With Acoustics Scientist & Inventor of the CymaScope
John Stuart Reid

A 7-Module On-Demand Training

Mediate pain and stress, slow aging, supercharge your immune system, balance your body systems, and activate your capacity to heal at a cellular level using sound and music frequencies, and Cymatics, the science and art of sound made visible.

Did you know that in the early universe, theory points to sound as the organizing principle for the matter that later evolved into stars, galaxies and even life on Earth?

Billions of years later, sound is still helping to organize matter including your body, biological functions, health, and overall sense of wellbeing.

Sound and music therapies from ancient times to the modern era have used a range of frequencies to ease pain, repair tissue and bones, and reduce illness and stress.

These therapies include the mesmerizing sounds of the ancient Egyptian sistrum rattle, the body-balancing vibrations of Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) devices, and ultrasound in the natural world.

The emerging science of cymatics, the science of visible sound, is expanding the parameters of what was previously thought possible in sound therapy. And it’s generating new cascades of scientific and therapeutic potential in the process.

During this groundbreaking course from acoustics-physics scientist John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope instrument, you’ll unravel the mysteries and healing potential of sonic science, the cymatic patterns that influence your health at a cellular level...

... and be immersed in the medicine of sound, vibration, and music.

You’ll discover the science of resonance in healing, and experience stunning visual meditations that blend science, art, and sound.

And you’ll receive specific sound frequencies that are used in therapeutic ultrasound, infrasound, and audible sound to stimulate restorative biological responses that can recalibrate and balance your body systems.

You’ll also explore sonic science and cymatics with engaging visual meditations by guest speakers Dr. Mandara Cromwell, CEO of Cyma Technologies, and choreographer and yoga instructor Kate Holland.

And you’ll experience musical performances by renowned musicians Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu.

John’s groundbreaking work in cymatics spans decades, but was elevated to new heights by a personal healing experience he had when experimenting with sound frequencies in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

When a membrane was stretched across the chamber’s sarcophagus and then excited by sound, a series of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared.

And, as if this weren’t astonishing enough John was also simultaneously healed of debilitating back pain.

During your course from John, he’ll offer a wealth of never-before shared discoveries in sound and music that have unfolded during the last two decades, including how:

  • Sound may one day be used to completely eradicate cancer
  • Sonic stimulation (through simple vocal exercises) can activate the widespread healing benefits of the vagus nerve from reduced chronic inflammation and pain to a slowed-down aging process
  • Music regenerates old cells by oxygenating their membranes so you can initiate your own cellular fountain of youth!
  • Nitric oxide promotes vasodilation, increasing blood flow and accelerating healing and can be produced in your body when you listen to specific kinds of sounds and music
  • Joy from listening to music boosts dopamine levels, consequently producing white blood cells and promoting healing
  • The membranes of your cells are imprinted with patterns of sound that can awaken sleeping aspects of your biology and create geometric imprints in blood, binding oxygen to hemoglobin molecules and activating the body’s healing mechanisms
  • Sound gives birth to light and creates cell-to-cell communication
  • The combination of sound or music with water can create a healing elixir that you can actually drink
  • Sound is related to gravity, indicating that sound forms our biological relationship with the universe, with incredible new implications for our health

Experience demonstrations and experiments from John for example, how sound transforms formless matter into elegant form on a Chladni plate when played with a violin bow.

See the healing frequencies of the ancient Egyptian sistrum instrument on a spectrum analyser instrument.

Experience an exercise that reveals how a mechanism in your vocal folds creates not only sound, but infrared light that can travel to the stars if you sing outside, carrying your unique song into the universe.

Are you ready to activate restorative cellular healing through powerfully transformative cymatics, sound, and music?

Are you curious about how advanced sound therapies can rewire your body, mind, and soul for vibrant health and awakened living?

Experience Johns 7-module journey into the science and art of sound in the service of transformation and become a fellow pioneer, helping spread this important new knowledge throughout the world.

During this mind-expanding journey into the latest frontiers of sonic science and how it applies to YOU, you’ll:

  • Discover how sound organized the early universe, creating structures that we can still see today
  • Explore how pain can be mediated or eradicated by sound frequencies and music
  • Discern how to stimulate your vagus nerve using sound and music and how this can help you reduce chronic inflammation in your body, increase your longevity, and boost your sexual function
  • Learn how advanced sound therapy may one day eradicate cancer and other chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Experience musical performances by Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu, and engaging conversations with additional guest speakers
  • Recognize how sound gives birth to light and how this can be used to communicate directly to your cells in their own language
  • Experience new forms of visual meditation and discover how CymaGlyph geometry combined with the infrared spectrum elevates healing
  • Understand the therapeutic benefits of ultrasound, infrasound, and audible sound
  • Gain deep insights into the role of oxygen in healing and the role of sound in elevating your body’s oxygen levels
  • Witness a demonstration of a Chladni plate and frequencies created by the ancient sistrum instrument
  • Delve into the role of nitric oxide in your body and how it can be enhanced by sound for a broad range of potential health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, minimizing thrombotic events, enhancing cytotoxic action, and supporting sexual function
  • Realize how music boosts dopamine, suppresses cortisol, and supercharges your immune system
  • Meet nature’s healing ultrasound and explore the science of crystal healing
  • Encounter a wide variety of traditional and modern musical instruments harps, gongs, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks and learn their frequency ranges and how to use them for healing

Jeralyn Glass, Crystal Singing Bowl Master Alchemist: “John Is a Pioneer Who Knows So, So Much About the Science of Sound”

Eileen McKusick, Founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute: “John Is an Original Thinker and a Diligent Researcher”

Chloë Goodchild, Founder of The Naked Voice: “John Is a Scientist and an Artist All in One”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, John guides you through the foundational knowledge you’ll need to activate restorative cellular healing through powerfully transformative cymatics, sound, and music.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with John Stuart Reid. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to activate restorative cellular healing through powerfully transformative cymatics, sound, and music.

Module 1: The Power of Sound in the Early Universe & Earth’s Primordial Oceans for Creating Life

Theory proposes that, in the early universe, sound organized the matter that later evolved into stars and galaxies.

Explore how Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (sounds in the early Universe) and the egg-carton universe theory reveal galaxy structures seen today in the heavens, and how all sounds exhibit a gravitational field and perhaps even anti-gravity effects.

Examine famous English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle’s Life Cloud concept of how comets seeded the oceans with building blocks of life in the form of prebiotic compounds.

Learn how the golden ratio relates to sound and DNA, and manifests in the morphology of all life forms.

Anders Holte joins John for a conversation on the Om sound and invite participants to tone with him as he vocalizes. In a short video excerpt, see the music of Anders and Cacina Meadu imprinted onto water cymatically using John’s CymaScope, to demonstrate how music organizes water.

John also discusses the role of hydrothermal vent sound, the Helmholtz resonance of microscopic bubbles, Faraday wave patterns on bubble membranes, the protocell, Mark LeClair’s cavitation twin helix theory (which may explain how an early form of RNA was created in the oceans), and CymaGlyphs that strongly resemble early life forms.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How sound organized the early universe, creating structures we can still see today
  • The building blocks of life created in space and brought to Earth’s oceans by comets
  • Elements of the abiogenesis hypothesis how simple amino acids, sugars, lipids, and minerals were organized by sound to create life
  • The sacred sound of Om from Anders Holte’s rich bass voice and see water move, as if by magic, under the power of music by Anders and Cacina
  • How many CymaGlyphs strongly resemble early life forms
  • The golden ratio in a unique and memorable way

Module 2: Rediscovering the Art & Science of Sound for Healing Ancient Times to the 21st Century

Discover fascinating stories of how sound was used by the Aboriginals of Australia, ancient Egyptians in sanatoria (healing places) and pyramid initiation rituals, Pythagoras in ancient Greece, and healers in ancient India.

Explore the ancient Egyptians’ use of musical instruments with a focus on the harp and sistrum rattle, experience a demonstration of the sistrum by John, and witness how the rattle creates the very high frequencies associated with some of the body’s most important healing mechanisms.

Sound therapies in the modern era include the discovery of therapeutic ultrasound by Professor R. Wood, therapeutic infrasound by Professor Erwin Schliephake, and therapeutic audible sound created by Dr. Peter Guy Manners, which led to the development of present-day sound-therapy devices.

Dr. Mandara Cromwell, CEO of Cyma Technologies, shares about her meetings with Dr. Peter Guy Manners and share how she was spiritually guided to develop sound-therapy devices that culminated in Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) devices that have supported many people through illness and stress.

Discover how sound can break up kidney stones, stimulate new bone growth, repair soft tissue, and support biological healing mechanisms.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how ancient cultures used the power of sound to heal
  • Witness the frequencies created by the ancient sistrum instrument and learn how such frequencies support healing
  • Discover how sound and the golden ratio are inextricably linked and how that plays out in all of life
  • Explore the rich history of sound therapies in the 20th and 21st centuries
  • Hear Dr. Mandara Cromwell describe the profound spiritual experience that led to the development of her AMI devices
  • Learn the elements of destructive and constructive sound principles, with a particular focus on healing

Module 3: Wave Goodbye to Sound Waves How Sound Gives Birth to Light for Cell-to-Cell Communication

Did you know that sound has a shape? And it’s not a wave.

Explore the true nature of sound, how sound gives birth to light, and how infrared light is the primary language of cell-to-cell communication.

John walks you through a simple hand-rubbing exercise to demonstrate the interaction between the magnetic shells of molecules in each hand as they slip past each other.

Learn how your vocal folds use a similar mechanism to create not only sound, but infrared light which travels to the stars if you sing outside, carrying your song into the universe.

Explore the tradition of the giant Buddhist temple bell in relation to asteroseismology the science of the sound in stars and how that relates to the James Webb Space Telescope, which is optimized for infrared wavelengths and may eventually “listen’’ to sounds on the surface of exoplanets.

John shares science that points to the role of intention in self-healing including how your thoughts modulate your heart’s electromagnetic field, which modulates the Earth’s static magnetic field, creating a “magnetic internet” in which your feelings (and sometimes even your thoughts) are shared with others, wherever they live.

He shares science that underpins the healing power of vocal sound how it can fill a concert hall without a microphone, promote healing in you and others, transform your thoughts and feelings into words and sounds to inspire others, and create healing vocal harmonics.

Witness the moment Anders sang directly into the CymaScope instrument in the laboratory and watch him demonstrate vocal harmonics. Practice this type of vocal sound and learn the importance of these high vocal frequencies.

Experience a live performance of an excerpt from Anders and Cacina’s beautiful musical piece, My Sekhmet.

NOTE: Have an inflated balloon handy to experience its vibrations and explore how sound interacts with a membrane!

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The true shape of sound and its importance in sound therapy and music medicine
  • How sound gives birth to light and how this is used to communicate directly to your cells in their own language
  • How your songs will one day reach the stars and how asteroseismologists listen in to the sounds of stars
  • Vocal harmonics with Anders and a live musical performance of My Sekhmet by Anders and Cacina
  • How vocal sound can support healing in you and others

Module 4: The Magic of Cymatics How Sound Is Made Visible & Activates Your Healing Mechanisms

Delve into cymatics, beginning with the fascinating history of the early pioneers: Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Robert Hooke, Michael Faraday, Ernst Chladni, Mary D. Waller, Margaret Watts-Hughes, and Hans Jenny.

Experience demonstrations of an electromechanical CymaPlate, including the antigravity effects of sound, and watch as a violin bow transforms salt into beautiful form in an instant on a Chladni plate.

Explore holographic aspects of sound and water, including cymatic encoding principles such as how wavelength sounds are automatically transformed to fit on a small area of water, and water’s ability to store its memory of sounds.

Discover how cymatic patterns can occur on everything from the giant hexagon on the planet Saturn to patterns on Moon craters, raindrops, and every cell in your body.

Learn how microscopic cymatic patterns gently massage the integral membrane proteins of your cells, awakening cells that are in a sleeping phase and rebalancing your body’s systems.

Choreographer and yoga instructor Kate Holland shares how she was inspired to create a new art form that blends dance with cymatic imagery a new form of visual meditation. Kate shows you her unique Dance Divine video. Once seen, never forgotten!

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore fascinating insights from the cymatics pioneers of the past
  • Experience a demonstration of a Chladni plate that uses a violin bow to transform salt into beautiful form
  • Discover principles of cymatics scale from cosmo to macro to micro
  • Learn how sound can awaken sleeping cells, creating balance in your body
  • Watch Kate Holland’s exquisite visual meditation, Dance Divine
  • Understand the holographic principles of sound and how it imprints water

Module 5: Pain What It Is & How It Can Be Mediated by Sound & Music

How can pain be mediated or eradicated by sound frequencies and music?

Explore different categories of pain and the biological mechanisms that underpin pain, spasm, and inflammation and how sound frequencies can mediate these mechanisms.

Learn about the splinting cycle how the body automatically protects an injury and sound’s role in breaking the splint following the healing of an injury.

Look into the Niels Bohr Institute’s discovery that reveals how a nerve’s primary role is to conduct sound. Examine Professor James Gimzewski’s astonishing discovery that all cells sing to each other in frequencies centered around 1000Hz.

Discover the groundbreaking work of John and Professor Ji, which differentiates between the sounds of cancer cells and healthy cells, and is rife with potential for the future of cancer eradication.

Again, bask in the healing music of Anders and Cacina.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how pain can be mediated or eradicated by sound frequencies and music
  • Gain insights on how sound frequencies can reverse hypoxia, release spasm, and banish pain through oxygen binding
  • Learn how a nerve’s primary role is to conduct sound a discovery by the Niels Bohr Institute
  • Experience the healing music of Anders and Cacina
  • Learn how all cells sing to each other an astonishing discovery by Professor James Gimzewski
  • Discover how it may one day be possible to eradicate cancer with advanced sound therapy

Module 6: A Deeper Dive Into Sound Therapy, Music Therapy & Music Medicine to Support Profound Healing

Explore differences between sound therapy, music therapy, and music medicine.

Examine the role of resonance in sound therapy and music medicine to understand the resonant frequencies of body parts and how sound frequencies can be applied to support healing.

To better demonstrate resonance, you’ll experience a demonstration that utilizes a wine glass, a spoon, and a bottle of water. Be sure to have these items handy if you’d like to follow along!

Consider how waterfalls, whitewater rivers, and ocean waves generate healing ultrasound. Delve into the healing benefits of the gentle white noise created by the wind in the trees.

Appreciate the use of crystals in therapeutic settings including how crystals are sonically excited by sound, how they “sing” to us, and how they can be used to promote healing.

John shares the frequencies used in therapeutic ultrasound, therapeutic infrasound, and therapeutic audible sound, offering information on modern sound therapy devices.

He shares a scientific overview of traditional sound devices such as the didgeridoo, Tibetan bowl, crystal singing bowl, gong, harp, drum, piano, and “granite piano.”

Dr. Mandara Cromwell shares a 5-minute excerpt of the Sound Flower Experience, a powerful new form of visual meditation that blends art and science.

The CymaGlyphs (cymatic patterns) used in this meditation are from the healing frequencies of AMI devices made visible by the CymaScope instrument. Learn how the infrared component of the light carries those frequencies deep into your tissues.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discern differences between sound therapy, music medicine, and traditional music therapy
  • Explore the importance of resonance in relation to healing and experience firsthand how to demonstrate resonance principles to others
  • Learn the therapeutic benefits of ultrasound, infrasound, and audible sound
  • Explore a wide variety of traditional and modern musical instruments learning their frequency ranges and how to use them for healing
  • Watch the wonderful Sound Flower Experience, a new form of visual meditation and discover how CymaGlyph geometry combined with the infrared spectrum elevates healing
  • Discover nature’s healing ultrasounds and explore the science of crystal healing

Module 7: The Biological & Healing Mechanisms of Sound & Music In Mind, Body, & Spirit

What are the most important biological mechanisms that sound and music use to support healing? Explore the future of sound therapy, music medicine, and vibrational medicine.

Consider the vagus nerve and the many health benefits derived from its sonic stimulation including reducing chronic inflammation and pain, slowing aging, and improving sexual function.

Explore how the vagus nerve is stimulated by very low frequencies, and watch John test a video excerpt from the Dream of the Blue Whale by Anders and Cacina on a laboratory spectrum analyzer to reveal the music’s healing frequencies.

Delve into the health benefits of nitric oxide and how it can be produced in the body by sound and music. Marvel at the role music can play in boosting dopamine levels, suppressing cortisol, and supercharging your immune system.

Recognize the major medical discovery made by John in collaboration with Professor Ji of Rutgers University that revealed how music supports oxygen binding and its importance in healing, cellular longevity, and rejuvenation in both red and white blood cells.

Experience a before-and-after assessment that leverages the healing frequencies of Anders and Cacina’s Dream of the Blue Whale to diminish pain. Anders and Cacina also share their experience filming Tsipi Raz’s The 1 Field documentary in the CymaScope laboratory.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience how to optimally stimulate the vagus nerve using sound and music and how it can reduce chronic inflammation in your body, increase longevity, and stimulate sexual function
  • Discover the role of nitric oxide in your body and how it can be enhanced by sound, providing a wide range of health benefits
  • Learn how music can boost dopamine, suppress cortisol, and supercharge your immune system
  • Gain deep insights into the role of oxygen in healing and the role of sound in elevating your body’s oxygen levels
  • Understand why the new clinical term “music medicine” is a great step forward in mainstream medicine
  • Glimpse the future of sound therapy, music medicine, and vibrational medicine

The Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics Bonus Offering

In addition to John Stuart Reid’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Pain, Placebo & Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself
Video Dialogue With John Stuart Reid and Shamani Jain

In this insightful one-hour dialogue about the potential of sound and consciousness in harnessing our innate healing abilities, John Stuart Reid and Shamani Jain explore the correlation between pain, chronic pain crises, and opioids. They discuss how sound frequencies and music can be mediators for pain relief. Shamani emphasizes the importance of bridging the 17-year gap between evidence and practice, and directs attention to redirecting a fraction of the pharmaceutical budget towards sound and energy healing research. The conversation also touches on the power of belief in a positive outcome and its physiological benefits. Shamani highlights the self-healing capabilities of our bodies and the impact of sound, particularly mantras, on catalyzing this healing process. John shares the inspiring story of Annaliese, who healed herself from an incurable disease using consciousness-based DNA reprogramming research by Dr. Glen Rein. The dialogue concludes with a personal practice of chanting the sacred sound of OM led by Shamani.

The Eidophone
Ebook From Margaret Watts Hughes

Learn about the remarkable achievements of voice pioneer and opera singer Margaret Watts Hughes. Over 125 years ago, she created an extraordinary array of cymatic forms. These groundbreaking techniques for visualizing sound and vibration preceded the explorations of Hans Jenny. For anyone interested in cymatics or seeking innovative approaches to working with sound, this is a must-read.

What Graduates of John Stuart Reid’s Courses Are Saying...

“The teaching, the content, the guest speakers, and musicians are all top-notch.”

I learned so much from this course, it’s hard to consolidate into a few sentences. I have a deeper understanding of the impact of sound on our bodies... on a cellular level. I am interested in the healing aspects and the artistic aspects. Everything I learned made me want to dive deeper into the subject. I am so happy I took this course and highly recommend it. The teaching, the content, the guest speakers, and musicians are all top-notch.
Nikole , Otis, Oregon

“John is an exceptional teacher.”

John is an exceptional teacher. He has a way to make complicated material easily understandable. He teaches from his heart, not his head. His passion and enthusiasm is contagious. For me personally, as a student of sound healing using crystal bowls with Jeralyn Glass, this class has deepened my understanding, interest, practice, and application of sound healing. I would take any course that John offers in the future.
Amy , Santa Barbara, California

“I have a better understanding of how important sound is and how it plays a huge role in our everyday lives.”

John Stewart Reed’s course was so educational. Because of that course, I have a better understanding of how important sound is and how it plays a huge role in our everyday lives. My favorite part of the course was learning how our very own words can actually affect those with whom we’re speaking directly. As a mother of two teenagers, I’ve changed the ways in which I communicate to my children. Learning from this course that my words directly impact their DNA on a cellular level that has taught me to speak to them with the intentions of love and kindness vs. yelling at them. Particularly when I’m disciplining them. I’ve noticed a huge change in how my children react and communicate back to me. They’re more responsive and engaged in what I’m saying, especially when they’re “in trouble.” I’m excited to see what else John has to teach in his upcoming courses.
Steph , Carlsbad, California

“Reid’s work expanded my knowledge and was like a confirmation of things I had thought of and so logical, when one thinks of it.”

I never knew sound frequencies had such a dramatic effect on our bodies. Reid’s work expanded my knowledge and was like a confirmation of things I had thought of and so logical, when one thinks of it. His visual demonstrations are fantastic. I am toning more and drumming again.
Karen Joy , Norway

“John Stuart Reid has such vast knowledge and experience within and around the area of sound medicine.”

John Stuart Reid has such vast knowledge and experience within and around the area of sound medicine. Each module set me off on new discoveries of concrete ways to help myself and others.
Loretta, Beaufort, South Carolina

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 120-Minute Pre-Recorded Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to harness the power of sound and music frequencies to alleviate pain and stress, boost your immunity, harmonize your body’s systems, and awaken your innate cellular healing capabilities.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

The Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics Bonus Offering
  • Pain, Placebo & Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself
    Video Dialogue With John Stuart Reid and Shamani Jain
  • The Eidophone
    Ebook From Margaret Watts Hughes

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics

We feel honored that John Stuart Reid has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an acoustics-physics scientist and inventor of the CymaScope whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about discovering a pathway to mitigate stress and discomfort, enhance your immune defenses, establish equilibrium in your body, and stimulate cellular-level healing using sound and music frequencies, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for John Stuart Reid...

“His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.”

I’d like to acknowledge that John Stuart Reid is an extraordinary researcher of sound one of the best on the planet. He’s knowledgeable and affable. His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.
Jonathan Goldman, founder of the Sound Healers Association

“His presentation and demonstration impressed me very deeply.”

I met John Stuart Reid at a seminal conference in London. His presentation and demonstration impressed me very deeply because I understood that we normally separate science and art, and here for me it was elite science and elite art, indivisible. I hope very much that you will get not only new knowledge but also pleasure from his teaching course.
Vladimir Voeikov, professor and chair of Bioorganic Chemistry, faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

“I found his lecture on the holographic properties of water to be inspirational...”

I first encountered John Stuart Reid when he gave a lecture at the 11th Water Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. I found his lecture on the holographic properties of water to be inspirational, highlighting the potential for the CymaScope instrument. So much so that upon my return to the U.S., I began to investigate how I could digitize this important new scientific tool, which would allow me and other scientists to analyze CymaGlyphs quantitatively.
Sungchul Ji, professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Rutgers University

“[John Stuart Reid] is a key figure in the study of the morphogenetic effects of vibrations, which are fundamental to many physical and biological processes.”

John Stuart Reid’s development of the CymaScope has provided a precision instrument for the study of Faraday wave [cymatic] patterns in fluids, opening up new research possibilities. Our paper on Faraday wave patterns published in the journal Water would not have been possible without the innovative and careful work of John Stuart Reid, as well as his technical advice and guidance. He is a key figure in the study of the morphogenetic effects of vibrations, which are fundamental to many physical and biological processes.
Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, author of A New Science of Life

“John’s invention of the CymaScope instrument is a powerful example of his combined engineering-scientist intellect.”

John’s invention of the CymaScope instrument is a powerful example of his combined engineering-scientist intellect. His research in differentiating the sounds emitted by cancer cells and healthy cells, published in the Water journal (which I edit), carries great potential in medical science. So do his Water Conference lectures, which demonstrate his ability to inspire and stimulate discussion. These creative and inspirational works are self-evident to all.
Gerald H. Pollack, professor at the University of Washington

About John Stuart Reid

Acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid is on a mission to educate and inspire the world about the field of cymatics the science of visible vibrations and sound. He asserts that sound is the foundation of almost all matter in the universe and was a potent force in the creation of life in the primordial oceans, thereby carrying the power to heal life.

In his lectures, John reveals groundbreaking information on the mechanisms that support Sound Therapy and Music Medicine, and how they can be applied to improve health naturally.

His CymaScope invention has forever changed the world’s perception of sound by giving us the ability to “see” sound and better understand this ubiquitous aspect of life. His cymatics research, which is elevating this important new field in scientific and medical arenas, includes a study on differentiating between the sounds emitted by healthy cells and cancer cells, published in the journal Water.

In John’s words, “The old adage ‘seeing is believing’ takes on an important new meaning to see sound is to open a new window on our world, one that has been veiled for all time, until now.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
