With Internationally Renowned Author,
Speaker, and Intuitive Healer
Cyndi Dale

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Get unstuck as you use your own healing powers to shift destructive and constructive forces, make changes in your life with the Power Pathway and free your healing energies so you can manifest what you desire most.


What if transformative levels of healing and manifestation could not only change your life but you could implement them quickly and permanently?

Right this moment, you hold within you potent energetic forces that can help you create the changes you want most quickly and continually.

You can access these forces with the assistance of light rays, your intuition, electromagnetic scalar waves, the healing energies of spirit allies, and more.

The skills you need to create true change are more attainable than you might think. It all begins with learning to work with the forces within you and the energetic powers around you.

Join us for a powerful 7-module course with preeminent intuitive and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale as you clear stuck forces and realign misguided ones to create a harmonious energetic balance that enables you to heal and move forward in your life so you can live a life full of the things you desire.

You’ll learn how the generative and degenerative polarity forces within you affect your physical and emotional health and life.

You’ll delve into the Power Pathway, a level of reality through which you can access the same forces, beings, and abilities that were acclaimed during ancient times, to access transformative powers and the flow of unconditional love within you to bring about the life changes you most desire.

Few people realize that the Power Pathway exists yet it’s essential for making changes in your life.

Cyndi, a natural intuitive since childhood, is known for her ability to perceive what’s blocking others from opening to their unique powers, perspectives, and healing gifts. She is a globally recognized authority in the field of subtle energy and energy work and has worked with over 70,000 students and clients.

She’s known for connecting heaven and earth, approaching healing and manifestation from the perspective that we live in two universes absolute and normal reality at the same time. Cyndi will show you how to combine the powerful healing energies of both realities.

Cyndi is beloved for her ability to break down complex concepts into practices you can easily understand and apply to your daily life. She’ll be there to support and guide you every step of the way.


During this self-empowering course with Cyndi, you’ll discover:

  • How to renew powerful energetic forces within you and access empowering invisible pathways around you for fast and profound healing and manifestation
  • The same Power Pathway used by the ancients and shamans for swift, potent, and continual change in every part of your life
  • The 4 pathways of reality, and why accessing the Power Pathway guarantees the most effective, quick, and potent change, setting you up for continual healing and manifestation
  • The role of degenerative and generative forces on the Power Pathway for creating healing of every kind including physical, financial, and relational and for manifesting or attracting desires
  • Quick ways to use these forces to program substances and ingredients to support transformation
  • The vital job your energy field plays in manifesting your desires
  • Exploration of the dream-self and dreamtime featured in many cultures, and instruction on the importance of linking with both
  • The backside chakras and how to stream the virtues through them to perform healing for all concerns, including the alteration of subconscious beliefs
  • How to apply virtues for the manifestation of deep desires and to claim instant assistance when needed
  • The rays of personal mastery, along with their chakra-based entry and exit points
  • The rays of higher consciousness, along with their chakra-based entry and exit points for rapid enlightenment
  • How to connect with a Power Pathway Higher Being to gain insight and hands-on help and the role played by the Imaginal Realms for making the connection

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Cyndi will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to amplify energy fields using rays, forces, virtues, and spirit allies for greater fulfillment, vitality, and joy.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access your Power Pathway and energy medicine tools for exponential healing.

Module 1: The Hidden Pathway of Power The Key to Exponential Acceleration


Are you ready to access powers far greater than you’ve ever imagined?

In this first module, you’ll encounter a level of reality through which you can access the same forces, beings, and abilities that were acclaimed during ancient times. This is the Power Pathwa y, and few individuals still know of its existence but it is the key to simple and intense change for all types of issues, great and small.

Cyndi will also share an overview of the most vital energy tools you’ll need to negotiate on this empowering pathway, including spirit-to-spirit and absolute scalar waves (also called healing streams of grace) for performing analysis and dynamic change.

You’ll also glean an overview of the four forms of intuition available for receiving insights and interacting with pathway forces and the 12 chakras and their structural factors, vital keys for enabling diagnosis and effective transformation.

In this opening module, you’ll discover:

  • The 4 pathways of reality, and why accessing the Power Pathway guarantees the most effective, swift, and potent change, setting you up for continual healing and manifesting
  • The Higher Beings you can call on for assistance
  • An overview of your 3 main Power Pathway “polarity” forces degenerative and generative forces, the virtues, and the rays
  • How to lay the energetic groundwork for personal transformation
  • A guided meditation and a demonstration to assist you as you embrace this dynamic opportunity of the 7 modules.
  • Extra handouts and materials to accelerate your self-healing journey

Module 2: Getting Unstuck Shift Degenerative & Generative Forces to Free Your Healing Energies


Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough money, life energy, love, or self-esteem? It’s likely a result of degenerative forces locked into their related chakra(s).

Afflicted with allergies, low self-worth, unhealthy relationships, or just plain bad luck? Generative forces may be empowering these problems, or any other.

As Cyndi will explain, degenerative forces destroy, while generative forces create.

If you’re stuck, it’s most likely because these Power Pathway “polarity” forces aren’t in the right place. If no amount of effort has brought resolution, you must seek out and release injurious forces, then plant the healthy needed ones.

Cyndi will share how to free yourself from deeply entrenched problems through these powerful forces.

In this module you’ll explore:

  • An explanation of degenerative versus generative forces as found on the Power Pathway
  • Examples of how these forces, if misplaced, lock you into patterns and problems you want to release but can’t heal
  • Ways to find degenerative or generative forces that are in the wrong place, including use of a hands-on assessment, chakra tracking, and a guided meditation
  • Simple tools for using these polarity forces to boost the effectiveness of healing supplements and medications
  • Guided meditation and demonstration to find and plant needed forces, and handouts to strengthen your Power Pathway healing muscles

Module 3: Actualizing Your Desires Through the Right Placement of Degenerative & Generative Forces With the Help of Higher Beings on the Power Pathway


Unactualized dreams lie deep within you.

Cyndi will explain how to awaken these dreams and give them wings to fly through the correct use of degenerative and generative forces in your energy field.

First, Cyndi will help you understand and embrace your dream-self that holds your most vibrant wishes. She’ll then guide you to enter the state of dreamtime to assess the current placement of degenerative and generative forces in your energy field.

Linking with the Higher Beings of the Power Pathway, you’ll invite the movement of the Power Pathway “polarity” forces to usher in miraculous support and momentum.

Cyndi will also touch on the idea of a Lost Chord. By energetically activating this, you attune your energy field to your innermost desires.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The role of degenerative and generative forces on the Power Pathway for manifesting or attracting desires
  • The vital job your energy field plays in manifesting your desires
  • Exploration of the dream-self and dreamtime featured in many cultures, and instruction on the importance of linking with both
  • A guided meditation to clarify one of your most authentic dreams, access encouraging Higher Beings, and perform force-shifting in the dreamtime space
  • How to use generative forces to program substances, stones, and amulets to support your desires
  • A demonstration and support materials to continue incredible manifesting in real life
  • A final guided exercise to activate the Lost Chord

Module 4: Streaming the Virtues to Change Subconscious Programs & Heal All Types of Blocks


Spiritual traditions around the world tap into the virtues to enable healing.

Also called spiritual qualities and the names of God, the virtues are beams of consciousness that can radically release all natures of blocks physical, psychological, and spiritual.

Cyndi will explain the high-level change provided by streaming virtues like Faith, Charity, Hope, and Love through the backside chakras, which hold our subconscious programs.

Virtues are singularly able to transform our negatively charged foundational programs, thus altering our everyday lives. They’re useful for everything from being comfortable giving speeches to clearing blocks in the way of physical balance.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Participate in a guided discussion about the virtues and the various ways they’re applied in different cultures for healing purposes
  • Investigate the backside chakras and how to stream the virtues through them
  • Explore methods for selecting which chakra(s) to operate through
  • Move through a guided meditation to employ a virtue (and a Higher Being called a Virtue) for your own personal reason
  • Watch a demonstration that illustrates the ease of applying virtues for concerns big and small, and receive handouts to support the effective use of this Power Pathway specialty

Module 5: Empower Every Life Activity & Manifest More Easily With the Virtues & the Higher Beings of the Power Pathway


Do you have a hard time accepting love, making decisions, or getting and remaining healthy? Do you feel like negative energies from entities or other people get you down?

Cyndi will explain how streaming virtues through the backside chakras empowers very real-life endeavors especially when applying the Arabic model of the Imaginal Realms to link with a Higher Being on the Power Pathway.

By employing this model, you’ll connect with the perfect guide to help you bring a virtue into the backside chakra that will address your current need. From there, you’ll emanate that virtue throughout your energy field and attract even more manifestation assistance.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to understand the virtues as a means for manifestation
  • A presentation of the Arabic model of the Imaginal Realms, with teachings on how to connect with a Power Pathway Higher Being to gain insight and hands-on help
  • Acceptance of one or more virtues through a backside chakra for dissemination throughout your energy field
  • A guided meditation and demonstration during class, as well as handouts so you can use the virtues to perform all types of manifestation anytime

Module 6: The Rays of Personal Mastery to Boost Your Wellbeing


Amazing rays of light are available through the Power Pathway, linking you with very specific and conscious energies.

Cyndi will share how three of the six rays are personal and help you actualize concrete needs including mental and emotional health as well as spot-on spiritual guidance.

During this exciting session, Cyndi will first describe the six major horizontal rays accessed fields of energy that allow you to directly impact your own wellbeing.

As you’ll discover, all rays enter through a frontside chakra and exit through a backside chakra and the personal Rays of Will, Kindness, and Intelligence can help you formulate the future by transforming your past.

Cyndi will also guide you to bring your desired future into the present through these constructs.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The true definition of the rays as streams of higher energies, available to everyone
  • The first 3 rays: Will, Kindness, and Intelligence, along with their chakra-based entry and exit points
  • The various reasons you might access and activate each of the rays to bolster the best possible future and glean only goodness from your history, and more
  • How rays are being delivered with the assistance of Higher Beings on the Power Pathway
  • A guided meditation and demonstration on the first 3 rays, with handouts to supplement what you learn in class

Module 7: The Rays of Universal Enlightenment Linking You With The All


In this closing session, Cyndi will walk you through the second set of rays and explain how they catalyze profound change and wisdom through their universal qualities.

You’ll learn how each ray is distinct and illuminates a higher idea. When streamed through the correlated chakras, these three rays bond us with The All for amazing benefits for ourselves, our loved ones, and the world.

Through the Ray of Unity, you can dissolve the illusion of separateness to enjoy the fruits of connectivity.

With the Ray of Knowledge, you can receive information about self and others on an as-needed basis.

The Ray of Idealism can help you fully serve your spiritual purpose in the universe.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Study the distinctive attributes of the 3 higher rays, their entrance and exit points, and how they connect you to greater sources of wisdom and joy
  • Walk through a guided meditation and demonstration to activate the 3 universal rays within yourself and experience their gifts
  • Understand the self as a sort of Higher Being, able to direct rays for goodness and the miraculous
  • Participate in a final meditation an introduction to the Seventh Ray (which isn’t technically a ray at all), the awareness that arises when you realize you’re always within the Divine Source
  • Enjoy post-class handouts so you can continue your journey of power and enlightenment

The Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Bonus Collection

In addition to Cyndi’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


The Higher Beings on the Power Pathway
Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale

We exist in four levels of reality, which Cyndi calls pathways. Based on an upcoming book, Advanced Chakra Healing, this video teaching gives you even more insight into the Power Pathway. Creating change on this pathway produces the fastest and most powerful effects and available to assist are several beings unique to this pathway. You’ll learn more about the virtues, absolutes, and muses.


The Subtle-Body Food Course
Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale

For many of us, our relationship with food is challenging. We often don’t understand the subtle energetics involved in food issues, which include the penetration of energetic forces and the way they carry in subtle energies that become associated with particular foodstuffs. Based on a full-day workshop, this teaching explains the biological and subtle energies related to food and provides stopping points for healing and reflection.


Spiritual Gifts in Each Chakra
12-Part Audio Program From Cyndi Dale

Each of the 12 chakras reflects a different intuitive or spiritual gift. Understanding the latent abilities in each chakra is key to embracing the powers needed to gain spiritual guidance and also perform healing and manifesting. In this audio program, you’ll gain insights into all 12 chakras and techniques to help you engage with them. Most of us have a primary chakra through which we can access incredible power and Cyndi will share how to use that particular aptitude, or all of them.


What Graduates of Cyndi’s Courses Are Saying...


Arne Heissel: “I'm Now Living an Authentic Life”

Carol LaSota Rouffau: “I Feel Very Empowered After Taking Cyndi’s Classes”

Tonya Dee: “My Heart Resonates With Everything Cyndi Brings to the Table”

Jonianne Jeannette: “Cyndi Shines Through With Such Clarity and Divinity”

Ofer Niv: “With Everything That Cyndi Knows, She Is Extremely Humble”

Jill Sonnek: “Through Cyndi's Methods, We Were Able to Completely Change My Son's Behavior and Personality”

“This course took me on a new learning journey, led by a gracious, extremely knowledgeable, down-to-earth teacher...”

This course took me on a new learning journey, led by a gracious, extremely knowledgeable, down-to-earth teacher, supported by a loving and caring group of fellow students, and in the end, I obtained a new energy medicine toolkit and discovered the road of my soul’s mission.
Kathleen, Brighton, Iowa

“I so appreciate the practical approach to energy work that Cyndi presents nothing woo-woo about it.”

The material in the course has helped me move through entrenched patterns and places that felt blocked. This work is a perfect compliment to forms of body work I’m studying. The timing of this course coalesced information and practices on moving beyond duality consciousness from other teachers in prior years. I so appreciate the practical approach to energy work that Cyndi presents nothing woo-woo about it.
Susie Sample, Portland, Oregon

“... learning and practicing with her directly has a much greater impact!”

I enjoyed learning more about Cyndi’s work and having an opportunity to learn from her directly. I have read several of her books and reading and imagining how it’s done is one thing; learning and practicing with her directly has a much greater impact! I feel more open and free in my energy field than I was at the beginning of the course.
Denise, Burbank, California

“Her courses and books are essential to those on a spiritual path.”

I am so grateful to Cyndi Dale for her immeasurable knowledge, unique teachings, caring spirit, and amazing spiritual gifts to help others. Her courses and books are essential to those on a spiritual path. An experience of a lifetime and beyond.
Karen, Connecticut

“I highly recommend this course to everyone who wants to expand on energy medicine with this extraordinary and certainly one-of-a-kind teacher!”

I loved this advanced course with Cyndi! Her vast knowledge and wisdom from so many different healing modalities that she elegantly morphs into her very own tools of energy healing are so very fascinating. During the course we were provided with a large toolkit for energy work and were introduced to lots of ways to approach healing different issues. I use the tools daily on myself and my family and have integrated techniques into my work with clients too. I highly recommend this course to everyone who wants to expand on energy medicine with this extraordinary and certainly one-of-a-kind teacher!
Caroline, Stockholm, Sweden

“I’ve leaped forward in my personal growth as a result!”

Taking this course with Cyndi Dale not only expanded my knowledge of energy medicine, it had the added benefit for me of being a weekly community healing session. I’ve leaped forward in my personal growth as a result! Cyndi is a knowledgeable, sincere, and deeply compassionate teacher who leads her students with skill, humor, and grace. Highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to grow their energy medicine skills and knowledge to the next level.
Cristine, Seattle, Washington

“It was the most insightful experience, and it has changed my life already.”

It was the most insightful experience, and it has changed my life already. I’m very happy that I now have the tools to work with energy for the benefit of myself and others. The course was also a humbling experience I learnt the importance of asking. It was a big relief to realise that I’m not alone in the pursuit of changing the world, and that there are other beings who are here to help me. I feel so much gratitude and love for Cyndi Dale.
Katrin, Estonia

“Cyndi’s knowledge, compassion, and enthusiasm are infectious and a joy to experience.”

I am so grateful to have been part of this course. The invaluable learnings and transformation of my awareness to what’s possible and available to us through healing abilities that we all can access has really excited me. Cyndi’s knowledge, compassion, and enthusiasm are infectious and a joy to experience. I also feel welcome and valued by all the people I have been lucky to have interacted with during the course, and I love the sense of community within the course and the Facebook community. I am so happy that I happened to stumble across this course, and would highly recommend this experience.
Robyn, Victoria, Australia

“If you want to hone your craft, you learn from the best.”

Cyndi Dale, in my opinion, is the absolute best in the field of energy medicine. If you want to hone your craft, you learn from the best. The Shift Network provides a top-notch learning experience. Pair the two and you’ve got perfection.
Raya Elyse Bencivenga, Fort McMurray, Canada

“Everything resonated and it was like coming home to myself.”

Just WOW! I’ve never completed a course that was aligned with who I am. Everything resonated and it was like coming home to myself. Cyndi is incredible and gives so much information in all different formats. The class group was incredible, I learned a lot from the other participants, and The Shift Network was great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Julie-Anne, Brisbane, Australia


Join the Global Community


Access Your Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Tools for Exponential Healing offers some of the most advanced online teachings available within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Cyndi Dale will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Cyndi Dale

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from internationally renowned author, speaker, and intuitive healer Cyndi Dale from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to get unstuck as you use your own healing powers to shift destructive and constructive forces, make changes in your life with the Power Pathway and free your healing energies so you can manifest what you desire most.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Bonus Collection
  • The Higher Beings on the Power Pathway
    Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale
  • The Subtle-Body Food Course
    Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale
  • Spiritual Gifts in Each Chakra
    12-Part Audio Program From Cyndi Dale

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Access Your Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Tools for Exponential Healing Online Training


We feel honored that Cyndi Dale has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned author, speaker, and intuitive healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about amplifying energy fields using rays, forces, virtues, and spirit allies for greater fulfillment, vitality, and joy, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Access Your Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Tools for Exponential Healing or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Cyndi Dale...

“Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive...”

Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive who teaches, coaches, and advises people with the intention of supporting them as they move toward positive change and healing.
Alanis Morrisette, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter

“An extraordinary body of work.”

An extraordinary body of work. The Subtle Body belongs in the library of every truly conscious person on the planet.
― Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“... a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale has accomplished something that I haven’t yet seen done by any other author for this genre. She masterfully presents a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine from ancient times through now. This is one of the most understandable explanations of how energy medicine therapies work that I have ever read.
― Cynthia Hutchison, director of the Healing Touch Program

“Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine ― she takes the reader to the leading edge of this emerging, exciting field with her brilliant insight and intuition. This is the perfect encyclopedic guide to harnessing the energetic wisdom of both ancient and modern traditions in a hands-on way. Everyone ― patients and practitioners ― would benefit by having this book on their shelves for reference and for everyday living.
― Deanna Minich, PhD, health expert and author of Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

“... offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing.”

Spiritual scholar Dale (The Subtle Body) offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing. There’s a cornucopia of healing modalities and practices, she explains, ranging from Eastern and Western medicine to field-based healing and bodywork... Written in a clear and compassionate yet businesslike tone, this work will be a go-to guide for anyone considering energy healing as a vocation or avocation.
Publishers Weekly


About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive healer, and business consultant. Her groundbreaking books on chakras and intuition include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy... Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness... Energy Wellness for Your Pet... Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras... and Awaken Clairvoyant Energy.

Cyndi, who’s been a natural intuitive since she was young, works worldwide as an intuitive coach and energy healer, serving thousands of individuals seeking to make healthy and positive changes in their lives. She is passionate about helping people open their “essential energy”   the powers and perspectives unique to them and believes that once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of and beyond the world.

Seeking to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples, Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, and Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and Africa. Her training, which encompasses shamanism and healing, has taken her to the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rican jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, and the glaciers of Iceland.

Her two favorite programs to lead are her Apprenticeship Program, a 9-month exploration of intuitive and healing powers; and The Subtle Body Certificate Program, which is led through Normandale College in Bloomington, Minnesota. 


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
