With Andean Medicine Man
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

A 11-Module On-Demand Video Training
Includes 7-Module Introductory Program!


Experience a wide variety of healing practices and rituals to infuse your altar with the powers of the Chakana and call in your allies of the Earth and cosmos for guidance as you become a more powerful healer for yourself, your family, and your community.


Are you a seeker on the path toward healing and evolution?

You may need a lot of support as you continue to process the sometimes overwhelmingly heavy energy that’s permeated the entire globe for much of the last two years.

This is the perfect time to call on ancient and cosmic wisdomandspirit (or invisible allies) to guide you and our world into the light.

One of the most powerful tools for connecting with this intelligence is the Chakana a sacred symbol received by the Andean people thousands of years ago.

Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona teaches us that the Chakana is a complex and exquisite spiritual map of the entire cosmos...

... a portal that connects us to our divine light and collective consciousness to help us manifest a healthy and happy life grounded in unconditional love so we can be of greater service to ourselves and others.

For the Andean people, caring for yourself and others physically, mentally, and spiritually is crucial to helping co-create a new, vital, and nourishing life for yourself, your family, your community, and the planet a personal and collective healing that we’ve never needed as much as we do today.

Join Puma from the Andean Highlands in this remarkable 11-module program to discover ancient Andean methods you can use for healing yourself and others to become stronger, more resilient, and more loving.

Puma, a renowned and beloved medicine man, received the teachings of Andean ceremonies and rituals from his grandfather, Don Maximo. A spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, Puma has a passion for the teachings of his people and a deep respect for the global awakening of human consciousness.

In this profoundly transformative, highly experiential advanced program, you’ll explore how, through shamanic practices and rituals, you can access the potent wisdom of the Chakana... to amplify its powerful healing energies... and commune with spirit allies of the Earth and cosmos through the creation of a mesa or personal altar.

Puma will guide you through a variety of ancient life-changing exercises, practices, and rituals as you program into your mesa the four portals (based on the four directions of east, west, north, and south) and their essences munay (unconditional love), kausay (cosmic life energy), llankay (unconditional service), and yachay (divine intelligence).

You’ll infuse your mesa with other powerful aspects of the Chakana including the apus (mountain spirits of light)... the ley lines (energy channels of the Earth)... four of your spirit animals (puma, hummingbird, condor, and serpent) and other spirit allies... and the elements of air, fire, earth, and water.

As you build these alliances, through the teachings of the mesa, you’ll become a more powerful manifester replete with greater love for yourself and others.

These energies provide an inner balance helping you experience a synchronization with the whole Universe in sacred time and space.

And, as you receive the loving guidance of Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the cosmic allies, you’ll learn to cultivate greater harmony, wellbeing, self-realization, abundance, empowerment, and service to others.

Puma says that it’s not about learning, but, rather, experiencing the timeless wisdom of the Earth, the cosmos, and the ancestors to prepare you to take on life’s challenges and opportunities in more resourced ways... as you revel in the miracle of this life.


During this richly transformative 11 modules with Puma, you’ll:

  • Develop a profound understanding of the Chakana and how to access its sacred gifts
  • Discover the ancestral tradition of creating a mesa (a personal altar) to commune with spirit allies and amplify the powerful healing energies of the Chakana
  • Encode the Chakana into your mesa to facilitate your healing abilities
  • Discover your connection with apus spirits of light from the mountains or land as the foundation of your mesa work
  • Call on and learn to transmit the powerful healing energies of the Chakana’s 4 directions munay, kausay, llankay, and yachay to maintain harmony and wellbeing
  • Program the apus, animal spirits, elements, and khuyas (or spirit allies) into your mesa
  • Embody the medicine of the puma, hummingbird, condor, and serpent
  • Practice potent Andean rituals and healing practices for realizing yourself as a powerful healer ready to support yourself, your family, and your community
  • Receive 2 complete sessions of Q&A with community support and integration
  • Draw on ancestral wisdom to help you accomplish your life mission
  • Liberate your heart by transforming any attachments, thoughts, or feelings that weigh you down and don’t serve you
  • Transmit highly refined energy to your loved ones by programing the Chakana mesa for your biological family and the global collective
  • Learn how to receive unconditionally through the Divine Feminine as you open to the infinite blessings of life
  • Discover what it means to give unconditionally the powerful gift of the Divine Masculine
  • And much more...

As you move through this course and commune with your powerful allies, you’ll build up a tremendous amount of restorative energy and learn how to transmit healings to others through spiritual rituals.

By drawing on thousands of years of wisdom a healing consciousness that all our ancestors were guided by you’ll become more powerful than you can imagine...

... embodying the healer, teacher, servant, and powerful guide you innately are. Miracles will unfold before your eyes as you wake up to your new self, overflowing with mind-expanding and heart-opening epiphanies that will benefit the greater good.

What You’ll Discover in These 11 Modules

In this 11-module transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through the wisdom and practices you’ll need to become a more powerful healer.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Puma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to call in your allies of the Earth and the cosmos for guidance as you become a more powerful healer.

If you have not experienced Puma’s teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism 7-module program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Creating a Personal Altar, Mesa, or Medicine Bundle


For thousands of years in the Andes, people have created personal altars called the mesa or medicine bundle, used to commune with their spirit allies.

About a hundred years ago, it was discovered that ancient sacred sites all over the world, human-made and natural, fall into alignment usually in a pattern of straight lines called ley lines, which transmit healing energy.

The Andean ancestors provided us with a cosmic energetic map that connects us with these powerful ley lines.

In this opening module, you’ll program the four directions and portals of the Chakana into your mesa to bring its wisdom to your healing practice.

Puma will guide you to:

  • Discover your connection with the apus spirits of light from the mountains or land as the foundation of your mesa work
  • Activate a reconnection in the cosmic community of mesa carriers and healers globally
  • Choose four apus to become the portal guardians in your mesa
  • Program and reprogram the apus, animal spirits, elements, and spirit allies into your mesa
  • Learn a prayer that will help guide you to program your personal altar and sacred space the way the ancestors did

Module 2: Anti Suyu Portal of the Light East


The portal of the East is your guiding portal. People face the East In Andean ceremonies to work with the rising sun, new energy, and rebirth for healing, transformation, and awakening, each day, to superior consciousness.

This portal of the new era carries the essence of the hummingbird and munay (unconditional love).

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to connect with the East portal guardian Anti Suyu Apu to send unconditional love to your family and community
  • Develop a ritual of calling in the essence of munay with every sunrise breathing in, filling yourself with unconditional love, and journeying into your inner beauty
  • Embody the medicine of the hummingbird to become a master of unconditional love finding the beauty and sweetness in every situation you encounter and everyone you meet
  • Discover how to access the portal of the east with every sunrise... gifting yourself the opportunity and ability to consciously wake up and receive new life every day
  • Receive and transmit powerful healing energy through the east portal

Module 3: Konti Suyu Portal of the Ancestors West


In your sacred mesa, you have the ancestors as your guardian protectors. In this session, you’ll discover how to draw on ancestral wisdom to help you accomplish your life mission.

In Andean ceremony, people sit in the portal of the West as they face the East, toward the rising Sun. When you connect with this portal, you can access the wisdom of the ancestors the wisdom of every medicine man and woman that sat in front of their sacred altars before you.

This is the portal of completion and accomplishments, which can help you release patterns and complete lifetime processes.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to connect with the West portal guardian Konti Suyu Apu
  • Develop a ritual to access the essence of kausay (cosmic life energy) for revitalization as you receive the power of the setting sun at the end of each day
  • Embody the medicine of the condorto become light-hearted through a daily liberating process... so you can soar higher, gain new perspective, and always see the bigger picture
  • Liberate your heart by transforming any attachments, thoughts, or feelings that weigh you down and don’t serve your path
  • Replace any sense of limitation, fear, or self-doubt with forgiveness and unconditional love
  • Receive and transmit powerful healing energy through the west portal

Module 4: Chinchay Suyu Portal of the Cosmic Alliance North


When you call in your cosmic family, you connect to your sacred origins and create a powerful healing team.

The portal of the North is the connection to your cosmic family and community, helping you remember that even when you’re on your own, you’re never alone.
When you connect with this portal, you can access the spiritual strength you need to be of service through ceremony.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Program powerful cosmic allies your cosmic circle of masters into your mesa
  • Discover how to connect with the North portal guardian Chinchay Suyu Apu
  • Develop a ritual to activate the essence of llankay (unconditional service) for spiritual strength connecting with and calling on your spiritual allies through this portal
  • Embody the medicine of the puma to become grounded in the physical realm, so you can activate your full will and live with embodied passion
  • Access timeless presence to ignite the power to affect eternity
  • Receive and transmit powerful healing energy through the North portal

Module 5: Qolla Suyu Portal of Pachamama South


The portal of the South is the connection to your Mother Earth allies. We’re all children of Pachamama, and connecting with our allies means connecting with our spirit family on this Earth.

Through this portal, we can also connect with beings of light in the spirit world (or the invisible world). As children of the Sun living on the Earth, we are light beings who are part of this light family in the spirit world.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Learn how to connect with the South portal guardian Qolla Suyu Apu
  • Develop a ritual to access the essence of yachay (or divine intelligence)... to best serve your family and community
  • Embody the medicine of the sacred serpent to practice the art of effortless evolution... reactivating intuition and inherent knowing
  • Open your heart to Mother Earth and her powerful medicine and recognize yourself as her child
  • Access timeless wisdom of Pachamama for the new era to update your sacred memory
  • Program powerful allies to have as your earth-spirit circle of healers
  • Receive and transmit powerful healing energy through the south portal

Module 6: Q&A #1


In addition to this mid-course Q&A session, you’ll be guided by Puma in a meditation to connect with the four portals... as you envision the guardians and animal spirits in each direction.

This session will also be a time for sharing, community connection, integration, and healing.


Module 7: Qosqo Center of the Centers Awki


Qosqo is the center of the mesa, the point of equilibrium where all ley lines converge. It’s the center of centers, and it’s important to always be conscious of and in ceremony with this center.

Your awki (the crystal at the center of your mesa) is your chief and fifth apu. When you connect with your awki, you gain access to all the portals and all the ley lines. It’s the master of all possibilities and infinite blessings.

The central crystal is the most powerful master of light and an ally that you can most often call on for support and guidance.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the art of healing by just being present and the importance of remaining centered to maintain harmony and wellbeing
  • Choose an awki to become your closest ally, and program it into the center of your mesa
  • Recognize the main ley lines in your mesa ayni between the east and west portals and minka between the north and south portals and how they converge at the qosqo
  • Cultivate your communion and communication with the awki through a prayer and visualization practice
  • Learn how to access all allies by calling on and communicating with your awki
  • Discover your sacred center to help you cultivate time and again a state of harmony and inner peace 

Module 8: Lloqe Feminine Polarity in the Mesa


The left side of the mesa is a portal to the Divine Feminine, through which you can discover and access her magic.

When you connect with the left side of your mesa, you’re invited to be fully present with the healing qualities of the Divine Feminine in everyone and every situation.

This is the gift of the Moon Goddess, who’s with her children day and night. In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to receive unconditionally through the Divine Feminine, and open to the infinite blessings of life
  • Access portals of magic and mystery by working with the sacred Moon Goddess
  • Acknowledge the Divine Feminine within yourself 
  • Program the powerful healing energy of the Divine Feminine into your mesa to support and heal all women in your family and community
  • Discover how to be responsible with this delicate force of the Divine Feminine in your healing work and spiritual path
  • Draw on the power of double consciousness through your connection to the sacred womb of Pachamama

Module 9: Paña Masculine Polarity in the Mesa


The right side of the mesa is a portal of the Divine Masculine, through which you can tap into his generosity.

When you connect with the right side of your mesa, you develop the capacity to heal the Divine Masculine by cultivating generosity.

You can transform challenges in your life and activate powerful infinite potential by recognizing the light within. This is the gift of the Sun God.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Discover what it means to give unconditionally the powerful gift of the Divine Masculine
  • Call in the essence of the Father Sun who always shines abundantly on everyone, effortlessly and tirelessly
  • Acknowledge the Divine Masculine within yourself
  • Access the portals of abundance and prosperity by working with the right side of your mesa
  • Draw on the superior consciousness of the light of the Sun gifting life energy by shining brightly
  • Learn how to be more responsible with your power to create... and how to use it in partnership with the Creator

Module 10: Q&A #2


As this course nears its close, you’ll have an opportunity to hear Puma answering questions from course participants.

He’ll guide you on a journey through the interdimensional portals in your mesa to activate the lloqe and paña portals.

This session will also be a time for liberation, contemplation, and healing.


Module 11: Hampi The Art of Healing With Your Mesa


Once you have the Chakana programmed into your mesa, you have unlimited healing power to share.

In this closing session, you’ll learn how to heal with the help of your allies, and discover the best way to transmit your healing energy through only intention and breath.

You’ll experience hampi one of the most powerful healing practices in the Andes invoking the magic of the Chakana as a portal of awakening and liberation for our global family.

Together with Puma and your community of healers, you’ll discover how to:

  • Access healing and transformation through the power of the Chakana ley lines in your mesa
  • Activate pathways of light
  • Transmit highly refined energy to your loved ones by programing the Chakana mesa for your biological family and the global collective
  • Surround yourself with powerful apus as your team of masters of light ready to journey with you in your life path
  • Transmit munay, kausay, llankay, and yachay through your mesa for initiations and blessings, as a constant practice and communion with your mesa

Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism Introductory Training Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism 7-module course. When you purchase the full 11-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well!

In this 7-module foundational course, Puma shows you a variety of ways to move through the shamanic portals and receive the spirit medicine of deeper awareness and the unconditional love inherent in the cosmos.

In seven sessions, you’ll plug into the four directions and the four elements... meet the essential animal spirits (Puma, Hummingbird, Condor, and Serpent)... and explore the secrets of the Chakana through rituals and journeys.

Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to introduce yourself to the power, sacred gifts, and guidance of the Chakana to connect with your divine origins and activate your inner healer... as you cultivate strength, resilience, and unconditional love.

Module 1: The Meaning of the Chakana Bridge Understand the Original Program of Our Ancestors

Module 2: Explore the 3 Levels of Service The Fundamental Purpose of Life

Module 3: Engage the Essential Gifts From Pachamama for Self-Realization, Healing, Liberation & Purpose

Module 4: Integrate the Power of the Elements Into Your Healing Practices

Module 5: Integration & Q&A

Module 6: Journey Into the Mysterious Realm of Animal Spirits

Module 7: Balance the Sacred Feminine & Masuline Polarities Medicine for the Soul

PLUS, you’ll get the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

Puriy | Rimay | Rikuy
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Bonus #2

Ancient Quechua Prayer
PDF Guide From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Bonus #3

Tarpuy | Kjallmay | Aymuray
Video Teaching with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

The original price of Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!


The Chakana & Your Personal Mesa Bonus Collection

In addition to Puma’s introductory training and transformative 11-part virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Mesa Prayer
Video Teaching With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Let Puma guide you in powerful prayers in Quechua an Indigenous language spoken by the Quechua peoples who live primarily in the Peruvian Andes. You can use these prayers to open up sacred space, activate the powerful forces in your mesa, and call in your spiritual allies as you prepare to perform healing work. When you speak these Quechua words, you access the same portals used by the ancestors. In this teaching, Puma will translate the prayers and explain their meaning.


Finding Your Point of Equilibrium
Video Teaching With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Your point of equilibrium is what keeps you in absolute harmony and peace… helping you maintain a high state of wellbeing and good health. In this experiential practice, you’ll work with the sacred four directions, as well as the above and below, to find your point of equilibrium your energy center of centers. This exercise will help you achieve spiritual strength, while harmonizing with the balancing forces of Mother Earth.


Wayri Songs
Audio Song Collection From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

You’ll love this compilation of Andean songs “Wayri,” “Jarawi,” and “Chaquiri” meant to uplift your spirit. As you listen, you’ll access more light to enhance your connection to Pachamama and her healing energy. These songs, performed on flute and drum by Puma and some of his friends, will remind you to bring the powerful medicine of joy into your life.


What Graduates of Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism Are Saying...


Marion Conaway: “Puma Creates a Safe Space in Which You Can Be at Your Very Own Best”

Anais Mali: “I’ve Never Been the Same Since”

“I highly recommend this course.”

This course has helped me develop a deeper connection and understanding of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. I highly recommend this course.
Sharon Li, New York

“Puma Fredy brings an openness to a global perspective and a sense that we are participating in the co-creation of a new world view.”

There is a tremendous gratitude in my heart for these wisdom teachings that resonate with me, especially, the incorporation of healing through the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Puma Fredy brings an openness to a global perspective and a sense that we are participating in the co-creation of a new world view. To me it is particularly helpful to hear from Puma that each of us is empowered to decide for ourselves what rings true and where to focus our energies. Many thanks for bringing us an authentic healer all the way from the mountains of Perú.
Susan McDevitt, San Diego, California

“I’ve been searching for an authentic teacher on this path, and feel I have finally met it in Puma.”

Puma shines an authentic light of Sami energy that’s evident in his person and teachings. His teachings are easy to understand and uplifting. He shows great respect toward those he interacts with, including in Q&A sessions. The answers always seem to hit the mark, and each answer I suspect resonates for many listeners. I’ve been searching for an authentic teacher on this path, and feel I have finally met it in Puma. The Shift Network is really well organised. Joining, participating in live calls, and the quality of the supporting material and transcripts is great. A course can only plant a seed... from there we have to do our work. This program has helped my personal work as a medicine woman. I’m very happy to recommend it. I’d go as far as saying that, if you do the work, it’s life-changing.
Karen, Aotearoa, New Zealand

“This course will awaken a deep inner awareness and help you remember your divine nature.”

Puma is a beacon of unconditional love, wisdom, and joy. This course will awaken a deep inner awareness and help you remember your divine nature.
Sandy, Australia

“It is so profound to me being reminded of my origins and being in connection with the world around me...”

I love Puma’s wisdom so much!! His gentleness and power of teaching! It is so profound to me being reminded of my origins and being in connection with the world around me sun, moon, elements, apus, animal spirits, and energies. Thank you so much for this!!
Andrea, Germany


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eleven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover ancient skills and practices to amplify your access to the powers of the Chakana for healing yourself and others.

Eleven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 11-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Puma’s foundational course on the Chakana, taking you through his reliable system for connecting to your divine origins and embodying the ancestral and cosmic forces to cultivate strength and resilience, activate your innate inner healer, and live in unconditional love and service.

The Chakana & Your Personal Mesa Bonus Collection
  • Mesa Prayer
    Video Teaching With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
  • Finding Your Point of Equilibrium
    Video Teaching With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
  • Wayri Songs
    Audio Song Collection From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Deepen Your Healing Capacity With the Chakana & Your Personal Mesa Online Training


We feel honored that Puma Fredy Quispe Singona has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the Andean medicine man whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about manifesting miracles and healing for yourself and others, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Deepen Your Healing Capacity With the Chakana & Your Personal Mesa or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Puma Fredy Quispe Singona...

“Puma extended great love and knowledge to this learning community, which he lovingly called family.”

My friend told me about this course and suggested I take it. Puma was very organized. Each week, a clear lesson was offered. He led awesome guided meditations. Imagining myself inside a crystal during the meditations was amazing. There were deepening practices that we can do anytime to continue integrating this knowledge and experience of the Chakana. Handouts of the Quechua words, which are codes to expand one’s spiritual framework, were also offered. Puma extended great love and knowledge to this learning community, which he lovingly called family.
Mary Beth, Cleveland, Ohio 

“Puma Fredy is magnificently generous as he offers and facilitates extraordinary teachings...”

This immersion course with Puma Fredy was magnificently orchestrated live from the Andes, (kudos to The Shift Network, the course manager, Puma Fredy, and the technology gods and spirits who all enabled this extraordinary aspect). Puma Fredy is magnificently generous as he offers and facilitates extraordinary teachings, guidance, blessings, traditions, and ceremonies that reach far beyond the weeks of the course. I am so grateful!
Jody L.

“Puma is a wonderful teacher who is carrying knowledge and teachings from his tradition that can definitely be applied to living in today’s world.”

Puma is a wonderful teacher who is carrying knowledge and teachings from his tradition that can definitely be applied to living in today’s world. We need more!
EarthKeeper Nukumi Selina, Wabanaki Territory, Turtle Island, North America

“So valuable right now to be reminded of ancient knowledge and to put it into practice in daily life.”

Absolutely adore Puma’s teachings. So valuable right now to be reminded of ancient knowledge and to put it into practice in daily life.
Sara, Norfolk, United Kingdom

“Taking the online shamanic classes with Puma allows me to go deeper into the mystery of my inner connection with Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine...”

Taking the online shamanic classes with Puma allows me to go deeper into the mystery of my inner connection with Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, and then peel off the layers that don’t serve me any longer on my spiritual path. Infinite gratitude here.
Shiang, Scottsdale, Arizona


About Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was trained by his grandfather, Don Maximo, in the mastery of Andean ceremonies and rituals. As a spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he conveys a passion for the teachings of his people and a profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness. He has attended and facilitated numerous international gatherings of spiritual leaders and young leaders with YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity).

He is recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people in his special heartfelt way to connect with the reverence and love he brings for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (mountain spirits) that safeguard the Andean people. He is a co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, music, story, and songs.

Puma has a natural ability to connect with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals that assist him in his global healing path. He sees everyone as a global family, and teaches that by healing ourselves we are healing our family. As tour guide to the natural wonders and sacred sites of Peru and the Quechua world, he has deep reverence for the traditions and values of the ancient Andean cultures.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
