With Quantum Healer, Teacher & Author
Mona Delfino

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Uncover your soul’s eternal energy and your natural connections to guides and helpers in other realms and practice mediumship as an extension of your innate intuitive powers.


Especially this year, chaos seems to rule the day, illness is on the rise...

... and our most limiting ideas have come to the surface, inviting us to face them.

As these complicated inner discoveries are happening, it’s easy to think you simply must learn more because the answers you need are somewhere outside of you.

The truth is, you don’t have to depend on someone else to be there with the answers because you are the one who’s always been there, in past lives and the next... and you have all the wisdom you’ll ever need.

Right this moment, you have the innate capacity to live at a higher vibration. You hold both your soul’s eternal energy and your natural connections to guides and helpers in other realms.

Join us for a powerful new course with quantum healer and author Mona Defino and learn to look at life through the shaman’s eyes as you live from a place of love, respecting and deeply connected to the Earth and the oneness of all of life.

You’ll connect most deeply to your own soul and to yourself as an eternal being.

When you look at life through the lens of the shaman, you’ll more easily tap into your intuitive powers and the transformative and healing energies on this plane and in astral realms.

When you allow this eternal energy this part of you that is Spirit to live through you, you can bring heaven to Earth, no matter what else is happening in our world.

Mona will share how you can live as energy, reclaiming your love of life, despite the chaos that surrounds you or perhaps because of it...

Well-versed in spirituality, alchemy, and quantum healing, Mona has a highly effective approach to using energy as medicine that has helped thousands heal.

She’s known and loved for her high-energy yet down-to-earth teaching style, her amazing and inspiring stories filled with earthly and otherworldly insights, and her ability to make our innate powers as energetic beings easily accessible and fun to explore.

During your seven sessions together, you’ll learn to become aware of yourself as an eternal being who has lived past lives and is destined to live beyond this one...

You’re being called to bring light to your everyday life and to be a catalyst for growth, health, and awareness all through a deep understanding of who you really are.

Your reason for being in this world is revealing itself, here and now. Mona will help you recognize it then live it out each day.


During this dynamizing new course with Mona, you’ll:

  • Learn to see through the shaman’s eyes
  • Experience how knowing that you’re in the world, but not of it, can set you free
  • Feel how the energetic qualities of names from people on the other side impact our lives
  • Discover your internal abilities to produce a frequency of higher love
  • Understand epigenetics on a physical and spiritual level
  • Explore cellular memory and why we’re not victims of anything
  • Learn about how cycles of trauma can be interpreted and healed in the body
  • Learn how we “come home” after we pass from this Earth
  • Discover what you can learn from past lives, including their impact on the body
  • Understand why you were born to your parents
  • Go beyond the old ideas you’ve been holding onto to discover the purpose of your life
  • Practice energy medicine techniques for mediumship
  • Discover how the more you release, the more resources you’ll have available to create a balanced life

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Mona will guide you to uncover your soul’s eternal energy and your natural connections to guides and helpers in other realms.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Mona. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access your soul’s eternal healing energies and discover your true purpose.

Module 1: What Is Earth & What Is Heaven? (December 17)


In this opening class with Mona, she’ll share how, as uncertainty swirls around us here in this world, you can choose to patiently wait, living your life one day at a time in hopes that the world will change OR you can actively participate in the change the world needs...

You’ll discover that you do have a choice no matter your circumstances. You can feel better, live as your best self, and bring more of what you desire into your life.

It starts by understanding that the purpose of your experience on Earth is to expand your spiritual growth and that your greatest teacher is, in fact, this experience you’re having on Earth.

In every culture, medicine people and healers communicate with both Earth and heaven, by listening and communicating through energy.

In this first module, you’ll:

  • Discover limitless, inherent possibilities and power within and around you
  • Learn to see through the shaman’s eyes
  • Change your perception from past energetic hangups to future acknowledgement
  • Understand the powerful truth that, energetically, you’re in the world, but not of it

Module 2: Everything Is Vibration (January 7)


Attraction is the language the soul speaks....

In this session, Mona will share how our language is energetic. This vast energy fuels you mentally, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually.

Mona will explain how, when you harness the language of energy, you’ll live a more empowered life, both individually and collectively, as you help shape-shift our world.

She’ll also share how opening the heart brings you the knowledge that you are writing the script of your life.

And as you’ll discover, you can easily access the healing energies available to you...

Your adrenals can rejuvenate, boosting your immunity and helping you ward off dis-ease. You can also more easily manifest what you desire.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Deepen into reading the vibrations of names and ancestry
  • Feel how the energetic qualities of names from people on the other side impact our lives
  • Discover your internal abilities to produce a frequency of higher love
  • Explore a practice to help you experience the tool of toning for a new form of healing

Module 3: The Physical Body Becoming the Expanded Versions of Yourself (January 14)


In this module, Mona will share how science and spirituality meet.

This year we’ve been tested, as we’ve already seen, to step into our best selves through the challenges and opportunities of crisis.

Mona will share how you can move from limitation to liberation and change the cycles of trauma.

And when you choose to walk into the unknown, you’re becoming the expanded versions of yourself.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand epigenetics on a physical and spiritual level
  • Explore cellular memory and why we’re not victims of anything
  • Sharpen your physical senses for a wholeness within the soul
  • Explore how cycles of trauma can be interpreted and healed in the body
  • Discover a guided practice to breathe into any situation and release your stress

Module 4: The Spiritual Body Unleashing the Power of the Heart (January 21)


During this class, Mona will walk you through the concept of soul consciousness and your own power as a soul.

Soul is the realization of yourself beyond body, heart, and mind, while consciousness is the presence of this very moment...

And so with soul consciousness, you can simply experience life, at this moment, without trying to control it or create something else out of it and Mona will show you how.

You’ll also discover how the language of frequencies is based on inner signals and messages that cause fountains of knowledge to spring forth from your inner being.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the differences between consciousness and subconsciousness
  • Unleash the power of the heart
  • Discover gratitude as one of the highest frequencies for change
  • Learn how we “come home” after we pass from this Earth

Module 5: Past Lives & Future Living (January 28)


Everyone comes into life with pre-written contracts.

If the terms of these contracts aren’t met the first time around, you’ll often meet the same people and have similar experiences over and over in different lives.

Everything is a lesson.

In this module, Mona will share the details of how you came to Earth for the experience of adding to knowledge you didn’t get in the lives you’ve lived before.

As you’ll discover, this ancient knowledge anchors into the formation of your human cells and it helps you continue a journey toward an expanded balance of peace and inner joy.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The impact of past lives on the body
  • The lessons you can glean from your past (and current) life experiences
  • Why you were born to your parents
  • The all-important lesson of achievement
  • How to go beyond the old ideas you’ve been holding onto to discover the purpose of your life
  • New awareness to open possibilities as you live the power of the moment

Module 6: Practical Mediumship as Energy Medicine A Higher Form of Intuition (February 4)


We are transducers, transmitters, and receivers of energy.

In this module, you’ll discover how, in one way or another, we’re all empathic, all healers and we need to recognize this in one another if we’re going to change our world.

As Mona will share, dignifying humanity through appreciation for each other is the key.

Your path is certainly unique, and as we become more unified, you’ll look at other people and see yourself looking back. As Mona will explain, it’s time to greatly co-create our world in the spirit of love.

It all starts with learning to be the natural co-creator you are by accepting your God-given brilliance.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Techniques for practicing mediumship as energy medicine
  • Ways in which the physical body can become lighter (more full of light)
  • How the more you release, the more resources you’ll have available to create a balanced life
  • The power of listening to universal downloads through new concepts, ideas, and experiences
  • A guided practice to reveal why your (seemingly) involuntary reactions and non-actions are actually choices you’re making

Module 7: Living Heaven on Earth (February 11)


Old patterns, habits, and addictions have limited or confined our spirits for too long.

As you’ll have discovered during your time in this course, you have the potential to eliminate negativity all around you through your conscious thoughts.

In this final session with Mona, she’ll explain how  as you “unify” yourself from your own past, old thoughts, and ideas.

As you move beyond these limitations, you’ll see that you’re in the middle of establishing a global revival within yourself and throughout the world around you...

In this closing module, you’ll discover:

  • Natural law, and how nature automatically understands everything
  • The power of ancestry, family, and community
  • The simplicity of dynamic shifts that we thought were hardships, and their relationship with long-term healing
  • How to release fear and doubt by trusting the NEW you
  • The true igniting power of self-love through self-acceptance
  • The powerful truth that you create your own reality
  • A guided practice that can banish old belief patterns within seconds

The Energetic Practices to Bring Heaven to Earth Bonus Collection

In addition to Mona’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Spiritual Vision Board & Untapped Potential
Video Interview With Mona Delfino and Gillian Shelley

Listen in on Mona’s conversation with course manager Gillian Shelley as they explore how untapped potential is created in the field and how to access deeper allowance. Follow along with their powerful spiritual vision board exercise to imagine the life you most want for yourself. As you make space for spirit to communicate with you from the future, you’ll call in your higher self.


Unearthing Authenticity
Video Interview With Mona Delfino and Gillian Shelley

Experience how to put aside your need to know and embrace creation as the magician that you are! In Mona’s fascinating dialogue with course manager Gillian Shelley, she explores how being honest with your challenges and loving the reality you’re in can open you to your greatest potential. Discover how becoming real means starting where you are and allowing that to be true so you can make lasting transformation in your life.


Energy Is Sound
Video Dialogue With Mona Delfino and Alec Sims

The melding of sound and energy is one unit, and sound comes in many forms. In this dialogue with Sound Healing Summit host Alec Sims, Mona talks about how geometric design from your thoughts is sound and how strong coherence from the heart overtakes weak incoherence. Mona and Alec share how to shift your conscious thinking toward achieving your greatest goals, ways to recognize the power in sound without using words or specific frequencies, and how to know you are one with the Earth and the flow of life.


Changing Your Body Through Perception
Video Teaching From Mona Delfino

Experience Mona’s invaluable wisdom around the current pandemic of fear not just the virus. Learn how we must recognize the challenge in order to understand the lessons of our times. According to Mona, the world is now in a rest period. Her unique perspective on why the coronavirus is occurring now will teach you to recognize your own power within. As you’ll discover, you are the one who makes your own choices and you have the power to heal.


What Graduates of Mona’s Courses Are Saying...


Trinity Thomas: “Mona Really Has a Gift, and Really Is a Gift”

Marzia Aldrighetti: “Mona Has Really Profound Intuition and Insights”

“Mona has highlighted for me that... anything is possible in this quantum energy of life that we’ve been blessed with.”

Taking this course with Mona has opened me up to an ever-deepening of my self-healing practices. She has highlighted for me that we truly are our own healers and that anything is possible in this quantum energy of life that we’ve been blessed with.
Yuli, Western Australia

“Mona’s teachings... deepen our connection to the divinity of the world around us and to the divinity of our own essence.”

Mona’s teachings are profound. They deepen our connection to the divinity of the world around us and to the divinity of our own essence. The tools she gives us are tools for our ascension process, and they are so easily understood that they can be put to use immediately, regardless of where a person is on their spiritual path. I have a list of exercises and refer to them often to help me clear and shift my energies. Equally as important to me as the teachings of the class is the immense joy of spirit that Mona brings to each session and every person she dialogues with. Her frequency of joy is a gift and a healing in and of itself. Combined with her immense knowledge, it’s an unbeatable combination!

“... my intuition has just exploded in a good way...”

Since I started participating in this journey with Mona, I have found that my intuition has just exploded in a good way, my work with my clients has gone deeper, and greater outcomes for them have happened.
Denise Blackney

“... Mona explained things I have wondered about for years in such an easy and practical manner...”

I loved how Mona explained things I have wondered about for years in such an easy and practical manner and tied everything together beautifully. I feel so much lighter and more confident than I did before the class started. I also learned a lot from her help with the other participants. Mona is so fun, caring, and inspiring, and I look forward to having another class with her!
Erin, Woodlake, California

“... validated and solidified my trust in my inner knowledge.”

This course has validated and solidified my trust in my inner knowledge. I am resolved to take excellent care of myself and continue moving forward.
Cynthia, St. Simons Island, Georgia

“... healed some ongoing health conditions I have carried for a long time.”

This course was well beyond anything I ever expected. I have used the techniques Mona taught and have healed some ongoing health conditions I have carried for a long time. Mona’s enthusiasm made learning fun. I can hardly wait for her next course. I feel empowered and excited for all the things that are coming.
Susan Haller, Keedysville, Maryland

“... helped catapult me to a whole different level...”

Prior to taking this course, I was on my journey to gaining greater awareness, but this course helped catapult me to a whole different level, especially the toning, humming, etc. Such an amazing vibratory experience.
Susan, Penticton, British Columbia

“... practical know-how to enhance my life, wellbeing, health...”

I loved Mona’s teachings. She shared a multitude of wisdom and practical know-how to enhance my life, wellbeing, health... and empowered me to work with clients. I am so grateful!
Patricia Pattinama, Amsterdam, Netherlands

“... her work and teachings are pure and powerful...”

I love Mona! I have greatly benefitted from Mona's wonderful work for over four years. She is the "real deal" and knows absolutely how to use her many gifts for deep true healing. Her healing work has amazed me numerous times. I have referred numerous individuals to Mona for assistance if I feel they would benefit from her gifts, and they do. I feel her work and teachings are pure and powerful, and especially needed at this time. I am very grateful to know that Mona continues to be available to assist me and others for learning and healing into our own power as we move forward into our greater truths. And she is a lot of fun!  
Viveka Hanson, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Mona Delfino

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to practice mediumship as an extension of your innate intuitive powers.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Energetic Practices to Bring Heaven to Earth Bonus Collection
  • Spiritual Vision Board & Untapped Potential
    Video Interview With Mona Delfino and Gillian Shelley
  • Unearthing Authenticity
    Video Interview With Mona Delfino and Gillian Shelley
  • Energy Is Sound
    Video Dialogue With Mona Delfino and Alec Sims
  • Changing Your Body Through Perception
    Video Teaching From Mona Delfino

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Energetic Practices to Bring Heaven to Earth Online Training


We feel honored that Mona Delfino has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a tremendous opportunity to learn from a quantum healer, teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about uncovering your soul’s eternal energy and your natural connections to guides and helpers in other realms, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Energetic Practices to Bring Heaven to Earth or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before January 14, 2021 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Mona Delfino...

“If you are ready to explore and participate in your healing, then let Mona help guide you in finding the way.”

We have to open our minds and live by our experience in order to achieve our potential and to truly heal. If you are ready to explore and participate in your healing, then let Mona help guide you in finding the way.
Bernie Siegel, MD, Author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles

“... a path that... ultimately helps you reach enlightenment!”

To me, the greatest challenge has been understanding the illusion of all that we perceive as “reality.” Someday, all of us will reach that galactic stage of development and awareness. Meanwhile, Mona presents you with a path that should be exciting and ultimately helps you reach enlightenment!
Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, President of Holos Institutes of Health, Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine

“My ophthalmologist was stunned… no medical explanation for my cure.”

I am eternally grateful to Mona Delfino for her remarkable healing gifts. For seven years I have received monthly injections in my right eye to slow the incurable bleeding that eliminated my central vision, leaving only peripheral sight in that eye. After one distance-healing session with Mona, the bleeding in my eye completely stopped, and my central vision is returning! My ophthalmologist was stunned and stated there is no medical explanation for my cure. No medical explanation is required! Thank you, Mona.
Sher Safran, Co-founder of Share Wisdom Network

“I have taken a big leap in healing myself and stepping into the courage to... heal others and the Earth...”

Mona’s enthusiasm is contagious and priceless, and on top of this, she has an amazing talent for engaging, inspiring, and bringing her message through via her own experiences and stories. I love her passion and I have taken a big leap in healing myself and stepping into the courage to use my own healing gifts to heal others and the Earth, and loving myself just the way I am!
Sigrid, New South Wales, Australia

“My self-confidence and self-love have grown; I feel more joy.”

The practical tools we’ve been given by Mona Delfino helped shift and clear blockages on every level. My self-confidence and self-love have grown; I feel more joy. This makes it easier for deeper issues to surface and clear, something I always struggled with. This course was and is really life-changing.
Maria, Netherlands

“Everything became much more joyful, lighter, and so much more inspiring.”

Everything became much more joyful, lighter, and so much more inspiring. I really can live my life like I am in command.
Ilona, Austria


About Mona Delfino


Mona Delfino is an author and energy medicine practitioner of 40 years. She was born with shamanic abilities, learning her calling and helping people and animals heal from a very early age. Well-versed in spirituality and quantum healing, she teaches the Art of Alchemy: as within, so without. She has an extensive background in reading her clients from afar as well as seeing them in person; energy has no bounds. Her effective and deliberate work has helped heal thousands over the years.

Mona is able to provide insights into the big picture by reading the energy of humanity through astrological patterns as well as inside each individual. She’s the author of The Sacred Language of the Human Body and her newest book, The Body Awakens.

She offers individual healing sessions and conducts timely and relevant spiritual retreats. Current topics include The Spiritual Immune System, The Splendor of Surrender, and The Medicine Within.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
