With Creator of Biofield Tuning & Author
Eileen McKusick

A 4-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience a healing journey in which your energy fields undergo a systematic clearing process to heal inherited dissonance and distortion that can, if unaddressed, pass on to future generations as pain, struggle, or dysfunction.



Have you been feeling like an invisible force has been holding you back in life?

Or like you’re designed for so much more than what your life currently reflects?

If so, celebrated sound healer Eileen McKusick says you may have noise in your signal your overall frequency that is disconnecting you from your greater potential.

As a pioneer of biofield science, therapeutic sound, and electric health, Eileen has been mapping our biofield anatomy for nearly 30 years through a process that gauges the overall health of the electromagnetic field of the body and harmonizes it using the sound frequencies of tuning forks.

What does this process look like? Combing through the atmosphere around a person’s body, Eileen experiences a diverse tonal vibrational landscape of the “music” she finds there…

... which is usually a mix of harmonics and dissonance the latter of which is the noise distorting our true energetic tone and wellbeing.

While some of the noise can be attributed to external factors, most of it reflects what’s happening inside of us, including the unhealthy imprints that we’ve inherited from our ancestors that are covertly sabotaging us.

During this revitalizing sound-healing course with Eileen, you’ll explore and harmonize the two areas in your biofield that hold the most influence on your ability to remain tuned in to your optimal state of being: your ancestral rivers and preconception zone.

Located about 10 inches out from your body, these areas hold the pain, struggles, and passed-along patterns, as well as the blessings of your ancestors traits and talents which may lie latent within you.

Tuning and clearing these areas allows the music of your DNA and your full potential to shine forth, revealing the gifts that you inherited from your ancestors and freeing you from their issues and struggles... which were never yours to carry.

In fact, Eileen teaches that many of our personal challenges are actually their unresolved issues whether traumas, fear, stress, depression, anxiety, issues of self-worth, lack of purpose, diminished health, or even unfulfilled desires, hopes, and dreams.


During this empowering course, you’ll:

  • Learn about the biofield anatomy map, what the biofield is, and where specific ancestral information can be accessed
  • Improve your health and access your greatest potential by gaining a greater understanding and access to the “music” your ancestors passed on to you genetically and energetically
  • Receive biofield tuning sessions on your ancestral rivers and preconception zone healing your maternal and paternal lines forward and backward in time and clearing the inherited noise out of your signal
  • Experience your DNA as flowing music instead of fixed chemistry
  • Receive an assortment of mini-tunings during the final class related to the content as it arises
  • Explore your ancestral “miasms” the distortions present in an ancestor due to their passed-down pattern of trauma that predisposes you toward illness
  • Discover what it means and how it feels to “get the noise out of the signal
  • Have an opportunity to connect energetically with ancestors that you knew and didn’t know on both sides of your family
  • Gain an understanding of the potential for deeper healing with your own children

Experience Eileen listening to and tuning the collective signal of former course participant, allowing the organizing intelligence of sound to clear and harmonize the ancestral rivers and preconception zone of each individual...

... you’ll learn how ancestral information is stored within your biofield and how you can untangle it using sound to heal your maternal and paternal lineages forward and backward in time.

She’ll share why tuning forks offer a level of precision in understanding your signal...

... and you'll experience Eileen conduct spot tunings on former students during the final module that address any specific issues or lingering distortions in the group signal.

As the signal clears, you’ll discover a newfound sense of empowerment and a newfound ability to locate inner resources and awaken your true potential free from the distortions that were created by people who were out of tune, in pain, and without the tools they needed to become healthy, sovereign beings.

As a special bonus, you'll experience an entire module dedicated to Q&A and group reflections of former participants.

If you’re ready to experience the music of your DNA, elevate your health, and realize your greater potential, join us!


How This Sound-Healing Course Is Different From My Others


What You’ll Discover in These 4 Modules

In this 4-part transformational intensive, Eileen will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to heal inherited dissonance and distortion in your energy field that can, if unaddressed, pass on to future generations as pain, struggle, or dysfunction.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Eileen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience the music of your DNA, elevate your health, and access your greater potential by clearing your ancestral distortions from your biofield and restoring ancestral gifts.

Module 1: Tuning the Ancestral Zones of the Biofield to Lift Unhealthy Inherited Patterns & Elevate How You Look & Respond to the World


The information of your ancestors’ inner and outer lives are stored in your biofield your body’s electrical system and the foundation of electric health. This information is encoded in patterns and rhythms that organize and orchestrate your health and experience of life most of which happens at a subconscious level.

During this opening module, you’ll discover how ancestral information can be accessed from anywhere in the field.

You’ll also explore the two zones the “ancestral rivers” and the “preconception zone” where information can be located and “listened to.”

Located in the outer boundary of your toroidal biofield, these zones flow about 10 inches away from your body along both sides.

You’ll also experience a tuning on this outer boundary by Eileen, as you listen to how the distortions present in our families and our cultures inform the lens through which we view life.

Eileen will sonically cleanse this lens so that you can see yourself and life more clearly responding to what is instead of reacting to what was.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The biofield anatomy map, what the biofield is, and where specific ancestral information can be accessed
  • Your DNA as flowing music instead of fixed chemistry
  • Ancestral miasms the distortions present in an ancestor due to their passed-down pattern of trauma that predisposes you toward illness
  • What it means to “get the noise out of the signal”
  • A biofield tuning session on your ancestral rivers and preconception zone the outer boundary of the biofield

Module 2: The Maternal Line (Your Mother & Your Mother’s Ancestors) Healing Your Children & Extended Family


The ancestral river that flows along the left side of the body holds the patterned information, stories, and personalities from your mother and your mother’s side of the family.

While we all come from different families, we all come from the same human family and era in history, and as such, we have more patterns of family dysfunction (and function) in common than we may think.

You’ll examine universal themes of family, especially as they relate to your mother... and how we ourselves relate to mother, “the mother wound,” and women in general.

Eileen will guide you far back in time in your ancestral line, and even into the archetype of the “Divine Feminine...”

... and you'll experience Eillen perform a tuning to heal the maternal line.

The ancestral river also flows downstream into any descendents you may have and branches through you to your cousins and further extended family as well.

All of the healing you do on yourself ripples forward and backward in time.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Listen deep into your mother’s lineage as Eileen gives a healing tuning to the group
  • Have an opportunity to connect energetically with ancestors that you knew and also didn’t know
  • Forgive and thank those who came before you if you so desire
  • Receive insight into and healing from the reactions to your inherited miasms
  • Gain an understanding of the potential for deeper healing with your own children

Module 3: The Paternal Line (Your Father & Your Father’s Ancestors) Forgiving & Thanking Those Who Came Before You


The ancestral river that flows along the right side of the body holds the patterned information, stories, and personalities from your father and your father’s side of the family.

Much like the work you did on your mother’s side, you’ll listen deeply to the information present in your paternal line.

You’ll also experience a tuning that allows your organizing intelligence to work with this feedback to more deeply organize “you” into a coherent state.

You’ll examine how you relate to your father, “the father wound,” and men in general and invite healing of the masculine and feminine energies to take place on a deeper level within yourself and your relationships.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Listen deep into your father’s lineage as you experience Eileen performe a healing tuning
  • Have an opportunity to connect energetically with ancestors on the paternal side of the family and gain insight and understanding into the challenges they faced
  • Forgive and thank those who came before you if you so desire

Module 4: Reflections, Questions & Spot Tunings


During the first three modules, Eileen covered how to clean and clear inherited noise out of your signal.

In this final module, the full 90 minutes will be dedicated to experiences and reflections of a group of former participants.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore additional insights and information not covered in the other sessions
  • Experience an assortment of mini-tunings related to content as it arises


The Heal Your Ancestral Lineages Bonus Gift

In addition to Eileen’s transformative 4-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Shamanic Practices of Ancestral Healing
Video Discussion With Eileen McKusick & Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

In this video conversation, you’ll explore commonalities and differences within Eileen and Puma’s unique approaches to ancestral healing. A native Peruvian, Puma began training with his grandfather, the late Don Maximo, after an initiation by lightning at the age of six learning and mastering the Andean traditions and rituals by connecting with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals.


What Graduates of Eileen’s Courses Are Saying...


Kelly Leehy: “This Has Been a Great Marriage Between My Spiritual Practice and My Scientific Curious Brain”

Leslie Barnett: “Shifts Are Made on the Spot When You Grasp Eileen’s Messages”

Catherine Eick: “Eileen’s Work Has Restored Pieces of Myself”

Chance Garton: “I Was Astounded That Eileen’s Work Could Bring About Changes in My Life That Were Beyond What I Thought Possible”

Sally Andrew: “I Really Have Been Aging Backwards”

Lori Rhoades: “Eileen’s Given Me Tools That Help Me Be Aligned and Balanced and Vibrant”

“Eileen’s enthusiasm is contagious and I am sooo thankful to have had this opportunity...”

I was so impressed with the effects of a sound treatment. It’s hard to explain the effects, they are so personal. But I have increased awareness, have begun a self-care routine with the sonic slider that is decreasing pain, toning muscle, shaping my body, giving me stamina, and sometimes feeling detoxification. I loved Eileen’s talks as well. I resonated with absolutely everything she said. I have studied Acutonics tuning forks for 14 years and this just ices the tuning fork cake! I am so excited to learn more about the energy anatomy and discerning the meanings of the overtones expressed in the sounds. Eileen’s enthusiasm is contagious and I am sooo thankful to have had this opportunity to start a new learning journey.
Mary Twombly Milla, Washington

“Eileen’s incredible body of work... is... deeply nourishing.”

Eileen’s incredible body of work eloquently presented through this series is enlightening, releasing, empowering, informative, and deeply nourishing. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to improve the quality of their relationship with themselves. I am not the same person as when I started. I am experiencing ease and elegance, peace, and harmony in my daily life.
Michelle, South Africa

“Stellar class, really superb!”

This was one of the most comprehensive courses I’ve ever taken. I’ve listened to many of Eileen’s recorded biofield tuning sessions and am taking her foundations training course right now. This Shift Network course nicely encapsulated all of her guidance and gave us the tunings to help get us headed in the right direction as well. Stellar class, really superb!
Sue Reeves, Round Lake Heights, Illinois

“This course is transformational...”

This course is transformational, fits into a busy life easily, and can affect everything from your health to how you relate to people and life. My benefit was that it shifted a lot of stuck energy in me, and got it moving. I experienced suppressed emotions, not just negative ones, but positive ones like excitement. It hadn’t occurred to me that we suppress the good emotions as well. My choices and decisions are a bit different and I find myself laughing and smiling more randomly.
Brian, Tennessee

“[Eileen’s] work is changing my life and health.”

I’ve now purchased ALL of Eileen’s courses her work is changing my life and health. I have a ton of trauma to work through, and biofield tuning shifts what has been held in my body my entire life. It’s amazing, miracle stuff to me!!!
Kelly Gardner, Laredo, Texas


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Four 90-Minute Sessions With Eileen McKusick

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of biofield tuning and author Eileen McKusick from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes includes video teachings and will guide you to experience the music of your DNA, elevate your health, and access your greater potential.

Four Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format for each module. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Heal Your Ancestral Lineages Bonus Gift
  • Shamanic Practices of Ancestral Healing
    Video Discussion With Eileen McKusick & Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Heal Your Ancestral Lineages With Biofield Tunings


We feel honored that Eileen McKusick has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of biofield tuning and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about restoring your ancestral gifts by clearing passed-along patterns and distortions from your biofield, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Heal Your Ancestral Lineages With Biofield Tunings or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Eileen McKusick...


Lauren Walker, Creator of Energy Medicine Yoga:
“Run, Don’t Walk, to Study With Eileen”

“I feel like I let go of a heaviness in my life and feel a greater sense of lightness and brightness.”

I’ve just completed the training course with Eileen to do this vibrational work and it just blew my mind. I’ve had a treatment with Eileen as well and it’s so amazing expanding, energizing, clarifying. I feel like I let go of a heaviness in my life and feel a greater sense of lightness and brightness. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Dr. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus and Biofield Tuning student and recipient

“… [this work] is simple, it’s easy, and it’s deeply, deeply powerful.”

I have had the great fortune of having Eileen work on me, individually and in groups, and I have taken her training and what I love about this work is that it’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s deeply, deeply powerful. I am shouting from the rooftops how great this work is, and I highly recommend you learn more about it and experience it.
Marci Shimoff, author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Biofield Tuning student and recipient

“[Biofield Tuning] is… the most well researched, the most complete and… the most effective.”

I am really delighted to be recommending Eileen McKusick and [Biofield Tuning]... I’ve been tracking the evolution of the sound-healing field for a number of years now and of all [the modalities] I’ve come into contact with, [Biofield Tuning] is far and away the most well researched, the most complete and... the most effective.
Dr. David Gruder, founder of Integrity Culture Systems and Biofield Tuning recipient


About Eileen McKusick

Eileen McKusick is a researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator, and speaker on the effects of audible sound on the human body and biofield. With an MA in Integrative Education, she has been researching sound since 1996. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which conducts grant-funded, peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield.

She’s the author of the award-winning book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing With Vibrational Sound Therapy and the new book Electric Body, Electric Health. She’s also the inventor of a revolutionary and much-loved tool, the Sonic Slider, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound-therapy tools and training globally.

Eileen is a pioneer in the fields of therapeutic sound and electric health her work leads people from a chemical/mechanical perspective of life, health, and the universe to an electro-sonic one. This new perspective makes health and life easier, connects the dots for people, and ties together multiple concepts in an elegant, easy-to-grasp way. This creates an accessible bridge between what’s historically been considered pseudoscience and what is now widely acknowledged as scientifically sound and leads people to a much greater sense of personal empowerment.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
