With Worldwide Icon & Bestselling Western Chant Master
Krishna Das

A 5-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience Krishna Das’ guided devotional chanting, intimate reflections, and insights into the saints and great beings so you can bring them into your daily life… to ground and transform as you navigate this complex historical moment.

Recent years brought us a series of challenges that took us by surprise, disrupting our routines and daily lives.

In response, devotees all over the world are discovering (or re-discovering) a powerful philosophy for how to be with the world, yet not be destroyed by it… because they’re ready to deal with anything life brings.

You, too, can change the way you move through your day and walk through the world. You can feel grounded and strong, even when it feels like things are dissolving around you.

Devotional chanting is an exquisite spiritual path that leads to greater peace.

It equips you to meet everything that life brings with greater ease, resilience, compassion, and even love. It brings into focus a powerful truth that everything you want is completely available and possible.

World-renowned devotional chant master Krishna Das even says his chanting practice saves his life on a daily basis   and he’ll share how it can do the same for you.

Join us for a 5-module experiential course with Krishna Das (or, as his friends call him, KD) and learn to bring a consistent devotional chanting practice into your daily life so you can free yourself from the hold of negative thoughts about the world around you… and about yourself.

As KD guides you to chant, you’ll learn to focus (and then refocus, when you need to) your attention on the music and syllables as the suffering that comes from self-loathing begins to diminish.

As KD says, when it comes to devotional chanting, there are no secrets. You simply sing, and when you notice you haven't been paying attention, you come back and begin paying attention once again. Over time, you’ll train yourself to let go of the stories you tell yourself the ones that are full of thoughts that limit and hurt you, causing you to suffer.

You’ll become familiar with how it feels to simply be here, in a more open, accepting space. You’ll learn to release negative energy so you can transform.

KD will also share in-depth stories about experiences with his guru, Maharaj-ji someone who had, as KD says, become the whole Universe. KD will explain how the gift of Maharaj-ji’s presence, his teachings, and his mere being has helped KD grow spiritually mature over the last 50 years, even after Maharaj-ji left his body. And such energy can help you grow more spiritually mature too.

Join this dynamic and influential spiritual teacher and renowned global performing artist for five module and experience how devotional chanting can profoundly ground you, move you into a blissful state, and empower you to find your way through this complex moment in history.

In this transformative course, you’ll explore:

  • Guided chants that will deepen as you move through the course so you can take these teachings and practices with you into your daily life
  • The transformative gift of Maharaj-ji in KD’s life over the last 50 years, even after Maharaj-ji left his body
  • How to find the guru that’s already living within you
  • The great saints and the great beings and how and why their presence in the world has such a powerful impact on us today
  • How to begin from where you are, in the middle of the Path
  • How your personality, identity in the world, and inner emotional life are a result of your previous karma and who you’ll ultimately become is a result of the karma you create right now
  • Chanting the Names of God, a chanting practice to open your heart and quiet your mind
  • How the unity of mindfulness, devotion, and compassion can lead you to a oneness of love that transforms your daily life
  • Ways to cultivate your own daily devotional chanting practice to give you a higher perspective on your life and the world

Bestselling Author Anne Lamott: “Krishna Das’ Voice Feeds Me Delicious Holy Food”

Bestselling Author Andrew Harvey: “I Consider Krishna Das the Very Greatest Living Sacred Singer”

Bestselling Author Mirabai Starr: “Krishna Das Is Entwined With My Own Heart”

What You’ll Discover in These 5 Modules

In this 5-module transformational intensive, Krishna Das will guide you to bring devotional chanting into your daily life and learn to live each day in the presence of real love.

Guided Chants with Krishna Das

During each class you’ll recite the Hanuman Stavan, the invocatory prayer KD always shares to start off his kirtan (chanting). It’s a stotra (poetic prayer) in praise of the powers, deeds, and devotion of the divine being Lord Hanuman.

In each module, you’ll also participate in several chanting practices and techniques that will carry on and deepen as you move through the course so you can take these teachings and practices with you into your daily life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Krishna Das. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, as you experience weekly guided devotional chants, intimate reflections, and humanizing insights into the saints and great beings so you can bring them into your daily life.

Module 1: Doorway Into an Open Heart

In this opening module, KD will talk about the great saints and the great beings and how and why their presence in the world has such a powerful impact on us.

If there weren’t saints and great beings, we wouldn’t be here. According to KD, they’re always with you, running the show. Yet you can’t go looking for them. They must find you.

KD will guide you to contemplate the question, What does it mean to be a human being and what is possible for a human being to attain?

You’ll be introduced to spiritual practices and techniques that will carry on and deepen as you move through the five modules. When the course comes to a close, you’ll have teachings and practices to take with you and use in your daily life.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The meaning of the term “saint” as KD uses it in this course, and how it’s used differently depending on the context and time
  • The invocatory prayer KD always shares to start off his kirtan, the Hanuman Stavan a collection of stotras in praise of the powers, deeds and devotion of Lord Hanuman
  • Stories from KD about his gurus Neem Karoli Baba (NKB, or Maharaj-ji) and Sri Siddhi Ma, Shirdi Sai Baba, Ramana Maharshi, the Buddha, and others
  • Transformative wisdom from KD’s gurus, the great saints, and the great beings that you can bring into your daily life starting now
  • A guided call-and-response chant, Sri Ram Jai Ram, honoring Rama, who represents loyalty, responsibility, and the social and spiritual duties of the individual

Module 2: Living With the Guru

In this module, Krishna Das will share in-depth wisdom about his guru, NKB, Maharaj-ji.

He’ll explain how they met, his experiences living with Maharaj-ji in India, what he learned from Maharaj-ji, and what he learned from the older Indian devotees who surrounded Maharaj-ji.

KD will reflect on the gift of his guru’s presence in his life over the last 50 years, even after Maharaj-ji left the body.

He’ll also talk about how to find the guru that’s living within you (and everyone).

KD will explain that when you have a guru, you’ll understand that no matter what life brings, you have the choice to not live as a victim.

In every moment that arises, you can simply be present… and when you recognize the guru within you, you can develop the inner strength to navigate the now.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • The hopeful, calming, transformational force that KD experienced after his guru left the body
  • Vinaya Chalisa, a devotional prayer to the guru written by an Indian devotee and chanted regularly in Maharaj-ji’s temples
  • A return to the guided chant Hanuman Stavan
  • The 40 verses in praise of Neem Karoli Baba

Module 3: Beginning in the Middle Freeing Ourselves From Our Stories

What does it mean to begin in the middle?

In this module, KD will explain how to begin from where you are, in the middle of the Path, your Path.

He’ll share how you are who you are as a result of your previous karma it shapes your personality, your identity in the world, and your emotional life.

Who you’ll ultimately become is a result of the karma you manifest right now.

All that’s required is simplicity, sincerity, honesty, and the strength and courage to look at your “stuff” (self-loathing, doubt, and more) and release it, over and over and over again.

In the process, you'll become more familiar and more at ease with yourself.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The importance of what KD calls cleaning the mirror of the heart recognizing your current state and the challenges or blocks that keep you from living your best life
  • How the practice of grounding relates to devotional practices
  • Two simple Buddhist meditation practices that have great power to free you from negative emotions and bring you back from the dreamland where most people live
  • A return to the guided chant Hanuman Stavan
  • A guided meditation practice once taught by Dipa Ma an extraordinary Buddhist saint who lived in modern days and was a teacher of the first group of Western Buddhist teachers
  • A guided loving-kindness practice, also known as Metta

Module 4: Moving Within The Heart of the Matter

In this module, Krishna Das will guide you to explore moving within.

You’ll start by contemplating what the concept of within actually means.

KD will share the story of the Buddha recognizing his own innate joy, which led to his enlightenment. The Buddha later expressed this by calling his path the Middle Way.

KD will teach the practice of Chanting the Names of God which, as he’ll explain, are also the names of the Presence within you and within all of us.

These names are the sound of the surf of the Ocean of Love. They hold the power to help you find your way back to that ocean. As KD says, we don’t have to create or manufacture any emotions or feelings. All we have to do is remember.

You’ll consider how everyone has their own path to this ocean, but we all wind up in the same place.

KD calls Chanting the Names “the practice for this age,” a spiritual practice that will open your heart and quiet your mind.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to remind yourself of the richness of your natural state as you engage in spiritual practices
  • Why freeing yourself from constant obsessive thinking about yourself is so essential
  • Lessons we can all learn from Hanuman, a fully liberated being who lives only to serve the Love within, which he calls “Ram”
  • The Chanting the Names of God practice
  • A return to the guided chant Hanuman Stavan
  • Hanuman Chalisa, a practice to clean the mirror of the mind, purify the heart and free you from your subjective version of the world

Module 5: Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, Remember God

The path that I’m on is not the renunciate path. My path is to live fully in the world, the best way possible. Maharaj-ji said, “Love everyone. Serve everyone. Remember God.” He never told us to go live in the jungle.
Krishna Das

In this closing module, Krishna Das will discuss the unity of mindfulness, devotion, and compassion.

He’ll share the importance of these three qualities and how they can lead you to a oneness of love that transforms your daily life.

KD will guide you to revisit and summarize all the practices you’ve learned over the last four module. You’ll explore how to bring these spiritual practices into your daily life so you’ll feel empowered to continue growing.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What to expect as you incorporate these spiritual practices into your everyday life
  • Why your expectations can become an obstacle to your growth
  • How to recognize the subtle signs that you’re becoming a more conscious, compassionate being
  • A final journey through the guided chant Hanuman Stavan

The Hanuman, Maharaj-ji & You Bonus Collection

In addition to Krishna Das’ transformative 5-part virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, February 12, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Krishna Das: Live in New York City, Vol. 2
Video of Krishna Das in Performance

Filmed over two incredible nights of live chanting in November 2019, these 12 tracks display lyrics to help you chant along with KD and friends from wherever you are in the world. Enjoy a special rendition of “Ring Song” with the Dasettes Nina Rao, Janaki Kagel, Shyama Chapin and Ambika. You’ll also have access to a Backstage Pass Bonus Video with Krishna Das and the band!

Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, February 23, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Taos Hanuman
Audio Album From Krishna Das

Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Trevor Hall, Nina Rao, Govind Das & Radha, Raghu Markus, Salman & Habib, Shyama Chapin and Johhno Ryan all lent their beautiful voices and devotion to this album, which was created as a fundraiser for the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram & Hanuman Temple in Taos, New Mexico.

At the Threshold of the Divine: Hanuman’s Leap of Faith
50% Off a 7-Part Audio Series on Hanuman’s Greatest Adventures

This audio series featuring Krishna Das and Michael Sternfeld (executive producer of the Global Peace Initiative and CEO of Vedic Audio Knowledge) includes 40 excerpts from the poem “Valmiki Ramayana,” covering virtually everything Hanuman says, does and thinks in the great epic. Interwoven with these passages are introductory sections, commentary, story context, music and prayers from KD and Michael, creating a rich tapestry of experience and inspiration for all things Hanuman.

Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

Conversations With Krishna Das
Audio Workshop From Krishna Das

In this illuminating series, Krishna Das talks about today’s world and Maharaj-ji’s teachings. You’ll hear of great saints like Ramana Maharshi, reflections on practices to Hanumanji like Bajarang Baan, the role of dreams on our spiritual path, the arising of judgment in our spiritual path progress, all woven together with Krishna Das’ own experiences from his life on the Path. 

“So, in that sense, everything we do for ourselves, we're also doing for all other beings, because ultimately there are no other beings. We are all one. Maharaj-ji said this, over and over. ‘All one.’ There is only one, and we are the ‘cells of that body of one.’”

“Baba Hanuman” From Breath of the Heart Harmonium
Video Tutorial From Krishna Das

This mini video tutorial helps those who have some familiarity with playing music get that unique Krishna Das sound. Each video displays lyrics and chords as KD plays. This video tutorial can be downloaded to play offline and at your own pace. “Baba Hanuman,” a frequently requested chant, appears on KD’s albums Breath of the Heart, Live Ananda, and Chants of a Lifetime.

Om Shri Hanumate Namaha Mantra
Audio Chant From Krishna Das

Enjoy these 108 repetitions of Krishna Das chanting this mantra to Lord Hanuman. Use this recording to guide you through your Japa (mantra repetition practice). You can chant along with KD, repeating the mantra for a meditative repetition practice, simply listen during your sitting practice, or any method that works for you. Download the files and add it to your device listening library.

What Graduates of Krishna Das’ Courses Are Saying...

“Krishna Das has a wonderful way with words.”

Krishna Das has a wonderful way with words. His stories can be listened to over and over. I traveled with him virtually (in this course) to India as I listened to stories about the yogis, rishis, and saints. This course touched my heart. After listening to his stories, my spiritual practice has deepened. Thank you!
Dr. Denise Tarasuk

“This course helped put my life back on course after a long-lasting trauma that had embedded itself into my soul.”

This course helped put my life back on course after a long-lasting trauma that had embedded itself into my soul. I hadn’t chanted or even sung much in years; my voice didn’t seem to even work anymore. With Krishna Das’ chants and candid stories and with the presence of Neem Karoli Baba throughout it all, something began to change inside of me. The negative mental tapes and emotional chaos of the PTSD started to quiet and my heart became more open and receptive again. Thank you, Krishna Das! Namaste!
Linda, Creston, California

“Krishna Das and The Shift Network have opened the door to deepening my understanding of chanting and learning tools to enrich my spiritual life.”

Krishna Das and The Shift Network have opened the door to deepening my understanding of chanting and learning tools to enrich my spiritual life. I appreciate the ease of the course construction and keeping the recordings available with no cut-off date.
J.B., Washington State

“Krishna Das is an inspired, wise, heart-open, and deeply honest teacher.”

Krishna Das is an inspired, wise, heart-open, and deeply honest teacher. His stories revealed a whole world of heart-realized beings and opened my heart wide. I loved learning the chants and mantras, and have begun my own practice. I didn’t want his course to end!
Ariel, New York

“The energy was wonderful, Krishna Das was wonderful, and so was everyone involved.”

I have immense gratitude for the opportunity to take this course. The energy was wonderful, Krishna Das was wonderful, and so was everyone involved. I don’t feel that attempting to describe what the course did for me can capture what it actually has done and will continue to do in my life. In short, heart-opening moments, wisdom to take forward, and lots of joy for having participated.
Morgan, Bloomington, Indiana

“I remember lying in bed listening to KD singing the Arti, and my heart opened and every note was like energetic power pouring into my veins.”

It’s important for me to share how significant this course has been for me. I have a severe liver disease and I was hospitalized in the last two weeks. I got to the hospital with no coagulability whatsoever, and everyone was amazed how and where I found the strength to be until the hospitalization. I remember lying in bed listening to KD singing the Arti, and my heart opened and every note was like energetic power pouring into my veins. I felt it like an enormous drum that lets the healing lights in. I brought the chant lyrics with me to the hospital, and in the first week the doctors didn’t want me getting up on my own and moving at all. However, I chanted both out loud and silently, and I wrote the lyrics of Mere Gurudev and chanted and chanted and had the energy to get up and take care of myself.
Ronny Sokolov, Israel

“It has brought more peace into my heart.”

This course with Krishna Das has deepened my understanding of the importance of chanting and has encouraged me to do more chanting on my own when I walk or even as I go about my day. It has brought more peace into my heart.
Monique, North Brunswick, New Jersey

“It was a privilege to spend time with a wonderful, inspiring, and generous teacher like Krishna Das.”

This experience was very special and meaningful. It helped me discover a new path and a greater connection to myself. It was a privilege to spend time with a wonderful, inspiring, and generous teacher like Krishna Das. I really appreciated his honesty and sense of humor and how he made everybody feel welcome. Chanting with him opened up my soul and heart. I would recommend this course to anyone and I would definitely take another course with him and The Shift Network. Thank you!
Natalia, Mexico City, Mexico

“Chanting and listening to KD’s stories of the divine beings got me through some difficult times…”

Through this course, I grew in my connection and love for Ram Dass, Maharaj-ji, and Krishna Das. Chanting and listening to KD’s stories of the divine beings got me through some difficult times, helped my heart expand and grow, and connected me to precious practices and community! I feel very grateful!
Kristin VL, Grand Rapids, Michigan

“Krishna Das is a true inspiration for living the heart path.”

I am experiencing a deeper connection to life than I thought possible. My mindset is shifting and I have a greater experience of peace every day. The support I received during the duration of this course has been amazing. Krishna Das is a true inspiration for living the heart path.
Jenna, Dublin, Ireland

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Five 90-Minute Class Sessions With Krishna Das

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master Krishna Das from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to experience guided devotional chants, intimate reflections, and humanizing insights into the saints and great beings so you can bring them into your daily life.

Five Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Hanuman, Maharaj-ji & You Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, February 12, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Krishna Das: Live in New York City, Vol. 2
    Video of Krishna Das in Performance

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, February 23, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Taos Hanuman
    Audio Album From Krishna Das
  • At the Threshold of the Divine: Hanuman’s Leap of Faith
    50% Off a 7-Part Audio Series on Hanuman’s Greatest Adventures

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Conversations With Krishna Das
    Audio Workshop From Krishna Das
  • “Baba Hanuman” From Breath of the Heart Harmonium
    Video Tutorial From Krishna Das
  • Om Shri Hanumate Namaha Mantra
    Audio Chant From Krishna Das

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Hanuman, Maharaj-ji & You Online Training

We feel honored that Krishna Das has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about weaving devotional chanting into your daily life and living in the presence of real love, then you owe it to yourself, your beloved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Hanuman, Maharaj-ji & You or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Krishna Das...

“[Krishna Das’] heartsongs open the channels to God.”

Krishna Das is an example of someone whose heartsongs open the channels to God.
Ram Dass, bestselling author and spiritual icon

“... chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift...”

I’ve met many people who regularly turn to Krishna Das’ chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift, and for the sheer joy of recalling the power of love. I’m just like that too.”
Sharon Salzberg, world-renowned teacher and New York Times bestselling author

“... a voice that could move a mountain to dance.”

A fun, yet serious man with a voice that could move a mountain to dance.
Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal

“I feel like I’m... home.”

The music begins and, five seconds later, I feel like I’m... home.
Jesse Kornbluth, writer and editor of HeadButler.com

“Krishna Das put sacred Sanskrit mantras on the music map.”

Hailed as yoga’s rock star, Krishna Das put sacred Sanskrit mantras on the music map.
Alan di Perna, music historian, author, and journalist

“A living treasury of traditional kirtan.”

Krishna Das is immersed in the traditional kirtan lineage. He became a kirtan singer simply because of his devotion to his guru. Plus his voice is extraordinarily rich and full. I recommend potential students to work with him, because he’s the real deal. A living treasury of traditional kirtan.
Lama Tsultrim Allione, the first Westerner to be ordained as a nun by HH Karmapa 16, and author of Women of Wisdom, Feeding Your Demons, and Wisdom Rising

“... learning with Krishna Das is always a deep, heart-transforming experience.”

Working with and learning with Krishna Das is always a deep, heart-transforming experience. He is a treasure. His tender, loving, and all-too-human stories, his hard-won wisdom, his beautiful music and courageous devotion have continually invited me to open my own heart and live in a greater sense of mystery, grace, and love.
Jack Kornfield, PhD, Buddhist practitioner, co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and author of several bestselling books

“He’s a real guy with real wisdom to share...”

KD is the perfect mix of insightful and funny, deep and accessible, kind and grumpy. He’s a real guy with real wisdom to share and a beautiful warmth that shines through in his music and his message. If you’re looking for an alternative to woo-woo love-and-lighters in thin, white robes telling you everything is sunshine and lollipops, KD is your man.
Pete Holmes, comedian, actor, writer, producer, and podcaster

“Any student who is called to work with Krishna Das is most fortunate...”

I’ve taught retreats with Krishna Das for years now; he is one of the most unfailingly generous and quietly talented colleagues and friends I know. He dips freely into a wellspring of steadily reliable spiritual and musical creativity that is rare in this world. Krishna Das also has the gift of being able to communicate that inspiration in his art so that we too can taste it and join him, singing our intense love of God and each other. Drawing on music from East and West, Krishna Das weaves stories from his lived experience of a path of growth in wisdom and understanding. Any student who is called to work with Krishna Das is most fortunate, for they will be learning from an accomplished artist and humble spiritual teacher willing to share the auspicious legacy of a lifetime of devotion.
Trudy Goodman, Vipassana teacher in the Theravada lineage, and the founding teacher of InsightLA

“His kirtans... are haunting and hypnotic.”

His kirtans, chanted in the ancient Sanskrit language, are haunting and hypnotic.
The Washington Post

“[Krishna Das is] the Chant Master of American Yoga.”

The New York Times

About Krishna Das

Layering traditional kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called “yoga’s rock star.” With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD has taken call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the bestselling Western chant artist of all time. His album Live Ananda (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.

KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass. In August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to devotees as Maharaj-ji. Given the name Krishna Das, KD began to chant as part of following the path of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion.

He took solace in music, finding peace and strength in his Bhakti yoga practice, as well as in such heroes as Ray Charles, Van Morrison, Steely Dan, and Bruce Springsteen (whom he laughingly calls “the Bodhisattva of New Jersey”). KD also co-founded Triloka Records, a California-based label specializing in world music, releasing such artists as Jai Uttal, sarod virtuoso Ali Akbar Khan, and legendary jazz musician/composer Jackie McLean.

In 1994, KD started to lead chanting at Jivamukti Yoga Center, NYC with an ever-growing audience of yoga students that has led him to chant with people all around the world. In February 2013, Krishna Das performed at the Grammy awards in Los Angeles, which was streamed online to millions of viewers. The award-winning film One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das, which has been shown in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 10 countries, is available on DVD everywhere.

KD’s 16th album, Peace of My Heart, released in October 2018 on behalf of the Kirtan Wallah Foundation, offers nearly two hours of deeply moving, meditative, and artfully restrained recordings born out of a request from a yoga teacher who works with autistic children. Forgoing the ecstatic tempo changes so common to temple-style kirtan, these five tracks move slowly and deliberately. The song-to-song steadiness is both striking and soothing, and as emotionally impactful as ever.

“The chanting just hits you and you want to be a part of it,” KD promises.

“That’s the point of this whole thing. That’s what cuts through all the ‘stuff.’ You get lit up. You don’t have to know what it means.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.

Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is March 9, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Hanuman, Maharaj-ji & You
Krishna Das