With Leading Scholar & Researcher in the Field
of Sound Healing & Therapy
David Gibson
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience the power of sound and vibration and uncover your ‘home note’ to initiate the healing frequencies YOU need most.

Transform painful emotions, heal disease, calm anxiety, and evoke bliss using the ‘sound hierarchy’ of vibrations.


Are you in search of real healing... an approach that can get to the root causes of a persistent health issue?

Are you ready to break through the anxiety, stress, or debilitating self-doubt that may be stealing your joy and health?

Or maybe you’re longing for a deeper spiritual life to finally access true oneness with the Universe, like so many seekers before you?

If so, then it may be time for you to consider this powerful truth: your body, mind, and spirit like everything in the Universe are all made up of energy and, specifically, vibrations. ...

And that means you can respond powerfully to specific healing sounds. These can include:

  • Soft, warm sounds, which have been shown to alleviate anxiety and help with sleep
  • The activating sounds of the Gong, which can ease depression
  • Certain sound frequencies that can help move you through the stages of grief
  • Strategically applying a sound frequency of 45 hertz, which can even regenerate your bones
  • And so much more...

You’ve very likely already encountered some version of sound healing through your personal growth work or perhaps while listening to your favorite music...

Even hospitals are incorporating sound healing into their treatment programs, as more and more evidence of its undeniable benefits emerge...

In this brand-new training with celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, you’ll experience firsthand how different sound vibrations can clear energy blocks and rebalance your chakras which have their own frequencies, pitches, and sounds.

You’ll discover how the workings of the Universe itself revolve around vibration, and how this affects your health and wellbeing...

David will also reveal what it means to get high and still. High is activating and can be bliss. Stillness is calming and is an experience of being completely at peace...

In this highly practical training, you’ll discover many easy-to-apply sound healing techniques to help you transform disease, release stuck emotions, and dissipate negative beliefs. You’ll also learn a practice to become deeply connected to Source, opening you to experience the life-changing feeling of Oneness, in which all is known.

David is the creator of the “hierarchy of vibration,” an educated perspective of vibration, and methods for using frequencies, sounds, music, and intention to clear physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual energy blocks.

Vibration works a little differently at each level of this hierarchy, David teaches. Different levels are used to attain optimal health in the body and to access higher energies of Spirit:

1. Frequency includes pure tones and pitch. Stable, consistent vibrational frequencies not chaotic vibrations are the basis of all sound healing. And once you find the natural resonant frequency of any part of your body, you can use that frequency to bring harmony and optimal health to that area, organ, or system.

2. Sounds and Timbre. Timbre, the quality of a sound or instrument, consists of a combination of frequencies, which are more powerful than pure frequencies on their own. Research shows how two frequencies instead of one are required to destroy cancer cells. One strike of a Tibetan bowl, whose tone was hammered into it with prayer, can open your heart and transform disease.

3. Musical Intervals. This is the relationship of one sound to another, whether it be two plants, two planets, or two souls.

4. Music. Add time, and now you have rhythm and melody. At this level of the hierarchy, it’s all about “smooth flow,” with no blockages the essence of health in any system in your body. Rhythms entrain the brain into different brain wave states. Add melody, and you can access the full range of emotions... love, compassion, joy, and the ultimate state of Oneness.

5. Energy and Intention. The most powerful level in the hierarchy of sound vibration it combines all the other levels. When someone sings the right song with the right energy, for example, the results can be life-changing.

When you’re healthy, David says, every single part of your body is humming consistently, and all five levels of the sound hierarchy are in coherence and a state of smooth flow...


Find Your Healing “Home Note”

Everyone has a healthy vibrational frequency, which can fall out of harmony due to stress, illness, or injury.

Research has shown that the most important frequency for a person is the frequency of their own system when at rest. This would be an average of the rhythm of your heart and brain waves. We call this the home note.

Moving through the hierarchy of sound, this home note once uncovered can renew peaceful brain frequencies, which will appear on an EEG (the medical test used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain).

According to David, it’s your home note and its relationship to the frequencies applied that hold the key to healing.

In this transformative new training, David will show you how to find your home note and use the hierarchy of sound techniques to help heal any physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalance.

To curb insomnia, for example, he’ll help you uncover the home note of your system when it’s in a deep sleep so you can tap into that healthy frequency and rhythm to experience the restorative rest you crave.

In this comprehensive program, you’ll also discover practical sound-healing approaches to minimize the chaotic vibrations you’re bombarded with daily and how to benefit from the frequencies that are ideal for your body’s sound framework.


Over the course of seven modules, you’ll discover:

  • The frequencies of key parts of the body, including adrenals, head, neck, chest, pituitary, heart, and more
  • How frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and transform negative beliefs
  • Your own natural frequency of health and why it’s different for everyone
  • How each of the chakras work together with sound so you can heal and move to higher consciousness
  • The deep work of letting higher beings (including Source) come through your voice
  • How to tune each of the brain wave states to your home note
  • The 5 techniques to release stuck emotions using your own voice
  • How to use sound and intention to access higher emotions including gratitude, compassion, and joy
  • How the frequency and timbres of different chakras work together in combination
  • How to avoid tuning into the chaotic vibration of unstable emotions
  • How sound healing can help you discover the specific frequencies and timbres of each chakra and raise your energy body vibration
  • How binaural beats activate specific systems within your brain promoting everything from relaxation to creativity to improved memory
  • The powerful difference between setting an intention with and without sound
  • How to hold 100% focus on an intention to evoke a trance-like state for manifesting anything you want
  • How to use “entrainment,” where  the stronger vibration overcomes the weaker so you can entrain to consistency the basis of all peace.

In Sound Healing Immersion, you’ll also discover how to access more gratitude, compassion, love, and joy through sound and how to use vibration to deepen your spiritual journey and experiences of Oneness.

David’s powerful sound vibration theories are gaining wide acceptance in healing and medical fields as effective new ways of identifying which vibrations are best for aiding specific health challenges.


Be Guided by a Pioneering Scholar & Researcher in the Field of Sound Healing & Therapy

David Gibson is a leading scholar and researcher in the field of Sound Healing and Therapy. He has developed a complete perspective of how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and distilled it into the hierarchy of vibrations found in the Universe.

He is the author of the #1-selling book in the field of sound healing, The Complete Guide to Sound Healing, and runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Globe Institute, offering over 15 types of sound-healing treatments.

David created the Sound Healing Research Foundation to bring sound healing into mainstream healthcare, spearheading research projects involving sound and music for ADD/ADHD, PTSD (anxiety, anger, grief), autism, pain management, sleep, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, addiction, brain injuries, Parkinson’s, and dementia.


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational training, David will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need uncover the healing sound frequency YOU need most right now.

This course will feature teaching sessions and experiential practices with David.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to discover a “sound hierarchy” of vibrations to ease painful emotions, heal disease, calm anxiety, and evoke bliss.


Module 1: Hierarchy of Vibration


In this first class, David will take you through the harmonic structure of sound.

You’ll dive into the basis of how sounds affect us all physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

By the end of this first session, you’ll feel confident intuitively finding frequencies yourself using David’s powerful technique,frequency sweeping.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • David’s accessible overview of what sound is and how it works including the hierarchy of frequencies
  • The foundations of musical intervals, music, and intention
  • How archetypal frequencies are used for healing
  • The frequencies of key parts of the body, including adrenals, head, neck, chest, pituitary, heart, and more
  • YOUR natural frequency of health
  • A healing meditation on the frequency of gratitude and oneness

Module 2: Discover the Frequency & Timbre of Each Chakra Raising Your Energy Body Vibrations


You’ll discover the frequency, notes, syllables, and instruments for  each chakra and how to use them.

What does music do to the chakras? What are the frequency and pitch of each chakra? What kind of music works best for each? By the end of this class, you’ll be well-versed in the answers.

You’ll even perform a chakra treatment on yourself and intuitively find the frequency all on your own. It’s a powerful method for addressing anxiety and bringing a sense of calm into your life...

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to tune into more than one chakra at a time and even tune into all seven simultaneously
  • Discover how each of the chakras work together with sound so you can heal and move to higher consciousness
  • What it means to go into theta when you tune into more than one frequency at a time
  • A blissful closing meditation that takes you into all seven chakras at the same time

Module 3: Brainwave Entrainment


You’ll explore the fascinating phenomenon of brain wave entrainment, the ability of the brain to naturally synchronize its brain wave frequencies with sound.

As you’ll discover, tuning into certain frequencies can create an entirely new state of consciousness and address issues such as sleep problems, creativity blocks, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder, and many more....

And David will guide you to entrain your brain within 15 seconds.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your soul note the note where you feel most at peace
  • How to use your soul note so each of the brain wave states can tune it to you
  • Your natural rhythm within each brainwave state
  • Why soul frequencies are the same from lifetime to lifetime
  • How to use sound and intention to access higher emotions, including gratitude, compassion, and joy
  • The frequency of oneness, a state of consciousness in which you’re one with the Universe

Module 4: Transform Emotions Into Pure Harmony Releasing Emotional, Energetic & Physical Blocks


In this session, David will walk you through a deeper exploration of how emotions operate based on music and sound.

As David will show you, stuck emotions are the cause of all disease. Toxins get into the human body because they find an emotional opening.

As you learn to transform your emotions into harmony and release blocks, you’ll unlock the potential to completely transform your health...

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 techniques to release stuck emotions using your own voice
  • Why your more painful emotions can feel like a broken record that’s skipping
  • How your healing, higher emotions including love, gratitude, and compassion are coherent, stable vibrations
  • The reasons lower emotions (like despair) are the most chaotic sounds of all
  • The deep work of letting higher beings (including Source) come through your voice

Module 5: Holding Frequency in the Face of Adversity/Challenges/Chaos


You’ll discover the invaluable skill of using sound to create stability in the midst of conflict whether it’s a health concern, financial setback, or relationship issue.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover David’s 10 techniques for being at peace in the midst of a challenge
  • Learn how to avoid tuning into the chaotic vibration of unstable emotions
  • Create your own bliss when you cultivate a consistent vibration
  • Discover the practice of being perfectly still

Module 6: Frequency of Love Healing Yourself, Others & the Planet Through Sound


You’ll discover how to use sound to bring more love into your life and work.

David will show you how to access love for yourself and for the planet.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What’s actually happening within us when we’re transmitting and receiving love
  • How, within sound frequencies, the stronger can align with the weaker so we all become entrained
  • An exercise to find your own sound that helps you access the heart of love
  • How to unlock a powerful technique to transform your negative beliefs
  • A practice in which you and your classmates create the sound of love then send it to each other, and to everyone on the planet
  • How YOU can contribute to the field of love on the whole planet, until everyone is in love and light all the time

Module 7: Frequency of Love Access Universal Love Through Sound


In your final class, you’ll dive even deeper into the frequency and energy of Universal love and oneness.

You’ll continue to use sound and music to access love not only for yourself, but for everyone in the world, and for our planet itself.

From the shaman who can hear the song of the plant and transfer its medicine by singing... to the Tibetan mama who sees all lifetimes... accessing oneness has profound effects.

You’ll discover how to access it.

In this closing module, you’ll discover:

  • The true meaning of Universal love and how it’s different from unconditional love
  • An exercise to help you access Universal love using sound
  • What it truly means to access oneness and how it can bring about a sense of peace, stillness, and a profound knowing of how the Universe works
  • David’s advanced meditation on oneness
  • A guided practice in which you’ll transmit love, receive love, and be one with the Universe all at the same time

The Sound Healing Immersion Bonus Collection


In addition to David’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


How Sound & Vibration Work at All Levels of Reality
Audio Dialogue With David Gibson

Join David Gibson, the founder of the Globe Sound Healing Institute, Sound Therapy Center & Research Foundation, as he discusses how sound and vibration works physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He also explores how it works at all levels of vibration: frequencies, timbres, musical intervals, music, and intention and how you can use sound to change your life and the whole planet.

During this impactful session, you’ll discover:

  • How to find the natural resonant frequency of a part of the body
  • Practical vocal toning techniques to use sound as a tool to tune yourself up during daily life
  • The power of silent sound, the energetics of breathwork

The Complete Guide to Sound Healing
Ebook From David Gibson

This #1-selling book in the field of Sound Healing covers the Hierarchy of Vibration: Frequencies, Timbres (Sounds), Musical Intervals, Music, and Intention. The book explains how sound affects us physically (pain and disease), mentally (sleep, creativity, presence, learning, thinking, and high states of meditation), emotionally (releasing stuck emotions and transforming negative beliefs), and spiritually (gratitude, compassion, love, joy, frequency of your Soul, and Source Energy).  It presents the latest science and techniques for using a wider range of Sound Healing instruments and the voice.


Sound Healing Reader
Collection of Digital Resources From David Gibson

This collection of 20 to 30 images and text from David will support your journey through each class. It includes a database of frequencies and detailed instructions for many of the exercises and meditations covered in the classes.


What People Are Saying About David Gibson...

“... [moves] students to higher and higher octaves of love and light to bring out into the world.”

David, you are a great and loving teacher, and you have attracted to you a wonderful compliment of great and loving teachers to move your students to higher and higher octaves of love and light to bring out into the world. Thank you for creating this awesome opportunity.

“... awakened a new awareness of the interconnectedness of spirit, science, and sound.”

David Gibson, the founder and director of the Globe Institute, is a dedicated and heart-centered educator. I recently completed The Sound Healing and Therapy Summer Intensive Certification Program at Globe Institute where the quality of the teaching staff and the well-thought-out curriculum challenged my musical thinking and awakened a new awareness of the interconnectedness of spirit, science, and sound. Thank you, David, for raising my consciousness and my frequency.

“... a solid grounding in sound healing and therapy within a quality online instructional format.”

David utilized the latest in web communications software to make possible live course interaction with both the instructors and students from across the globe, and all from the comfort of my own home. The course selections provided a balanced overview of sound-healing modalities. David was very generous with his time, knowledge, and experience, eager to answer questions and provide assistance, while making available his extensive database of course videos and documents. I highly recommend this program for those interested in a solid grounding in sound healing and therapy within a quality online instructional format.
Scott J. Simon, PhD

“... learn the healing aspects of sound and vibration...”

David Gibson has done a wonderful service to the sound community and all who wish to learn the healing aspects of sound and vibration with his school and the educational program that he offers. I highly recommend it! Many thanks.
Candice Cheadle

“... passion to spread love and light and sound healing worldwide.”

I love David’s passion to spread love and light and sound healing worldwide. I can tell that he has a sincere desire to do good in the world and provide an educational resource for students who want to learn how to be Sound Healers.

“... speaks on a conscious level.”

David gathers everything together, and how to apply it for real. Love the way he speaks on a conscious level.

“Great teacher!”

David was always very organized and covered a lot of material throughout the course. I appreciated the knowledge and experience he brought to the students. Great teacher!


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With David Gibson

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with leading scholar and researcher in the field of sound healing and therapy David Gibson from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to ease painful emotions, heal disease, calm anxiety, and evoke bliss using the “sound hierarchy” of vibrations.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Sound Healing Immersion Bonus Collection
  • How Sound & Vibration Work at All Levels of Reality
    Audio Dialogue With David Gibson
  • The Complete Guide to Sound Healing
    Ebook From David Gibson
  • Sound Healing Reader
    Collection of Digital Resources From David Gibson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Sound Healing Immersion Virtual Training


We feel honored that David Gibson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a leading scholar and researcher in the field of sound healing and therapy whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about easing painful emotions, healing disease, calming anxiety, and evoking bliss, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Sound Healing Immersion with David Gibson or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


About David Gibson


David Gibson is a leading scholar and researcher in the field of Sound Healing and Therapy. He developed a complete perspective of how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and distilled it into the hierarchy of vibrations found in the Universe.

David, the author of the #1-selling book in the field of sound healing, The Complete Guide to Sound Healing, runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Globe Institute, offering over 15 types of sound healing treatments. 

He created the Sound Healing Research Foundation to bring sound healing into mainstream healthcare, spearheading research projects involving sound and music for ADD/ADHD, PTSD (anxiety, anger, grief), autism, pain management, sleep, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, addiction, brain injuries, Parkinson’s, and dementia.


Frequently Asked Questions



Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!



Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
