With Speaker, Author, and Music Therapist
Christine Stevens

7-Module Online Course

Encourage whole-body healing through drumming including stress reduction, release of negative feelings, and improved immunity.

Discover drumming as meditation a rhythmic mantra that can engage the ‘monkey mind’ and help you fall deeply into your heart.


Ancient wisdom and science are converging on the beneficial effects of drumming on mind, body, and spirit...

For millennia, the rhythm of repetitive drum beats has been used to induce trance, to anchor healing rituals, to unite communities, and to accompany ceremony and prayer...

And now, modern research studies are showing that drumming can produce physical and emotional benefits, ranging from stress reduction to release of negative feelings to improved immunity...

What’s more, rhythm helps us “unmind” our mind to connect to the space between beats, thoughts, or feelings. Through drumming, we can invite creativity, sacredness, and meaning into our lives.

In this 7-module journey, dedicated to finding your own unique inner rhythm under the guidance of internationally renowned author, speaker, music therapist, and drumming teacher Christine Stevens, you’ll discover how to experience drumming as a practice for connecting with your inner rhythm. (No musical experience or even drum is required!)

You’ll learn that we all have our own unique rhythm that when liberated can help us open to a spontaneous flow of creative energy and an empowering release of authentic self-expression.

You’ll also discover and experience drumming as a practice that can encourage whole-body healing. One British research study found that drumming reduces anxiety, depression, and inflammation, while also improving social resilience.

The vibrations of the drum create a healing “massage” while also boosting energy and empowering creative freedom. Through these healing rhythms, you can shift your energy and re-tune to the sacredness and beauty of merely being .

Drumming is also just plain fun, and it provides a simple activity that you can do almost anywhere without learning to read music.


During the self-empowering and exhilarating 7 modules of this course, you’ll:

  • Create your own healing rhythm for body, mind, and spirit
  • Learn a drum blessing that connects you with the sacred lineage of rhythm
  • Discover drum-holding positions and their divine intention
  • Discover the four element sounds of earth, water, fire, and air
  • Learn to release self-judgement through improvisation
  • Liberate your creative voice through call-and-response and drum dialogues
  • Discover the science of entrainment in what drummers call “the pocket”
  • Experience the 3 keys to drumming for healing; intention, posture (mudra), and rhythm (mantra)
  • Evoke healing vibration with a drum massage for self and others
  • Learn shadow drumming for emotional release
  • Sing your own power song with drum accompaniment
  • Learn sacred songs for blessing, greeting the day, healing, and gratitude
  • And much more...

Christine holds masters degrees in social work and music therapy, and for over 25 years, she’s inspired people all over the world with her message of music for holistic health, spirituality, and wellness.

She’s taught drumming to cancer victims, Alzheimer’s patients, the musically “challenged,” and people who just want to have fun. She’s also the teacher’s teacher, training drumming instructors globally.

Her students are wowed by her infectious passion for drumming and her uncanny way of making their heart smile.

When Christine worked with survivors of the Columbine High School shooting, she invited students and parents to join together through drumming. The simple, repetitive rhythm invoked tears from emotions  that no words could express, all the while keeping the beat.

We all have a power song, the “music medicine” that inspires us and shifts our consciousness. The drum and voice are everyone’s biological instruments.

In this first-ever Shift Network course of this kind, you have the opportunity to open to drumming as a spiritual practice, a fun way of boosting your health and wellbeing, and an easy means for building community you might even be inspired to start your own drumming circle.

You’ll also have the chance to pull out the drum you may have purchased and haven’t been using, or to gain more confidence and enjoyment in the drumming you already do for a healing practice, or to accompany sacred or shamanic rituals. (Upon registration, you will also receive tips on how to make a drum your own “found sound” out of household items, as well as where you can find a low-cost drum.)


Drumming is an active form of meditation that can serve as a rhythmic mantra, engaging the monkey mind, so you can fall deeply into your heart.

In a scientific study, Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Charles Limb, MD showed how the brain changes when you improvise, turning off self-criticism and judgement, while activating authentic self-expression and meditation. The drum is one of the simplest portals to this type of spontaneous self-expression.

Studies have also shown that when we drum and sing together, we generate kindness and compassion... the beat of the drum carries our prayers and intentions into the hearts and minds of others.

Christine has observed that the drum also seems to show up when people are transforming. So, if you’re drawn to joining her for this spirituality deepening, self-expression liberating, health-boosting journey, something inside of you knows you’re ready to make a shift... and that you're open to learning how to create healing rhythms and welcoming more joy into your life.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules


In this 7-module transformational intensive, Christine will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully experience whole body healing through drumming, including stress reduction, chronic pain control, release of negative feelings, and improved immunity.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Christine. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to use drumming as a meditation which will help you fall deeply into your heart.


Module 1: Drumming the Elements (March 12)


The Great Spirit loved the drum so much, he gave everyone a heartbeat.
Navajo saying

We are incubated in rhythm, held in the concert hall of our mother’s womb. The drum is like us a skin stretched over a shell. Through drumming, we connect with the elements of nature and invite creativity, sacredness, and meaning into our lives. This is the lineage of rhythm. And, before entertainment and performance, drumming had a primary function for healing, community, ceremony, and prayer.

In this first module, you’re invited to join the sacred lineage of the drum by shifting your paradigm from playing the drum as “music” to making music with a drum as a spiritual practice. You’ll ride the rhythm into the inner realms the heartbeat of your inner drum.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn a drum blessing to connect with the sacred lineage of rhythm
  • Discover drum holding positions and their divine intention
  • Discover the four element sounds of earth, water, fire, and air
  • Learn a Four Element Meditation for grounding, being in the flow, igniting passion, and breathing into expansion

Module 2: Finding Your Groove (March 19)


Life is about rhythm. We vibrate. Our hearts are pumping blood. We are a rhythm machine, that’s what we are.
Mickey Hart

Being in “the groove” is called being in “the pocket” by drummers. It’s the place of synchronicity and effortless flow. It happens in rhythm and in life. The only thing that blocks it is your mind.

In a scientific study, John Hopkins researcher, Dr. Charles Limb, MD, showed how the brain changes when you improvise, turning off self-criticism and judgement, while activating self-expression and meditation. The drum is one of the simplest portals to this type of musical self- expression.

You’ll learn how to find your groove and develop your innate rhythmic capacity through an exploration of the polarities of rhythm straight and syncopate. You’ll also practice making tempo changes for rhythm and life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to release self-judgement through the science of improvisation
  • Develop your rhythmic vocabulary through the exploration of syncopation and pulse
  • Liberate your creative voice through call and response and drum dialogues
  • Discover the science of entrainment in what drummers call “the pocket”

Module 3: Healing Through Rhythm (March 26)


Rhythm is a means of organizing sound into specific energy formulas to harmonize the mind and body.
Layne Redmond

Healing is defined as bringing back what is missing being of “sound” mind, body, and spirit.

When Christine worked with survivors of the Columbine High School shooting, she invited students and parents to join together through drumming on one drum. In the unspoken energy of rhythm, there were tears of emotions no words could express, all while keeping the beat.

Researchers from the Mental Health Ministry of the United Kingdom found that drumming reduces anxiety, depression, and inflammation, while also improving social resilience. The vibrations of the drum create a healing “massage,” while also boosting energy and empowering creative freedom. Though healing rhythms, you can shift your energy and re-tune to the sacredness of beauty.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience the 3 keys to drumming for healing; intention, posture (mudra), and rhythm (mantra)
  • Evoke healing vibration with a drum massage for self and others
  • Learn shadow drumming for emotional release
  • Create your own healing rhythm for body, mind, and spirit.

Module 4: Drumming Your Power Song (April 2)


Music can change the world because it can change people.

We all have a power song, the “music medicine” that inspires us and shifts our consciousness. Through the alchemy of song, we can literally take a sad song, and make it better. The drum and voice are everyone’s biological instruments.

When Christine worked in Iraq, there was a point when she no longer needed a translator... She was speaking with Kurds and Arabs through the language of the drum, playing back and forth in a call and response conversation.

Studies have shown that when we drum and sing together, we build kindness and compassion. The pulse of the drum carries our intentions through songs for prayer and affirmation.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn a vocal practice of toning with the drum
  • Learn to vocalize beats and speak the language of rhythm
  • Sing your own power song with drum accompaniment
  • Share and learn sacred songs for blessing, greeting the day, healing, and gratitude

Module 5: Embodying the Beat (April 9)


The deep rhythms of life, pulsating, stir an ambrosia, flowing and overflowing everywhere.
Lorin Roche

From rocking, walking, breathing, skipping, laughing, and resting, we are all vibrantly wired for rhythm. Our bodies entrain our feet tap and our heads bob. We are walking, talking, ticking-tocking, polyrhythms.

In traditional cultures, master drummers dance just as well as they play, and in drum classes, participants often begin with movement in order to anchor the rhythm in the body.

Neuroscience has shown that rhythm ignites motor neurons and entrains our circadian and respiratory rhythms. Dr. Oliver Sacks, MD, found rhythm and dance to be effective in the rehabilitation of Parkinson’s patients. And, a study by Dr. Barry Bittman, MD, found significant improvement in cellular biology after one hour of group drumming.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore feminine and masculine patterns of 4/4 and 6/8 from steps to hips
  • Experience authentic and subtle body practices to find your groove
  • Experience the energy of rhythm qi
  • Discover how rhythm is healing to your physical body

Module 6: Drumming for Meditation (April 16)


I’ve been beating this drum of love for you to the tune of “See; my life depends upon my dying.”

Through rhythm, we unmind the mind. As Jill Purce says, “the purpose of sound is silence.” Drumming creates an active form of meditation and serves as a rhythm mantra, engaging the monkey mind so you can fall deeply into the heart. There are even ancient rhythms used specifically for trance through the practice of repetition. At some point, you lose yourself as you become one with the drum, the rhythm, and the space between the beats.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn a rhythm mantra practice the repetition of patterns
  • Explore the polarity of rhythm and stillness by drumming your way into silence
  • Experience mindfulness through drumming
  • Learn an ancient trance rhythm in a 7-beat pattern
  • Experience guided imagery drumming to combine drumming and visualization

Module 7: Drumming World Rhythms (April 23)


The Creator wants us to drum. He wants us to corrupt the world with drum, dance, and chants. After all, we have already corrupted the world with power and greed... which hasn’t gotten us anywhere.
Babatunde Olatunji

In this final module you’ll travel with the global passport of rhythm from Brazilian samba to African econcon, as guest instructors Frank Lazzaro, a Middle Eastern drum master, and Dramane Kone, a West African drummer from Burkina Faso, join us.

This is how we create a shift in consciousness by imagining the world pulsing together in rhythm, the universal language of music...

In this last module, you’ll:

  • Learn the rhythm of samba, a parade beat from Brazil
  • Play a pol-rhythm using a simple body percussion practice
  • Learn a Japanese festival rhythm that honors your ancestors
  • Experience guest instructors, sharing Egyptian and West African rhythms

The Awaken Your Rhythm Bonus Collection


(Valued at $500.00)


In addition to Christine’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive these illuminating bonuses which complement the course and deepen your understanding and transformation.


Awaken Your Inner Music
Guided Audio Practice From Christine Stevens


Awaken Your Inner Music is a 22-minute guided audio practice in the four healing elements of music for self-tuning and sound healing. No prior musical experience necessary. You can tap along, dance, move, breathe, and rest.

This audio track includes 4 components:

  • Rhythm for the body featuring frame drum meditation
  • Melody for the heart featuring Native American flute
  • Harmony for the soul featuring strumstick and voice
  • Silence for the mind featuring singing bowls, chimes, and quietude

Drum! Reviving Rhythms
Full Play-Along Audio Album From Christine Stevens


Drum! Reviving Rhythms includes four play-along tracks, professionally created with a Los Angeles drum ensemble, soprano, sax, and flute. All tracks are mixed to empower your own beat through audio inspiration. No need to learn how to read music! Rejuvenate your spirit and reduce stress through drumming.


The Science of Drumming
Video Teaching With Companion PDF From Christine Stevens


Join Christine Stevens for this compelling video which highlights six areas of cutting-edge scientific research on drumming for psychoneuroimmunology and mind body medicine.

This teaching includes studies on:

  • Entrainment
  • Brain function
  • Cellular biology and stress reduction
  • Employee burnout and mood states
  • Social-emotional skills for students
  • Peace building for refugees and war zones

What People Are Saying About Christine Stevens...

“My life is richer because of her music medicine.”

Christine is a vibrant, passionate teacher who shares her many talents with a generous heart. For the past five years, she has been my mentor in drumming and Native American flute. My life is richer because of her music medicine.
Leah Golberstein, MA, MFA

“It’s a privilege... to experience the frequency she carries.”

Christine is the rare combination of modern science and ancient wisdom with profound depth in music therapy and Indigenous culture. She truly lives in beauty, trust, and sacred attention in every moment. It’s a privilege to learn and entrain with her, to experience the frequency she carries.
Mina Lee, Founder of East West Bridge and Music Medicine Facilitator

“Christine’s course... reminded me of the creative possibilities in my own hands...”

I am elated! Christine’s course was very rich and reminded me of the creative possibilities in my own hands, mind, and heart to keep drumming.
Monica, Madre Grande, California

“Christine has given new definition to the word ‘awaken’.”

It was my first time drumming. Christine has given new definition to the word “awaken”. It feels primal and embodied as opposed to conceptual and theoretical.
Gloria Taylor, Carlsbad, California

“Through creativity I gained new insights about myself.”

I loved the opportunity to do more improvisational drumming. Through creativity I gained new insights about myself.
Lucinda Abbe, Jackson, Wyoming

“I felt satisfied and nourished, yet hungry for more.”

I felt satisfied and nourished, yet hungry for more. The drumming continued to resonate with me throughout the day.
Suzanne Lippuner, Truckee, California

“This course gave me the confidence I needed to drum for mindfulness and to bring it to my social work with at-risk youth.”

Morag Innes, Biggar, Scotland


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Video Modules With Christine Stevens

Experience a rare opportunity to learn with speaker, author, and music therapist Christine Stevens from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video teaching that guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven Audio Recordings of Modules

Each module audio will be available for you in high-quality MP3 format. You can listen anytime and anywhere on any device and at your convenience.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire module transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Modules

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Awaken Your Rhythm Bonus Collection

  • Awaken Your Inner Music
    Guided Audio Practice From Christine Stevens
  • Drum! Reviving Rhythms
    Full Play-Along Audio Album From Christine Stevens
  • The Science of Drumming
    Video Teaching With Companion PDF From Christine Stevens

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken Your Rhythm Virtual Training


We feel honored Christine Stevens has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a speaker, author, and music therapist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Christine’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about encouraging whole body healing through drumming, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken Your Rhythm with Christine Stevens or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Christine Stevens...

“Christine guides groups to the secret world of the rhythmic arts.”

Mickey Hart, Grammy award-winning percussionist, Grateful Dead and Global Drum Project; Author of Drumming at the Edge of Magic

“Christine Stevens can introduce you to the magic, fun, and healing power of drumming. I recommend it.”

Dr. Andrew Weil, Author of Healthy Aging

“The power of her work is reflected in the brightness of her spirit.”

Christine Stevens’ work is truly brilliant. I love how she teaches drumming rhythms. The power of her work is reflected in the brightness of her spirit.
Sandra Ingerman, Author of 12 books, including The Book of Ceremony

“Christine Stevens is a magical sage of sound healing.”

Christine Stevens is a magical sage of sound healing. She is a “bridger of worlds” with a deep sense of what matters most. She brings healing home for the Soul.
Dr. Sue Morter, Founder of the Morter Institute for BioEnergetics and Author of The Energy Codes

“She is an instrument of global peace on the planet.”

Christine’s work is anointed with the kiss of heaven’s inspiration, celebration, and joy. She is an instrument of global peace on the planet.
Michael Bernard Beckwith, Author of Spiritual Liberation and Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center


About Christine Stevens


Christine Stevens is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and music therapist. Holding masters degrees in both social work and music therapy, Christine inspires people all over the world with her message that music promotes holistic health, spirituality, and wellness.

Christine is the author of Music Medicine, The Healing Drum Kit, and The Art and Heart of Drum Circles book and DVD. She’s recorded two play-along CDs, Reviving Rhythms and Drumming Up Diva.

Christine is the founder of UpBeat Drum Circles, offering diversity training, team building, and wellness presentations worldwide. She’s trained facilitators and led workshops in more than 20 countries, including Iraq, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, and Western Europe. Christine trains HealthRHYTHMS facilitators throughout the United States, England, and Japan through Remo, the world’s largest drum company. A leader in the music and wellness movement, Christine also serves on the editorial board of Explore: A Journal of Science and Healing.

Christine’s work in Iraq was recently featured in the book and DVD Discover the Gift. Televised media credits include PBS, NBC, KABC-Los Angeles, KTLA-Los Angeles, Tournament of Roses Parade, London Tonight, Living Better TV, Discovery Health, and Hong Kong News. As a contributing writer, Christine’s work has been featured in Fitness magazine, Spirituality & Health, Body & Soul, Fast Company, First for Women Magazine, The Oriental News, The Christian Science Monitor, US News & World Report, Yogi Times, and Natural Beauty and Health.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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