ali Akbar Khan, and legendary jazz musician/composer Jackie McLean.
In 1994, KD started to lead chanting at Jivamukti Yoga Center, NYC, with an ever-growing audience of yoga students that has led him to chant with people all around the world. In February 2013, Krishna Das performed at the Grammy awards in Los Angeles, which was streamed online to millions of viewers. The award-winning film One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das, which has been shown in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 10 countries, is available on DVD everywhere.
KD’s 16th album, Peace of My Heart, released in October 2018 on behalf of the Kirtan Wallah Foundation, offers nearly two hours of deeply moving, meditative, and artfully restrained new recordings born out of a request from a yoga teacher who works with children on the autism spectrum. Forgoing the ecstatic tempo changes so common to temple-style kirtan, these five new tracks move slowly and deliberately. The song-to-song steadiness is both striking and soothing, and as emotionally impactful as ever.
“The chanting just hits you and you want to be a part of it,” KD promises. “That’s the point of this whole thing. That’s what cuts through all the ‘stuff.’ You get lit up. You don’t have to know what it means.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.